Roulette World

v4 Chapter 2333: Return


Husky shouted out of sight, his attitude was good, and he could not see at all that this man was also the king in Europe before he went to heaven.

"I have sent a message to the following people. They will definitely cooperate with the great journey of Genting. If there is no cooperation, you can tell the people in Genting to kill them. The organization I established is the same."

For Yunding Mountain Villa opened the European Raiders Ye Zhongming and Husky passed the gas, this one does not care at all, because his wife and children will come from the earth on the next day, other people are not within his consideration.

"Are you sure? I mean novice battlefield, if not, I can connect them through other channels."

One of Ye Zhongming’s admission volumes was assigned to Husky. If this guy felt it was dangerous to let his own wife and children participate in the novice battlefield, then Ye Zhongming would sneak them up, although it would cost a lot, after all Going to the outer space of the earth takes time, not to mention that the capital consumption is enormous.

Husky thought about it and finally shook his head: "No, let them experience the wind and rain, otherwise it will be difficult to live on it."

"Furthermore, isn't it still your boss who takes care of you?" Husky was already flattered when he said this.

Ye Zhongming nodded. That's fine. At least after the baptism of the novice battlefield, he will have two more mature and reliable available people.

He sat quietly on the side and looked at them with a smile.

"This time I will give you two tasks. The first one is to use the relationships you have built to collect materials. The funds are here."

With that said, Ye Zhongming handed Husky a piece of space equipment and said, "There are 20 million monthly pensions, 15 million of which you go to buy the materials on the list, and the other 5 million. Go and buy the second half of the list."

Along with the space equipment, there is also a storage card, Husky took it, with a solemn expression on his face.

He knew that under normal circumstances Ye Zhongming would never buy so many materials. This handwriting was too big, and the value created would exceed Husky's imagination.

He felt that the boss was going to do a big thing.

"Find more channels and try not to attract the attention of others. If necessary, you can find an agent. It is better to spend a little more money and be safe."

Ye Zhongming urged.

"If you have a trustworthy trade organization or shop, you can get a proper loan from them and pay them a certain interest to get more materials. This amount can be within 10 million months of pension, and the interest can be up to 30%. ."

If Husky just knew that the boss was going to be big, he was already scared.

If everything goes well, that is to say, Ye Zhongming wants to buy 30 million months old materials! For this reason, we will not hesitate to pay a high price!

What do you need to do for so much money? !

"At the same time of purchase and acquisition, continue to stabilize the previous shipping channel and open up new shipping channels, the price can be lower, but you must ensure that you get the remittance in the first time, and it must be reliable. The radish and the stick are parallel. Someone wanted to tell me the first time, no matter what race he is, he should hang his body at the door of his house in the shortest time, so that everyone knows that our money is not enough."

"When you can't solve it yourself, you can use the contact information I gave you."

Ye Zhongming said the true colors, Husky listened carefully, and remembered every word in his heart.

"Right, let you make evolutionary potions?" Ye Zhongming asked.

"I'm ready, I have given it to Xiao Min."

Husky did not forget this.

"Well, your task is for the time being. Take this mask and let me pass it on to you later. It will make you safer and your identity more concealed."

Ye Zhongming gave Husky a silver mask, which was specially made by him, and the principle came from the bronze long mask he obtained, which is the highest mask manufacturing level he can reach at present, and its function is much better than it has appeared on earth. Kind of special mask.

It is just because the materials of this mask are exquisite, and several materials are not easy to obtain, so they cannot be mass produced.

Husky went out with a mask.

"My tribe is very grateful to you. Here, we can finally live a normal life." He saw Ye Zhongming's eyes falling on her face and said with a smile.

"I also want to thank you. Your pharmacy and the auxiliary and medical care of several battles have played an extremely important role."

"Let's not be as polite as the [tick novel], as if it was the first time we met." He Zhongye passed a document with a smile.

"This is now my family's home, including Husky's back from our various sites, as well as our inventory and recently refined."

Ye Zhongming looked at this list of projects with more than fifty pages, and said that it would be nice if the partners are all like this. Don't worry, don't worry, it's really wholehearted to you.

Finally Ye Zhongming glanced at the number of Changxu Shui tribes now in the manor, which had exceeded 1,000.

This is a number that surprised him.

According to Ye Zhongming, the progress of buying Changxu aquatic slaves in various races and trade institutions is average. Even if Ye Zhongming gave sufficient funds, there are not too many races willing to sell, usually paying a very high price or using Only very high-level equipment exchange is required, of course, it takes a little luck.

And not all Changxu Shui people are willing to return to their clan. Many of them are used to other races and even have their own families.

In addition, some of the originally returned tribes also left for various reasons, and this is also quite helpless for the people who have respected the other tribes.

Although the process was not smooth, Ye Zhongming also knew what this number meant.

A thousand pharmacy masters, a thousand full-time medical professionals, a thousand defense assistants!

When this is taken out, the super clan will also have to break the head.

Fortunately, the Hallstars have no control of themselves for the time being. After all, they have other things to be busy. They also think that there are at most dozens of Changxu Shui people in their hands, and other races are not very concerned about this.

There is no chance to test the role of these people during the battle, but just by looking at the number of newly manufactured drugs, you can feel what kind of power this is.

Up to now, they have produced more than 100,000 drugs from the first to the sixth rotation, thousands of rare drugs at the fourth and above, and dozens of drugs at the sixth rotation.

Although the materials for these things are provided by Ye Zhongming, and consumption and failure are inevitable in the manufacturing process, but Ye Zhongming simply calculated, the value of these drugs compared with the cost he paid, at least three Times the relationship!

There is no one-of-a-kind profit, but it is also extremely profitable. If all of these things are shot, Ye Zhongming can instantly receive tens of millions of months of pension.

The huge amount of money Ye Zhongming had paid to the Changxu Shui began to return to him at this moment.