Rubik’s Cube Heavens

v1 Chapter 184: Gift

Ke Wen 'crawled' out from under the hem of his clothes.

But his state at this time is very strange.

The whole person is less than ten centimeters, only the half of the body above the chest is exposed, and the lower body is hidden in a suitcase, which is supported by two arms and moves slowly.

This is also no way.

After Fudge and Umbridge were taken from their respective homes by him, Cowen controlled them with the Imperius Curse.

Although a person controlled by the 'Soul Imperius Curse' can act according to instructions, they will appear very dull.

Therefore, Kewen had no choice but to hide himself on Fudge's body, and use the 'Imperial Curse' to control him at any time, as if performing a 'double play'.

And if you want to hide yourself well, you must shrink your body size.

Turning into a magpie can talk, but it can't release the spell, so Kewen can only think of a nesting doll-like way.

He first prepared a temporary 'untraceable stretchable suitcase', and after getting into the box, he cast the 'shrink spell' on the box, so that the box could shrink, and he who would stay in the box would also shrink at the same time .

After all, the 'Shrinking Curse' cannot be released on the human body, otherwise Kewen wouldn't be so troublesome to use it.

Therefore, Kewen used this method to hide himself in Fudge's lower back, controlling him and Umbridge to come to 'Azkaban' together, and then put on a good show.

The result of the drama was perfect. Not only did he take revenge on Fudge, but Cowen also used this plan to get rid of the other two people.

One of them was Umbridge.

In the memory data, Umbridge will cause serious damage to the college in the original plot.

When he heard the other party yelling in the auditorium in the morning, Ke Wen looked up the other party's information in his memory. After learning the information, Ke Wen naturally would not let go of such an existence that hurt 'Hogwarts'.

So, after taking Fudge away at night, he made another trip and took Umbridge away with him.

Now, although Umbridge was not killed by the curse, even if she recovers in the future, she will have a completely dark future because of her and Fudge's series of actions in "Azkaban".

As for the other one to deal with, it was Bellatrix Lestledge.

Bellatrix was a complete Death Eater, a diehard Voldemort.

When Cowen searched for Voldemort's loyalists in his memory, the first name in the information was Bellatrix.

Therefore, Kewen will naturally not let the other party go, and intends to deal with some existences that threaten 'Hogwarts' before leaving this world.

With today's plan, Ke Wen not only released Bellatrix, let the other party be killed by the dementor, but also used Bellatrix to deal with the sinful cannibal. Dead Apostles.

After all, the criminals who can be released by Bellatrix are basically more sincere and Voldemort.

Now, after a good show is over, it's time for Ke Wen to leave.

After getting out from behind Fudge, Cowen restored the box under him to its original size, and his body also returned to its original shape with the spell.

Get out of the box, quickly put the box away, and then Cowen stepped forward a few steps, and opened the eyelids of Fudge and Umbridge.

In order not to let people see that they were under the Imperius Curse, Ke Wen made two pairs of "color contact lenses" during the day, so that they could cover the white eyeballs of the Imperius Curse.

At this time, he removed the colored contact lenses from the eyeballs of the two, and then unraveled the 'Imperius Curse' for Fudge and Umbridge.

After handling all the clues properly, Ke Wen directly transformed into a magpie, and then flew out from the iron window of a prison cell.

After getting away from the island, Kewen recovered his body in the air, activated the 'port key' on his wrist, and teleported home instantly...

At noon the next day, Ke Wen was still busy in the alchemy laboratory on the third floor.

But the call from the living room downstairs made him stop his movements.

After tidying up briefly, Ke Wen left the laboratory and went to the first floor, but when he went down to the second floor, he bumped into someone.

It was still the four friends and Spirit.

"Are you skipping class again?" Ke Wen greeted with a joke.

"The Aurors have retreated!" Penello announced happily: "Just now! Before lunch started, those Aurors left the academy in a hurry!"

Hearing this, Ke Wen smiled knowingly and asked: "Do you know what's going on?"

Several people looked at each other, and then shook their heads one after another. Obviously, they came to tell Ke Wen the good news at the first time, and did not go to find out the details.

"Fred." Cowen arranged: "Something must have happened. You can use the fireplace to go to 'Diagon Alley' or 'Hogsmeade' and get some newspapers back."

"Leave it to me!" Fred responded, and ran downstairs quickly.

Ke Wen and the others followed downstairs, and when they reached the living room on the first floor, the flame of the 'floo powder' in the fireplace just went out.

Greeting everyone to sit down, Kewen asked Penello again: "Have the principal and professors returned to the academy?"

Penello nodded: "I'm back, and I also asked Professor Flitwick."

"What did the professors do yesterday?" Ke Wen asked along the way.

"Although I didn't tell me too much..." Penello said while brushing her hair behind her ears, "But the professor said that they started a lot of relationships after they left the academy, and finally comforted me and made me feel at ease, telling me about you , there will be a good result soon.”

"So." Zhang Qiu guessed: "What happened today is the good result that the professor said?"

Before anyone could pick up the topic, the fireplace suddenly burst into flames with a bang, and Fred rushed out of the fireplace covered in ashes.

Holding a large roll of newspapers in his hand, Fred walked towards the sofa and said with a smile: "I went to 'Diagon Alley', and as soon as I got out of the public fireplace, I saw a lot of newspaper sellers. I'll bring one back with me."

"Show me quickly!" Spirit got up impatiently, took a few steps forward, and snatched the newspaper from Fred's hand.

Walking back to the sofa, Spirit spread out the newspapers, and then each of them shared a copy.

When Cowen just waved his hand to help Fred clean up the ashes on his body, the other newspaper readers exclaimed almost at the same time.

"What's the matter?" Fred sat down beside George, and looked at the newspaper in George's hand.

George didn't respond to his brother, but looked at Cowen in surprise: "Dude! You're fine! Fudge is down!"

Although Ke Wen had roughly guessed the content, he still asked with a smile, "What did it say?"

"My witch newspaper said..." Zhang Qiu raised the newspaper in his hand: "The headline said that Minister Fudge participated in the activities of colluding with the Death Eaters, and now he has been victimized."

"Mine is the sports newspaper." George said, "The content is similar, but it said that Fudge planned to be the second Voldemort, but failed to recruit Death Eaters, and was killed."

"My 'Daily Prophet' is more detailed."

Penello had just read the newspaper headlines in detail, and said with a shocked expression: "It said that because Fudge lost face at 'Hogwarts', he brought his cronies Umbridge to 'Ah Hogwarts' in the middle of the night. Zkaban'."

"They released more than 20 Death Eaters in the prison, recruited those Death Eaters to work under his orders, and prepared to eliminate all those who dared to oppose him. After that, the content was almost the same, it was all about insiders."

"My newspaper is a bit strange..." Spillett pushed the 'quibbler' in his hand: "It said that because Dumbledore was dissatisfied with Fudge's attitude, he initiated a relationship to impeach Fudge to step down, and later said that Fudge was victimized It's a conspiracy, someone is deliberately framing Secretary Fudge."

Hearing this, Ke Wen couldn't help being taken aback, and couldn't help but glanced at the 'Quicker' newspaper in front of Spillite.

Next, everyone began to connect the contents of the newspapers in their hands, and it didn't take long to get a complete report on the incident.

As Cowen had planned, Fudge was completely shattered.

The dementors, as "witnesses at the scene", contributed the memory of last night in the investigation of the Ministry of Magic.

The memory begins with Fudge and Umbridge landing on the island, and ends with the elimination of all fugitives.

The Fudge in the memory picture can be said to be full of ambitions, with full evidence of crimes, and there is no whitewashing at all.

And Umbridge was even more miserable than Fudge.

Because Fudge has lost his memory, all his cognition of the outside world now seems to be as ignorant as a baby.

Umbridge is different, she has to bear all the trials about her soberly, even if she has been justifying that she has been cursed, but no one is willing to believe her words.

Because in the memory pictures provided by the dementors, Umbridge does not have any performance of being cursed.

Even if Umbridge were lucky enough to prove her innocence in the future, her reputation would have been completely rotted, and there would be no future for her...

After understanding the incident, Penello and the others couldn't help but sigh a little, lamenting that evil comes with evil, and then they congratulated Kewen.

After congratulating for a while, Penello said: "Kevin, you are completely fine now, can you go back to the academy with us?"

"No." Kewen shook his head unexpectedly: "There are only two days left for the holiday, so I won't go back to the academy, so as not to be made a fuss about me and cause something unfavorable to the academy."

"But, hasn't Fudge already collapsed?" Spirit said inexplicably: "Without Fudge, who would persecute you like him?"

"There are still many hidden Death Eaters." Ke Wen reminded everyone.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help frowning. In the end, they could only agree with Kewen's caution...

The lunch break was coming to an end, and Penello and the others had to return to the academy.

Watching his friends leave, Ke Wen couldn't help sighing slightly after returning to the living room.

In fact, there was another reason why he didn't go back to the academy.

People who are not familiar with the outside world may think that Fudge's affairs are as reported in the newspapers. But Dumbledore was different from the professors.

They have been intimate with Kewen for so many years, how could they not understand Kewen's ability.

The professors may only have some guesses in their hearts, but Dumbledore has lived for more than a hundred and ten years, so how can he not see the twists and turns in this Fudge incident.

Therefore, Ke Wen felt that in the process of planning to frame Fudge this time, the way he acted was somewhat ashamed of the professors' teaching and cultivation of him.

If he went back to the academy, not only would he feel embarrassed and guilty, but Dumbledore and the professors would also be a little embarrassed about how to talk to Cowen about Fudge.

Therefore, it is better to miss each other than to meet each other. Kewen decided to announce his farewell just like that...

He sighed again with some regret, and then Kewen went up to the third floor again, and got into the alchemy laboratory...

Two days passed in a flash.

Hogwarts is about to usher in a new holiday.

The other two magic academies that participated in the 'Triwizard Tournament' were sent away, and the end-of-semester dinner arrived.

During the dinner, the students were very satisfied with their life experience this year, and they laughed and talked constantly at the banquet.

However, the atmosphere at the professor's seat was a bit deserted, and the professors who were close to Kewen were a little absent-minded.

At this moment, Lili, the house elf, suddenly appeared on the stage in a teleport, dressed in an exquisite maid outfit.

The professors were taken aback, and Dumbledore couldn't help standing up.

Leaning on the dining table with both hands, leaning forward, he asked Lili, "You...does he have anything to tell us?"

Lili pinched the corners of her skirts, knelt down and saluted, and said after getting up, "Master ordered Lili to bid farewell to everyone on his behalf. Master has already left England and went to the East to find her own background."

"Really..." Dumbledore sighed, looking a little lonely and decadent.

"The master has some presents and asked Lili to give them to everyone."

"Oh? Good..." Dumbledore responded casually without any expectation or joy for the gift.

Seeing this, Lili raised her hand and snapped her fingers with a 'snap'.

The next moment, many owls flew in from the skylight of the auditorium, looking for their targets.

Over there at the student table.

The Weasley twins raised their hands to catch a gift box, and after quickly opening it, they found a book inside.

"Books?" George scratched his head, "Why did Kewen give us books?"

"Look at the content." Fred opened the book and watched the content with George.

Soon, the two showed surprise expressions at the same time.

The content of the book is the knowledge of 'alchemy' compiled by Ke Wen, and almost all the knowledge of 'alchemy' he has learned is recorded on it.

Plus lots of advice and inspiration for 'prank toys'.

After roughly flipping through the book, George and Fred looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time.

But this time the smiles were not the same as before. They just chuckled with a 'hehe', their eyes full of reluctance.

At this time, Ron who was not far away also opened the gift box, and after opening a black cloth bag, he couldn't help but exclaimed in ecstasy: "Merlin's beard! Ke Wen actually gave me a whole 10,000 Galleons!"

George and Fred glanced at their silly brother, then looked at each other again.

"Pfft..." Fred covered his mouth and lowered his head to chuckle, and at the same time whispered, "This idiot always thought our family was poor."

"This silly boy, he didn't even notice it all this time." George leaned close to his brother's face and said in a low voice, "Keep hiding it from him."

"Keep it from him!" echoed Fred. "Let him stay stupid, and we can laugh at him forever."

"Harry, Hermione."

Ron didn't notice the bad intentions of the two brothers, his face flushed with excitement, and he asked his friend, "What's in your box?"

"Mine are notes!"

Hermione was also so excited that her little face flushed at this time: "The senior left me all his study notes!"

Ron suddenly lost interest, and turned to look at Harry: "Where's yours?"

"It's... a pocket watch." Harry took the pocket watch out of the gift box.

But after opening the metal cover of the pocket watch, his eyes suddenly widened and he froze there...

Professor's seat.

Dumbledore reached out to catch the gift box dropped by the owl, glanced at Lili, and opened the gift box.

Inside are two beautiful small crystal bottles, each containing two **** of 'memory wire', one large and one small.

Seeing this, Lili explained: "The big one is Voldemort's memory thread. The owner said that there are many real identities of Death Eaters in it, which can help Mr. Principal deal with some troubles."

"The small ball is the master's farewell to Mr. Principal."

"Okay..." Dumbledore nodded slowly and somewhat numbly, and then carefully put away the crystal bottle containing Kewen's memory.

As for the bottle of Voldemort's memory, Dumbledore put it in his pocket absently.

"Merlin's, Merlin's..."

Aside, Professor Flitwick opened the gift box and saw the completely restored 'Ravenclaw Tiara' inside. For a moment, he didn't know how to But in Lili's Under the explanation, Professor Flitwick also carefully put away the 'memory thread' Ke Wen left for him.

Like Dumbledore, he planned to go back to the office and watch it carefully.

The exclamation sounded again, this time it was Professor Sprout, who took out a gold cup from the box, and Kewen actually found the 'Hufflepuff Gold Cup' back.

Dumbledore figured it out after a little thought. Obviously, Cowen found the clue of the 'Hufflepuff Gold Cup' from Voldemort's memory.

As a result, Dumbledore couldn't help turning his head to look at Snape, but he was taken aback.

Because in the gift box in Snape's hand, there was actually only a crystal bottle containing 'memory wire', and a note with only the word 'office' written on it, nothing else.

Snape noticed Dumbledore's gaze, pouted immediately, and quickly put the crystal bottle into his pocket, and the note was destroyed by him throwing it into the candle flame in front of him.

"What's this?"

Professor McGonagall next to him opened his mouth, and took out a stone plate from the gift box. On the stone plate, there were many small models densely packed. Among the models, there were various patterns, from dragons to knights, from chariots to armored soldiers.

"This is an alchemy item made by the master."

Lili took a step forward and explained to Professor McGonagall: "As long as these models are activated, they can jump out of the stone board, and then quickly grow in size, helping the owner of the chessboard to fight."

"Okay! Good!" Professor McGonagall immediately hugged the stone plate in his arms when he heard the words, as if he was afraid that someone would **** it.

But then, she showed a sad look, very reluctant to leave Ke Wen.

I exchanged glances with the other professors who received gifts, and let out a sigh of mixed emotions almost at the same time...