Rubik’s Cube Heavens

v2 Chapter 38: Confuse

The latest website: Dika Kane’s sudden utterance made Kewen and Flavie stunned at the same time.

"Do you have anything else?" Kewen asked.

"Yes, I'm very sorry." Deca Kane asked for help with some shame: "Could you please do me a favor."

"Please speak." Kewen nodded.

"If you can, please help me go home and pack up some things." Deca Kane made a request, and then quickly explained: "I have a lot of magic-related books at home. With those books, I can better Provide help to you and the sorority."

Hearing this, Flavie eliminated the misunderstanding in his heart and his complexion improved.

Kewen seemed unwilling to ask for it, and immediately nodded: "Of course, where is your house?"

"Just ahead."

Dika Kane pointed to the most central area of ​​the city: "My house is not far from the church, it's on the central square of the city."

"No problem." Corvin took a look in the direction pointed by Dika Kane, and then said to Flavie: "Let everyone don't have to retain their strength and attack with all their strength."


Flavie yelled, and then turned to face the two hundred members of the regiment, raised his bow and arrow aloud to convey the command: "Strike with all your strength!"


The Rogs' eyes became excited, and they no longer retained their physical strength and mana. After a wave of magical arrows, the frequency of their attacks suddenly increased a lot.

The two hundred Rogers with full firepower immediately made the emergence frequency of zombie monsters seem weak, and the advancing speed of the entire team was greatly increased.

In only ten minutes, he pushed forward two hundred meters and successfully reached the central square of the city.

"Be careful over there!"

Dika Kane suddenly reminded him loudly, and nervously raised his hand to point to a church building.

Kewen turned his head and looked, and found that inside the monster group on the other side of the church stood a little giant more than two meters tall.

"That's Gris Wald!"

Dika Kane reminded Kewen loudly: "He is a blacksmith in this city, but before he became a blacksmith, he was a powerful paladin! Be careful of it!"

Dika Kane said in a sad tone: "The Lord of Fear killed him! He turned him into a powerful zombie! Be careful! He is powerful!"

Almost as soon as Dika Kane's words fell off, Gris Wald who stood in front of the church suddenly moved.

A slap slapped the three zombies in front of him, and then took a heavy step towards the team.


Corvin greeted him, then raised his hand and pointed at Gris Wald.

Flavy nodded, then moved the bow and arrow sideways and aimed at Gris Wald. After a while, a magic arrow flew out.

The arrow drew a small parabola, and after crossing a square of tens of meters, it accurately hit Gris Wald's front face.

However, the magic arrow failed to penetrate the opponent's skull, only the arrow submerged under the flesh and was stuck in the skull.


As if provoked by the attack, Gris Wald suddenly uttered a roar, and then his pace accelerated, and his body knocked all the zombies in front of him into flight.

Seeing this, Kewen frowned slightly, then raised his wand and pointed it at him, and uttered a low voice: "Bone to pieces!"


The curse quickly hit Gris Wald, but the opponent was not eliminated by the curse, only a black mist burst out of the body, and the charge stopped.

"Is it so thick?"

Corvin murmured, then continued to wave his wand.

"Shen Feng Wuying!"

"Thunderbolt exploded!"

"Torn apart!"


Bang bang bang--

A black mist burst from Gris Wald's body, and at the same time, his figure staggered back step by step.

Even so, the opponent did not have any signs of being eliminated.

"Mr. Wizard, you must use more powerful magic!" Seeing this, Dika Kane quickly reminded: "Wald is a master blacksmith, wearing a very powerful magic suit!"

"So..." Kewen stopped casting the spell, and after a whisper, he drank a bottle of'mana potion' again.

Seeing this, Dika Kane's eyes became a little surprised, because in this short moment, the frequency with which Cowen drank the'mana potion' seemed a bit too frequent.

But Dika Kane did not ask anything interestingly.

At this time, after Cowen felt that the magic power in his body had become abundant again, he took a deep breath and raised his wand again.

Raise the magic wand to the top of your head and slowly draw a circle, while silently chanting the spell of ‘sacred fire’ in your heart.

Soon, the air above the team's head began to become distorted, a trace of sparks appeared out of thin air, and quickly expanded in size.

Not long after, a flame vortex more than five meters wide appeared, and the feeling of scorching enveloped the entire team.

Feeling that the air temperature was about to exceed the tolerance of the Rogers, Cowen stopped expanding the flame range, and shook his wand forcefully in the direction of Gris Wald.


The flame vortex above the team suddenly converged into a flying dragon. After a dragon roar from the shaking air, the flame dragon quickly swooped toward Gris Wald.

During the dive, the zombie monsters along the way turned into flying ash instantly after touching the flame, and quickly turned into nothingness.

After a breath, the flame dragon slammed into Gris Wald's body with a ‘boom’, turning into a ball of explosion and spreading flames.

In the flames, the green awns stand out, and after a stalemate with the flames, they shrink quickly.

It wasn't until the green light was completely suppressed by the flame that Kewen drank another bottle of'mana potion', and then his wand pointed at the flame, then waved it horizontally, pointing again at the large number of zombie monsters in the square.

The next moment, the raging flames burning at the entrance of the church burst out suddenly, and the bursting sparks turned into small flying birds, rushing towards the surrounding monsters at a fast speed.

Puff puff--

With the continuous tapping sound, each bird was given simple spirituality by Kewen, looking for the zombie monster on its own and then hitting it.

The suicidal impact of each flame bird will ignite the body of a zombie monster, causing it to quickly turn into nothingness in the rising flames.

Before long, the entire square was completely turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the more than two thousand monsters that had originally gathered in the square completely disappeared.

Kewen looked around, then waved his wand, controlling the sea of ​​fire to regroup into five pillars of fire, and then rushed to the other five streets linking the square.

After blocking all the entrances of the streets with a wall of fire formed by flames, Cowen stopped the output of magic power and allowed the ‘sacred fire’ to burn on their own.

Putting down his wand, Cowen breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at Dika Kane, who was sighing: "Okay, Mr. Kane, where is your house?"

"Oh, over there!" Dika Kane returned to his senses, and pointed to a place twenty meters to the right of the church: "That is my house."

Kewen nodded, and then told Flavy: "Take people to pick up the weapons and equipment left by Gris Wald, and be careful."


Flavie responded, and then shouted to the Rogers: "Beware!"


Looking at the few Rogers beside him, Flavie lowered his voice and turned his head to say hello: "You follow me!"

"Yes! Captain!"

When Flavie led the seven Rogers to the church, Cowen turned his head and said to Deca Kane: "Come on, Mr. Kane, I will accompany you to pack things."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Wizard." Dika Kane bowed slightly, and then walked towards the house somewhat eagerly.

Stepping through the broken door on the ground, the two walked into Dika Kane's house. After looking at it briefly, Kewen didn't find any books.

Just when he thought the books had been burned out by the fire, Dika Kane, who led the way, said: "When I noticed the crisis in this city, I moved all the books to the cellar."

Suddenly, Corvin followed in the footsteps of Dika Kane through the back door of the house and into the backyard.

Dika Kane walked to the corner, squatted down, and scorched the scorched black soil with his hands. After a while, a metal pull ring was exposed.

Pulling the ring laboriously made the cellar baffle in the mud creak.

Seeing this, Kewen stepped forward and said in a low voice, "I'll do it."

"Sorry." Dika Kane let go of his hand helplessly, and said with a sigh: "I'm sorry to trouble you again."

Kewen shook his head and said it was okay, then stretched out his right hand to hold the tab, and lifted the entire baffle easily.

A burnt smell rose from the dark cellar, causing Dika Kane to suddenly look nervous.

"Fluorescence is flying."

After Kevin released the baffle, he waved his hand into the cellar, and a small light ball appeared out of thin air and quickly fell into the cellar.

With the light on, Dika Kane quickly leaned into the cellar and found that a large number of books had not been burned, and he was greatly relieved.

Seeing that Dika Kane was about to climb down, Kewen quickly got his arm on the other side and asked, "Should I just clean up everything underneath?"

"That's right." Deca Kane stopped in confusion and nodded in response: "There is a ‘space bag’ underneath that can put everything in."

Kewen knew it: "I'll do it."

Under Dika Kane's puzzled look, after drinking the ‘mana potion’, Kewen took out a ‘markless stretched cloth bag’ from his pocket, and pointed his wand towards the inside of the cellar.

In the next moment, everything in the cellar flew up by itself, and dropped into the cloth bag in Kewen's hand one after another.

"Good skillful'telekinetic' Kane commented in a sigh, but became even more puzzled.

He wondered if Kewen was so proficient in spellcasting, why would he always add ‘mana potions’ frequently?

Dika Kane was afraid of violating Cowen's taboo, so he didn't ask any doubts.

Kewen didn't explain anything. It didn't take long for everything under the cellar to fly into his pocket, and the inside of the cellar was completely emptied.

After tying the pockets and passing them to Dika Kane, Cowen greeted him, "Is there anything else to deal with?"

"No, that's it." Dika Kane treasured his pockets in his arms and shook his head in response.

"Then let's go."

Kewen nodded, and then took Dika Kane out to join the team...