Rubik’s Cube Heavens

v2 Chapter 39: Banquet

Latest website: When Cowen and Dika Kane returned to the square, Flavy had already got the four suits left by Gris Wald, and the other Rogers had packed some things from the square. They are all magic equipment left over by zombie citizens.

However, those equipments are not much, only two robes with faint golden light, and dozens of clothes with a little blue light.

Rings and necklaces have gained a lot. There are more than fifty pieces in number. Obviously, they are also things with magical effects, otherwise they would have been melted by a fire.

After seeing the figures of Corvin and Dika Kane, Flavy greeted him and asked Corvin: "Sir, are we going to evacuate next?"

"That's right." Kewen nodded: "Let everyone pay attention to the things left by the monsters on the road. Carefully identify them. Pack the equipment with the faint light color, and give up the other ordinary weapons and equipment. "

"Good sir." Flavie nodded.

"Don't forget to be vigilant," Kewen reminded: "Avoid monsters coming out to attack the team."


Flavie stood up, then walked to the team and conveyed Cowen's orders.

Corvin turned around again to greet Dika Kane: "Let's go too, Mr. Kane."


During the conversation between Kewen and Flavie, Dika Kane had taken out a wooden staff from the bag. After hearing the words and responding, he immediately followed Kewen's steps with the staff.

Corvin arranged Dika Kane in the center of the team, let Flavie go to the front to lead the team, and he stayed at the back of the team.

After the team started to pull out and walked a certain distance, Kewen turned and waved his magic wand, canceling the fire wall at the few streets of the square.

Next, the team returned all the way to the direction of the portal. The Rogers standing in the outer circle were responsible for guarding the monsters, while most of the remaining Rogers focused on the ground, looking for the magic equipment exploded by the monsters.

After more than half an hour, the team wiped out more than two hundred monsters, collected all the magic equipment along the way, and finally returned to the corner of the city.

Rogers passed through the red portal one after another, and Kewen stayed at the end again.

Until he was the only one left, he waved his wand and restored the ‘alchemy colossus’ that was left to protect the portal into a figure.

After another glance at the city, Kewen turned around and walked into the portal.

His vision quickly dimmed after a blush, and after walking out of the portal, Kewen stepped onto the ground of the ‘Rocky Wilderness’ again.

Nodded to the people waiting in front of the portal, then Kewen looked at Dika Kane and asked, "Mr. Kane, how can this portal be closed?"

"Over there." Dika Kane raised his hand and pointed to the sixth stone pillar standing outside Stonehenge: "As long as you pour magic power into that ‘column’, you can close the portal."


After responding, Kewen walked out of Stonehenge, reached the stone pillar more than ten meters away, and drank the'mana potion'.

Put your hand on the rune pattern on the surface of the stone pillar, and instill magic power into it.

Before long, the rune was completely filled with magic elements and lit up with a dim light. At the same time, Kewen also perceives the ‘control hub’.

With a thought, the red portal in the center of ‘Stonehenge’ suddenly began to shrink. After a few breaths, the red magic element completely shrank to a point and disappeared.

Seeing this, Kewen released his hand on the stone pillar, turned around and walked towards the team, took the suitcase out of his pocket, and greeted everyone: "Well, Rogers, the task is complete, next I will take everyone back."


Two hundred Rogers raised their weapons in excitement and cheered.

Dika Kane was taken aback by the loud cheers. After looking around Rogge, he could only shook his head with a wry smile, then looked at the place where the portal disappeared and sighed, regretting the tragedy of Tristram. destiny.

After everyone cheered, Kewen also opened the suitcase, and then directed everyone to enter it.

Dika Kane was very surprised by the suitcase, but he still didn't ask anything, and got into the suitcase with the help of two Rogers.

After everyone entered the box, Kewen closed the suitcase, then raised his arms and turned into a magpie soaring into the sky.

After recognizing the direction, Kewen flapped his wings vigorously and flew quickly towards the direction of the canyon checkpoint.

More than half an hour later, Kewen lowered his figure near the mouth of the gorge, recovered his body, and greeted everyone in the box to come out.

After Dika Kane crawled out of the box, he came to Kewen and said, "Sir, I have seen a lot of Rune Language in your portable world, can you lend me some?"

"Of course." Kewen promised, and asked suspiciously: "Do you want to use it now?"


Dika Kane nodded and explained: "In the box just now, I have briefly talked with Rogers and got some general information, so I want to help them set up a teleportation station now, which is convenient. They can quickly reinforce and defend this canyon level."

Hearing this, Kewen finally solved a doubt in his mind.

He was still thinking before, why didn't he see the shadow of ‘Teleport Station’ in ‘Rogge Camp’ and other places.

Later, he thought that the ‘Teleport Station’ was only owned by the game, so he forgot about it.

Now, listening to what Dika Kane meant, it turned out that those ‘teleport stations’ were actually established by the other party.

Therefore, Kewen immediately raised his hand to the box, and soon, a lot of "Rune Language" flew out.

"Is this enough?" Kewen asked, and then tried to inquire: "Also, can you teach me how to build a'transport station'?"

"Of course." Dika Kane responded with a smile: "You saved my life. This little thing can't repay your kindness at all."

"Don't say any kindness." Kewen waved his hand and responded with a smile: "There will be more things to trouble you in the future."

"I will try my best to help you." Dika Kane said cheerfully.

"Then what should I do next?" Kewen pointed to the pile of'Language of Runes' floating beside him, "I mean, how to use these'Language of Runes', and the serial numbers of my'Language of Runes' are not Not complete."

"Enough." Dika Kane said: "I have checked before. The "Language of Runes" with these serial numbers is enough to arrange the "Regional Sites". Only the ultra-long-distance sites require higher sequence. 'Language of Runes'."

"That's it." Kewen suddenly said, "So, where should the transmission station be established?"

"I have discussed with Captain Flavy." Dika Kane glanced at Flavy, and then said: "We think it is best to build the teleportation site on the periphery of the canyon, in case any monsters will know about it. How to use the site, which threatens the camp."

"No problem." Kewen controlled the "Language of Runes" floating around, walking towards the cold plain, and said: "I'll help, Mr. Kane directs me how to do it."

Dika Kane stepped up to keep up, and at the same time thanked Cowen.

Not far out, the two stopped, and then Dika Kane guided Kewen's movements while carefully explaining various knowledge about the establishment of the teleport station.

Leveling the ground, depicting the lines of the magic array, and placing the "Language of Runes" in the corresponding position. After more than 20 minutes, the entire teleporting station suddenly lit up with a gleam of light, and quickly returned to its ordinaryness.

At Dika Kane's reminder, Cowen moved a piece of mud from the surroundings, covering the entire teleporting station completely.

At this point, this ‘transmission station’ is considered complete.

On the way back, Dika Kane explained: "This kind of teleportation station is just a substation. I will build the main station in the'Rogge Camp'."

"Is the construction method the same?" Kewen asked.

"Most of the steps are the same." Dika Kane replied: "However, the main station has to add contact magic. You can ask the identity of the person who uses the'transport station' to choose whether to allow the main station to connect with other substations. "

"So that's it." Kewen nodded suddenly: "In that case, there is no safety hazard in the camp."

"Yes." Deca Kane nodded likewise.

While they were talking, the two had already returned to the team. At this time, many Rogers had arrived from the canyon level, and they were laughing and talking with the team members about their experience in the past few days.

Exclamations and admirations rang out, until Kewen returned and the chattering and laughter gradually ceased.

He smiled and nodded to everyone, and then Kewen asked Flavie: "Do I need to fix it in the level? Or just go back to the camp?"

"Go back to the camp directly." Flavie said with a relaxed smile: "Everyone can't wait to go back and show off and share the legendary experience of the past few days to the sisters."

"Okay." Kewen chuckled and looked at the expressions of the members. As Flavie said, everyone couldn't hide the look of wanting to show off.

Nodded to Flavie, motioned to the other party to reorganize the team.

Flavie got a gesture and immediately turned around to greet the group members loudly.

The team set off again, followed the garrisoned Rogers into the level, then did not stop, simply bid farewell and traversed the entire canyon.

Stepping onto the land of the ‘Blood Wasteland’, the team laughed and laughed all the way. It took nearly two hours to successfully return to Camp Rogge.

The patrol had already notified Kasha, so Kasha also waited at the entrance of the camp early in the morning.

As the distance between the two sides continued to increase, Kasha kept looking at the whole team, counting silently in her heart over and over again.

It wasn't until the situation of "a lot of people" was confirmed several times that Kaxia showed a bright smile, and as the team approached, his smile became more and more brilliant.

When the two sides were about fifty meters apart, Kaxia finally couldn't help it, and took the initiative to greet him.

When the two sides met, Kasha scanned the faces of the two hundred Rogge again, then silently raised his arm and tapped **** the breastplate.


The force of the percussion was not light, causing the metal breastplate to make a huge impact.

Seeing this, all Roger had solemn expressions, and the two hundred eyes that couldn't hide the excitement were all concentrated on Kaxia.

Raising their hands neatly and uniformly, the Rogers tapped their breastplates equally. Valley


The percussion disappeared, and Kaxia laughed silently, then raised his hand and patted Cowen on the shoulder.

Looking up and down, Kaxia rubbed Cowen's shoulders vigorously, and said with a smile: "Hahaha! Good boy! Good boy!"

Kewen smiled back and said in a warm voice: "Then, the promise I made to you has been fulfilled, and I will bring everyone back intact, a lot."

"Of course! Of course! Hahaha..." Kaxia said and couldn't help but raise his head and laugh again.

After laughing several times, Kaxia barely restrained her emotions, and smiled and nodded vigorously to Kewen: "Thank you! Thank you, kid!"

After speaking, Kasha turned to look at Dika Kane next to Kewen, her smile narrowed a lot, and her eyes examined: "So, just for this bad old man?"

"I'm very sorry." Dika Kane bowed to Kasha very politely: "I have heard that, for my old man, everyone has been running hard for many days and participated in so many intense games. A dangerous battle."

Hearing that, Kaxia's complexion improved a lot, and he looked up and down again, and then said: "Well, I have received your apology. Although Rogers did not lose, I still hope that you can be worthy of the Kewen boy and Their hard work."

"I will!" Dika Kane straightened up and responded solemnly: "I will do everything I have learned to help the camp and everyone!"


Dika Kane hadn't fully gained the trust of Kasha, so Kasha responded with a nasal tone again lukewarm.

Afterwards, Kaxia looked at Kewen again, a smile resurfaced, and said loudly: "Anyway, you are welcome back! Quickly enter the camp! I want to hold a grand celebration banquet for you!"


Rogge raised their arms and cheered excitedly.

"Hahahaha..." Seeing this, Kaxia couldn't help laughing again, then slapped Kewen on the shoulder, took a step forward, turned around and walked towards the camp with his arms: "Go! Boy! Go back and accompany me well. Drink two glasses! Let me tell you! I hide the only bottle of good wine in the entire camp! Back then, the **** Varif had to contribute to..."

Kasha looked very excited, and she hugged Kewen's shoulders tightly along the way as if he was a good buddy, babbling and talking non-stop, all kinds of gossip information was confided to Kewen without any hesitation.



The news of the complete return of the team caused a sensation throughout the camp.

At first it was only spread in the barracks, and then the news was spread by Roger, who had gone out to buy wine from Varif.

After that, it will be passed from person to person.

There were some civilians near Varif. After they got the news, they spread the news to the civilian area. In this way, the team has wiped out tens of thousands of monsters in the past few days and the capture of Tristram has been completely spread. The entire camp.

This made all the civilians once again raised their hopes and increased their confidence in continuing to survive. Suddenly, the entire camp seemed to be celebrating a holiday, and there were crowds venting their emotions everywhere...

On the military camp, except for a few people who looked reluctant but had to patrol outside the camp, all Roger was concentrated on the open space in front of the Kaxia camp.

Nearly five hundred Rogers surrounded the open space, standing or sitting, forming the shape of the arena's auditorium.

In the front row of the audience, Kasha was sitting on a crossbar with his arms around Cowen's shoulders. Next to him, Dika Kane and Sister Akara, who had come over after receiving news, were sitting on another crossbar.

In the center of the venue, Flavie was filled with a proud and excited smile, and there was a loud description of the legendary experience of the past few days to all the audience.

Flavy described the story ups and downs, vivid and extraordinary.

Following her description, the members of the team that participated personally opened up proud smiles, showing memories from time to time.

Others exclaimed from time to time following Flavie's narration, and sometimes wished that they could not participate in person, waving their arms in excitement, and sighing and screaming in their mouths.

Dika Kane and Akara are okay, they seem very reserved, but they sometimes show nervousness or sigh.

And Kashya, who was next to Kewen, seemed very presumptuous.

When hearing small battle scenes, Kasha will show satisfaction and nod in relief.

When hearing large-scale war scenes, Kasha would constantly change expressions as Flavie described it, either dignified, or nervous, or shocked, or proud.

When she heard Happiness, she would suddenly walk past Cowen, and while laughing cheerfully, she collided the wine glass with the cup in Cowen's hand.

Fortunately, Kewen's physique is not weak, otherwise, if he would collide with Kasha's hard metal breastplate every once in a while, it would have been unbearable to change someone else.

As the story drew to a close, Kasha again hugged Corvin very intimately, and after the probing hand collided with the wine glass, he put his flushed face in Corvin’s ear and said, “Thank you, kid, and thank you for providing us. Several new battle formations and fighting methods will make us calmer when we face monsters in the future. Come, drink! I respect you!"

Corvin smiled back, raised the glass, and drank the malt liquor provided by him.

As for Kasha's so-called collection? The bottle was empty long ago and was thrown aside by Kasha.

As Flavie finished telling the story, the audience burst into violent cheers again.

Cathar was affected by the atmosphere, and couldn't help but let go of Kewen, stood up, threw the wooden cup casually, and then strode into the open space.

With a big smile on his face, Kasha waved to the Rogers who followed Kewen on missions, and said freely, "Who will practice with me! Let me see how much you have become stronger in the past few days!"


Including Flavie, who had just returned to the auditorium, two hundred Rogers stood up neatly and quickly, staring at Kasha in the field with fiery eyes.

Kaxia was taken aback, then pinched her waist with both hands, and laughed loudly up to the sky ‘hahaha’.

After laughing, Kaxia pointed at someone casually and greeted loudly: "Come on!"


The Roger screamed in excitement, and then jumped into the field one by one.

"Here are two spears!" Kaxia greeted again.

Soon Rogge threw two spears into the field and was caught by Kasha and Rogge, who was named Mako.

Moved some distance apart, then Kasha held a spear in one hand, raised his eyebrows and raised his chin to the opposite Mei Ke.


Mei Ke immediately uttered a shout, and then quickly attacked Kasha with spears in both hands.

Clang clang--

The spears were handed over, and sparks splashed from time to time in the collision. For a while, Kaxia and Mei Ke actually fought back and forth, which seemed to be on par.

But Kasha obviously hasn't come up with real skills yet, at least she has always maintained the state of holding a spear in one hand.

After a few more collisions, Kaxia felt the force from the weapon, and her smile bloomed. Then, she suddenly grabbed the empty left hand to the spear, and suddenly accelerated her speed under her dual wielding. But it was two steps backwards.

But when May stabilized her figure, Kasha had put the tip of her spear against her neck.

The scene was silent for a short while, and then cheers rang out.

"Hahaha!" Kaxia put away his spear, patted Mei Ke's shoulder vigorously, and praised again and again: "Good! Very good! The strength has not been improved! Good! Hahaha..."

Mei Ke happily accepted the compliment, and then walked off to accept congratulations from other companions.

Next, Kaxia greeted several other opponents and tried their strengths one by one.

After that, Kasha stopped the test, raised his spear into the ground beside him, then flung the shoulder-to-shoulder red hair, looking around all Roger.

When the scene calmed down, Kaxia grinned openly, and exclaimed with joy, "Rogers!"

"Wooha—" All Roger Qishu brushed up his right fist and responded with a loud voice.

Kasha pinched her waist with both hands, straightened her chest, grinned and laughed silently with red lips, then announced again loudly: "It's the banquet—"


The scene was completely agitated, and the Rogers cheered, laughed, excited, and delighted in their own way...

Kaxia walked back to Kewen with a smile on her face, grabbed Kewen who was sitting on the crossbar, and laughed loudly: "Go! Kid! Go eat with me first! Dancing together later!"

Kewen is not good at spoiling the atmosphere, so he can only smile a little bitterly, and let Kasha take him to the buffet table not far away...

The banquet lasted until the second half of the night, and because it was not easy to disturb the sleep of the civilians in the camp, we could only announce the termination with a little bit of fun.

It was too late, except that Akara left to go back to his tent, Covin and Dika Kane stayed at the barracks.

Of course, Kewen rejected Kaxia's bed arrangement, because the other party even let him go to Rogge's sleeping tent to rest. Isn't this a sheep's mouth?

Therefore, he quickly took out his tent, found an open space to support it, and then took Dika Cain into it.

"It seems that your research on space magic is very deep."

Dika Kane looked at the vast space inside the tent and couldn't help commenting in a sigh.

"You rest first, and I'll talk about the rest tomorrow."

Kewen suppressed his urgency for the time being, after all, it was late at night, and he still had the patience for a night.

Immediately, he took out a bedding for Dika Kane and arranged for the other party to rest...