Rubik’s Cube Heavens

v2 Chapter 44: attract monsters

The magic barrier that Ke Wen had set up in the canyon was not very strong. After all, his intention was not to escape, but to delay for some time.

Therefore, he did not pour much magic power into several barriers.

At this moment, four of the six barriers have been broken, and the fifth barrier is also in danger, fluctuating violently.

In less than half a minute, the barrier shattered under the blows of many monsters, and the bursting magic elements instantly tore dozens of monsters apart.

However, such a situation not only failed to intimidate the fallen demons, but instead made them give out cheers of victory.

Across the corpses on the ground, hundreds of fallen demons rushed towards the last barrier with their scimitars in their hands.

After rushing forward, the monsters slashed their weapons towards the barrier again.

Tens of meters behind the barrier, Ke Wen stood in front of the team, looked at those brainless monsters coldly, and couldn't help but let out a soft 'hum' of disdain.

After calculating the durability of the barrier and feeling that it was almost the same, Kewen immediately held the staff horizontally in front of his chest with both hands.

Concentrating on chanting the incantation, breezes began to wind around the staff.

After the mantra was recited, the mana was poured to the limit, and Kewen maintained the magic, and stretched the staff slightly to the side, making a posture ready to wave.

At this moment, the last barrier finally cracked with a 'click', and then completely shattered with a 'Karala'.

The magic element erupted, tearing apart the row of monsters closest to the barrier. At the same time, the shock waves from the explosion blocked the sight of the monsters further back.

It was this opportunity that Cowen was waiting for.

The arm muscles were tense, and he swung the staff horizontally forward.

The next moment, the breeze entangled on the staff was suddenly aroused, and instantly turned into a raging gust of wind, and after leaving the staff and landing, it quickly formed a tornado storm.

With intense potential energy, the tornado rushed towards the group of monsters quickly, and while rapidly expanding its size, it rolled up various sharp gravels.

Soon, the tornado completely rushed into the group of monsters.

Next, after rushing into the crowd of monsters, the tornado seemed to be reactivated, and the original diameter of more than three meters suddenly expanded again.

During the breath, it swelled to a diameter of more than ten meters.

The raging tornado was irresistible, and the monsters at the front screamed and were sucked in. Even the monsters that were a little farther away would be dragged by the air current and unable to retreat.

Many monsters could only use their feet to plow ravines on the ground in horror, and in the end, they were also engulfed by the moving and raging tornado.

After swallowing a large number of monsters, the power of the tornado became even more uncontrollable, and the weapons of the monsters further increased the lethality of the tornado.

In this way, the ten-meter-diameter tornado covered almost half of the canyon passage, and continued to wreak havoc along the way.

Cowen here.

Some black shadows fell from the sky, all of which were the corpses of monsters killed and thrown out by the tornado.

Raising the staff and swinging it slightly upwards, he knocked aside a corpse of a monster that hit the top of his head, and then Kewen ordered to Flavi behind him: "The whole team advances slowly!"


Facing the situation of turning danger into safety and turning defense into offense, Flavi shouted excitedly, and then raised the longbow in his hand to convey the order: "Rogge—"


"Fire the bow and set the arrow! Destroy the monsters! Move forward with Mr.—"


Itching to wait a long time ago, so after receiving the order, the dozens of Rogge standing in the front row immediately pulled the bowstring and fired the arrows.

In front, dozens of monsters that were thrown out by the tornado and were lucky enough to be seriously injured did not die. They sacrificed their lives in this small wave of arrow rain in an instant, and returned to the world with extraordinary power, contributing 'upgrade experience' to everyone in the team.

Seeing this, Ke Wen took out the 'Necromantic Staff', and then without looking at the corpse beside him that he pushed away, he pointed at the staff in a flat tone: "Stand up."

A faint blue glow appeared, and then disappeared instantly. The corpse of the fallen demon suddenly trembled, and then slowly got up from the ground.

"stand up…"

Ke Wen moved his arm horizontally, and his wand pointed at the nearby corpses. With the output of mana, the monsters were resurrected by him and turned into puppets for him to control.

It wasn't until there were no more complete corpses around that Kewen held the 'Necromantic Staff' upside down and walked forward.


Behind them, the Rogers stepped forward neatly and followed Ke Wen's pace.

At this time, the huge tornado had already raged for hundreds of meters, and because of the favorable location, it swallowed most of the monsters chasing into the canyon.

Although the effect of killing the enemy is not good, the effect of serious injury is not weak. Along the way, a large number of monsters that cannot afford serious injury are left behind.

As the team moved forward again, arrows shot out from behind Kewen, harvesting the seriously injured monsters with precision.

Ke Wen also continued to resurrect the puppets, and those monsters with relatively complete corpses were controlled by him to stand up again, and gradually formed a front shield wall.

At this time, the tornado in front finally began to reduce its power, and quickly dissipated after a few breaths, spitting out a large number of monster corpses and weapon debris.

The next battle will be extremely easy.

The puppet shield wall in the front row has been formed, providing security for the Roggees. Therefore, the Roggees only need to maintain the formation, keep advancing, and easily shoot and kill the remaining monsters.

Not long after, the team advanced to the exit of the canyon again, and there were not many monsters left, only four fallen magic wizards and dozens of ordinary guards remained.

A wave of arrows rained down, and those fallen demons instantly turned into hedgehogs and fell to the ground.

Ke Wen looked around at the exit of the canyon, and after seeing no more monsters, he gave the order: "Clean up the battlefield."


Flavius ​​responded again, and then turned around to assign tasks.

The cleaning of the battlefield took a lot of time this time, because the battle line was too long, and the Rogges needed to return to the canyon to collect the loot.

Ke Wen didn't care about this, and simply used the transformation technique to make a chair on the spot, sat on it and began to practice the 'identification technique' magic.

Slowly identify the magic equipment that Rogge sent from time to time, and after the battlefield is cleaned up, the proficiency in identifying magic has also been greatly improved.

After a brief repair, the team continued to go deeper into the area of ​​the 'Black Wasteland'.

This map deserves to be called a wasteland. Most of the terrain is a swamp area. It was originally uninhabited, and there are no pastures, farms and other buildings in the 'Dark Forest'.

Limited by the terrain, the team's advance speed became slow, and many places had to go around a lot.

However, there are quite a few monsters in this map. During the two hours of the team's advance, although there were no large-scale monster gathering places, there were endless monsters in the team mode.

Almost every few minutes, there will be a small group of monsters rushing towards the team. Although they cannot cause any damage to the team, everyone has to remain vigilant at all times.

None of the Rogers showed signs of fatigue for the time being, but Ke Wen knew that it was not good to go on like this, so after notifying Flavi, he quickly turned into a magpie and soared into the sky.

After circling in the nearby area for a while, Ke Wen returned to the team, then raised his finger and said in one direction: "Next, move forward there. There is a wilderness about two kilometers away. Let's go there to repair."

"Okay sir." After Flavius ​​responded, he turned around again to convey the instructions.

After more than half an hour, the team arrived at the place Ke Wen said, and then took turns to guard and start repairing.

Ke Wen sat on a flat stone, and while eating, he turned his gaze to the distance of the wilderness.

After eating for a while, he called Flavius, pointed to the distance and asked, "I didn't check carefully before, do you know what is shadowy over there?"

Flavius ​​turned his head to look at the words, but his eyesight was not as good as Kewen's, so he couldn't see what was in the distance.

Therefore, Flavius ​​shook his head with some embarrassment, and responded: "Sorry sir, I can't see that far, and I have never been to this area, so I don't understand your question."

Ke Wen nodded: "It's okay."

Seeing this, Flavi thought for a while and suggested: "How about, after the team is reorganized, let's start in that direction. Anyway, this time we came out to make everyone stronger, so it doesn't matter which direction we clean up the monsters. "

"Alright." Ke Wen agreed, then withdrew his curious gaze and continued to eat.

The team repaired on the spot for nearly two hours, and then began to march toward the depths of the wilderness.

Somewhat strangely, the number of monsters in this wilderness has decreased instead, and they no longer appear as frequently in the swamp area as before.

Ke Wen had some guesses in his mind. Sure enough, after the team eliminated sporadic monsters and advanced about a kilometer, a huge monster gathering place appeared in Ke Wen's field of vision.

After Ke Wen stopped the team and made everyone take precautions, he turned into a magpie and soared into the sky again.

Soon after a distance of one kilometer was crossed, Ke Wen hovered in the air and looked down.

This monster camp is the largest that Cowen has seen.

The number of monsters among them is almost half of that of the city of Tristram.

Moreover, the number of monsters below is not accumulated by the accumulation of zombies, but there are less than a hundred zombie monsters.

Among the thousands of monsters, the number of fallen demons accounted for more than half. After careful observation, Ke Wen found that even the number of fallen demon wizards had exceeded a hundred.

Among other types of monsters, there are about 300 corrupt archers, thousands of skeleton undead creatures, and more than 100 corrupt huge beasts.

Finally, there is a monster that Kewen has never seen before, which looks like a sheep orc, walks upright, and holds a long-handled metal ax in both hands.

After observing the situation of the monsters, Kewen began to observe the terrain again, looking for a suitable location for the battle.

This monster gathering place was formed by a piece of building wreckage. Looking at the stone wreckage, it was obvious that this place was a noble castle-like building a long time ago.

Today, those buildings have been severely dilapidated, most of which only have stone foundations left, and few buildings can still stand on the ground.

Except for a few semi-remnant stone houses, there is only one stone tower with a missing roof.

Ke Wen hovered in the air for a long time, observing all the terrain and making a plan, but he couldn't achieve the best effect he expected.

Because the environment is too open, it is impossible to provide the team with the most perfect attacking position. No matter which direction the attack is launched from, they will be surrounded by the wave of monsters.

This puts a lot of pressure on the 300 Rogges in the team, and if the battle line is too wide, Kewen can no longer guarantee the safety of everyone.

It seems that there is only one way to win the next war.

If the terrain is unfavorable, create a favorable terrain yourself!

Thinking of this, Kewen immediately ended his observation, flapped his wings to turn around, and returned to the direction of the team.

Not long after, Ke Wen fell from the sky and recovered his body. Before Flavius ​​asked, he gave an order: "Lead everyone to retreat, and withdraw a distance of one kilometer."

Flavius ​​was taken aback for a moment, but when she saw Ke Wen's serious expression, she stopped asking any more questions and turned around to direct the team.

Under the command of Flavius, the Rogers increased their speed, trotted back to the way they came, ran about a kilometer away, and then stopped under Cowen's call.

Looking around the surrounding open environment, Ke Wen decided to set up defense here, and then told everyone: "Keep the formation, and wait for me to build the defense line."

The Rogers obeyed the order perfectly and stopped moving.

Seeing this, Ke Wen retreated some distance, then held the staff with both hands and stood it upright in front of him, and began to chant the mantra with a serious face.


The earth trembled, and huge gaps appeared from the ground, cracking and spreading.

Not long after, the four stone walls gradually rose from the huge cracks, and finally closed together to form a closed space.

After casting the spell, Ke Wen immediately turned his head and glanced at the monster tribe. He was relieved to find no monsters.

It seems that casting spells at this distance will not cause the audio-visual effects to be noticed by the monster camp.

In this way, Kewen can continue to cast spells with confidence.

So, he clenched his staff again, released a series of 'transformation techniques', and began to arrange the geographical environment.

After more than 20 minutes, Ke Wen finally stopped, looked at the results, and showed a satisfied expression.

A square fortress with a height of thirty meters was completed.

The fort only has shooting windows facing the direction of the monster tribe, and many windows are located at a height of 20 meters above the fort.

The 20-meter area below is all stone walls with a thickness of nearly five meters, and there is no possibility of being damaged by monsters at all.

Although this fortress limited the Rogs' field of vision, it could guarantee their safety. As long as they hid in the fortress and shot through the shooting window, they would not be afraid of the damage from the long-range monsters among the monsters.

This also saves Ke Wen from bothering to protect the safety of Rogge, and can spare energy to release offensive magic.

Next, Ke Wen continued to arrange the venue.

With the fort as the center, two stone walls extend from both sides. The zigzagging two-meter-high stone walls form a gourd-shaped canyon terrain in front of the fort.

This 'false canyon' extends about 300 meters, and the closer it gets to the monster tribe, the wider the opening becomes.

After that, Ke Wen cast a spell on the ground, turning the muddy ground in the canyon into a muddy swamp, leaving only a meter-wide passage in the very center.

In this way, the geographical environment is simply created.

Back at the fort, Kewen greeted all Rogge to enter the fortress, and everyone followed orders and entered the interior of the fort through the passageway that Kewen made temporarily.

Climbing along the tower-like stairs, in the five-story space above the height of twenty meters, there are sixty people left in each space.

Kewen took the trouble to remind the Rogers, reminding them to pay attention to safety when attacking, and if they find that they are in danger of being attacked, they should immediately hide behind the wall next to the shooting window.

After Chun Chun’s instructions, Ke Wen told Flavi: “Next, I will lure the monsters. After the monsters enter the shooting range, you will immediately command the team to launch a free attack.”

"I've made a note, sir!" Flavius ​​replied solemnly.

Seeing the other party's dignified expression, Ke Wen lightly smiled and patted Flavius' arm, and comforted him: "Don't be too nervous, the right time, the right place, and the right people are with me, so it's just a simple battle."

Flavius ​​understood the last sentence, but he didn't understand the previous one, so he couldn't help asking: "Sir, what are weather, location, and harmony?"

"That is, all the favorable factors are on our side." Ke Wen explained, then reached into his pocket and took out a space bag.

Passing the space bag to Flavius, Ke Wen said: "This is a potion for relieving muscle fatigue. After I leave, you will distribute the potion."

"Okay sir." Flavius ​​quickly reached out and took the space bag.

Seeing this, Ke Wen nodded to the other party, and then jumped down from the middle of the spiral staircase.

With a 'bang', Ke Wen raised his head and waved his hands to Flavi who was nervously overlooking, and then walked out of the fort through a temporary passage.

After restoring the temporary passage to a thick stone wall, Ke Wen turned into a magpie and flew towards the monster camp.

It didn't take long to reach the sky above the tribe, and after circling and observing for a while, it turned around and swooped down quickly.

Approaching the ground, the monsters finally heard the sound of breaking through the sky above their heads, and they all looked up into the air. Under such circumstances, Ke Wen suddenly returned to his human form.

With both feet on the ground, he looked down at the stunned Sorcerer Sorcerer in front of him, and suddenly grinned.

Raising his right hand upwards, the magic of 'Arcane Shock' burst out suddenly.

This time, he no longer controlled the explosion angle of the magic, but made the magic effect fully open.


The air was shaken by the arcane magic to make a dull sound, centered on Kewen, the fallen demons within ten meters around screamed in pain and flew out.

Silent casting and wandless casting greatly weakened the power of this magic, but this was exactly what Ke Wen had intended.

Because once the Fallen Demon Wizard is killed, it will cause the surrounding Fallen Demons to scatter and flee. Therefore, Kewen deliberately controlled the damage of the magic, only hurting but not killing the Fallen Demon Wizard.

No, the fallen demon wizard did not die after falling to the ground, but got up after screaming a few times, then stared at Ke Wen, opened his mouth and yelled loudly.

The fallen demons around got the command, immediately raised their weapons, and charged Ke Wen.

In this regard, Kewen just smiled unchanged, turned his head to find the next fallen magician, and then disappeared in a flash.

When it reappeared, it had already teleported in front of another fallen magician.


The same arcane concussion magic erupted, and there was another cry of pain.

In this way, Ke Wen kept flashing in the entire camp with teleportation magic, provoking one after another of the fallen magic wizards.

After he successfully attracted the hatred of all the fallen demons to him, he teleported to a further place, got into other kinds of monster piles, and launched a 'taunting' attack on those elite or leader monsters.

A few minutes later, Kewen successfully turned the entire monster tribe upside down, and the angry screams of the monsters were everywhere.

All the monsters seemed to have turned into headless flies, they could only chase after Kewen's teleporting figure, chasing one side for a while, and chasing that way for a while.

Seeing that he was almost 'taunted', Kewen began to teleport to the periphery of the tribe, and continued to provoke with less harmful but extremely insulting magic along the way.

When Ke Wen successfully teleported out of the periphery of the tribe, he turned his head and saw that all the monsters in the tribe had been successfully provoked by him, and the whole army was attacking and chasing after him.

"A bunch of brainless idiots..."

Ke Wen chuckled and muttered, then turned around and started jogging in the direction of the fort.

Keeping a safe distance from the army of monsters behind him, Ke Wen kept running in front, and once the monsters showed signs of 'decreased hatred', he would immediately turn around and throw a few less powerful spells behind him.

He didn't continue to escape until he provoked the monster's anger again.

In this way, Kewen led thousands of monsters and ran for more than 1,500 meters, and finally came to the "gourd-shaped" pass he arranged with the "transformation technique".

Slowing down his running pace, Ke Wen looked back, and then grabbed his sides with both hands.

The two whirlwinds were caught by Ke Wen out of thin air, and then thrown backward by him.

The whirlwind swelled rapidly, and quickly rushed into the wave of monsters.

But after all, it is magic whose power has been deliberately controlled, so it only caused an outcry in the monster tide, and did not cause any effective damage.

After the last provocation was over, Kewen turned around, gradually increased his speed, and rushed into the Gourd Pass.

Soon arriving at the last open space, Kewen walked through the swamps that covered the entire area along the road that had been reserved earlier.

Arriving at the bottom of the fort, Ke Wen stood still and quickly directed hundreds of monster puppets to stand forward, forming several rows of shield wall protection circles for the fort.

Just as the puppets were arranged here, at the last pass, hundreds of monsters had rushed into the swamp from the 20-meter-wide pass.

The muddy swamp instantly dragged down the monsters' chasing speed. When more than 500 monsters rushed into the pass, Kewen suddenly shouted loudly: "Rogges! Attack—"

whoosh whoosh—

A rain of arrows suddenly flew out from the launch port above the fortress, condescendingly covering the crowd of monsters...

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :