Rubik’s Cube Heavens

v4 Chapter 28: friendly

Anduin Lothar's identity is there, and Cowen doesn't want to be hostile to him.

The attitude of the old mage is also unexpectedly good, and Kewen can also carry forward the concept of respecting the old and caring for the young, and communicate with each other in a friendly manner.

But you don't even know if you have a full-length mage apprentice. Who gave you the courage to shake face at me?

Ke Wen couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly, with a chill in his eyes, staring at the young mage who spoke.

Afterwards, Ke Wen replied in a very flat tone but with extremely bad content: "What kind of thing are you?"

Everyone was taken aback.

As a magician, most people are proud.

Especially those half-baked people who are "one bottle full of half a bottle dangling", they don't have the humility of a real wise man, and they always feel that as a high-status magician, they should look aloof.

They look down on civilians with mud legs, and look down on fighters who can only use their strength like beasts. Similarly, they also look down on Yeluzi mages who are not 'academics'.

Now, Kewen, the 'Yeluzi' mage, dared to say such a sentence.


The mage apprentice suddenly forgot that there was Anduin Lothar beside him, and he forgot that there was his teacher beside him.

It almost screamed and yelled: "You pariah! Arcane—Bomb!"

Clasping his hands in front of his chest, the young mage quickly recited the magic, and before the people around him could react, he pushed the ball of 'arcane energy' in his hand towards Ke Wen.




Anduin Lothar, the two old mages, the three of them exclaimed at the same time after reacting.

However, the magic spell 'Arcane Bomb' was too short, and before they could stop it, the ball of arcane energy had turned into two small **** of energy surrounding each other, and quickly flew in front of Ke Wen.

Everyone immediately looked at Ke Wen nervously.

In this regard, Ke Wen didn't even look at the arcane energy flying in front of him, he just stared at the young caster, and then raised his left hand with the palm facing upwards.

If it was replaced by other four elements of creation that already "had a master", Ke Wen might have a little bit of thought to fight against magic.

However, the other party dared to use arcane energy in front of him?

The 'arcane energy' of this world is completely defenseless against him, okay?

He can round and flatten the 'Arcane Energy' arbitrarily like he did in 'Fairy Tail World'.

Therefore, under everyone's gaze, the ball of 'arcane magic' suddenly turned around, as if a baby swallow had thrown itself into the forest, and got into Ke Wen's palm very well.

The 'arcane energy' that was going to explode at any time suddenly became extremely docile, and the feeling of going to explode at any time disappeared instantly.

Everyone was shocked.

But Ke Wen was not in a daze.

His tone was very cold, while playing with the 'Arcane Energy Ball' in his hand, he said: "So you chose to start a war? Since you have already made a move..."

While speaking, Ke Wen suddenly shook his hand and threw the 'arcane energy' towards the young spellcaster.

"not good!"

Feeling that the 'arcane energy' became very active again, the two old mages exclaimed at the same time, and shot at the same time.

"Ice Bodyguard!"

"Arcane Shield!"

There were two shouts of urgency, and the two old mages quickly put two layers of magic shields on the apprentice.


The next moment, the energy ball collided with the shield, triggering an explosion of arcane energy.

The aftermath of the explosion made several other people subconsciously raise their hands to block in front of them, resisting the turbulence caused by the explosion.

As for the mage apprentice, he flew upside down because he faced the explosion head-on. Fortunately, he had two layers of magic shield on his body. After one layer was broken, there was still one layer to protect it.



The other two mage apprentices, a man and a woman, immediately exclaimed.

Afterwards, one of the male apprentices showed anger, and quickly raised his hand and began to stare at Kewen and chant spells.

Others were still shocked by the sudden change, so they didn't react again.

Ke Wen no longer remained passive this time, raised his left hand, and hooked his index finger upwards.

In the next moment, stone strips popped out of the ground under the feet of Anduin Lothar and the others, and quickly snaked along their bodies to imprison them.

Anduin Lothar was stunned, but after seeing the situation clearly, he was unable to escape, and was immediately bound up by stone bars.

The same was true for the two sorcerer apprentices. Even before the apprentice finished chanting the spell, his body was firmly imprisoned by the stone bars.

And the stone bar continued to jump up, completely sealing the mouths of the two apprentices.

As for the two old mages, they are not restrained.

Their reaction speed finally caught up with the changes in the situation. When they saw that the stone had jumped to their waists, the two of them cast spells at the same time, and their figures suddenly flashed, appearing a few meters away out of thin air.

However, after they flashed, they did not fight back. The old mage who had communicated with Kewen before said quickly: "Stop! We don't need to fight!"

This made Ke Wen pause, and stopped his left hand that had already made a swinging motion.

However, although the attitude of the old mage is better, Kewen can stop haggling with him, but there is another apprentice who made a move to him.

Therefore, Kewen turned his head slightly, and gave a slight kick to the apprentice who was imprisoned by the stone bars.

The next moment, the stone strips on the opponent's body suddenly drew inward, and the huge squeezing force made the mage apprentice suddenly scream.


"Young man, please let him go!"

The two old mages shouted again, and showed nervous expressions at the same time.

Hearing this, Ke Wen glanced at them and found that the two old mages still had no hostile attitude, so he relaxed his mind and stopped the stone bar from shrinking.

The screams disappeared, and the two old mages breathed a sigh of relief.

But they relaxed too soon.

But the sorcerer apprentice who was sent flying before had gotten up and started chanting the spell again.


This time, the old mage finally reacted quickly, and he instantly 'flashed' in front of the young mage, blocking the opponent's casting path with his body.

"Stop!" The old mage yelled angrily, "How much do you want to make the situation worse!"

"But that bitch..."

"Shut up!"

The old mage blushed and shouted loudly: "If you open your mouth and shut your mouth, you are superior! I am really ashamed of your upbringing!"

"I..." The young man named Amir was stunned

He looked at the furious old man in front of him, and finally remembered the identity of the other party's own mentor, so he quickly put away the unruly expression on his face, and humbly bowed his head to admit his mistake: "Teacher, I'm sorry..."

"The target of your apology is not me!"

The old sorcerer's tone softened somewhat, but he still hated iron for being weak.

Stepping aside a little, the old mage pointed back and pointed in Kewen's direction: "He is the one you need to apologize to!"


Amir changed his face again, and his rebellious psychology regained the upper hand: "Why!"

Gritting his teeth and growling, Amir resentfully said: "He is so uneducated! With his humble status! How dare you disrespect Sir Lothar and your mentor!!"

The old mage sighed after hearing the words, and his tone was full of helplessness: "Amir, I order you to apologize to him!"


"Otherwise!" The old mage interrupted Amir's speech severely, and continued: "Otherwise, I will expel you, a student with worrying character!"

"Teacher!?" Amir exclaimed in disbelief.

The old mage looked straight into the other's eyes, and nodded heavily to express his seriousness.

Seeing this, Amir panicked completely.

His pride became completely worthless in the face of being "dismissed". He couldn't help looking at another old mage, and asked for help with his eyes.

However, the other old mage also shook his head slightly.

Panic, helpless.

Amir's throat was dry, and he finally grabbed the straw, and immediately apologized loudly to Cowen: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Mr. Mage! Please forgive me for my previous recklessness!"

Ke Wen felt a little inexplicable.

He didn't understand why those two old mages were so friendly to him.

So he didn't respond immediately, but looked at the faces of the two old mages, trying to guess their thoughts.

But ended up getting nothing.

"young people."

At this time, the old mage opened his mouth and said to Ke Wen in a friendly tone: "Please be magnanimous and accept Amir's apology. I will punish him later. How about this time?"

After such a period of time, the two old mages have been very face-saving, so Ke Wen couldn't find a reason to continue to get angry, so he was silent for a while, and then nodded slowly.

"Very good!" The old mage smiled happily, and turned to look at Amir beside him: "Listen to the child!"

"Yes!" Amir quickly responded obediently.

"Being a mage doesn't mean you are arrogant and arrogant!" The old mage taught in a serious tone: "Being a mage! You must first know how to be in awe of all things! You must learn to be humble! Only then! Keep going on this road!"

"Yes! Thank you for the teacher's teaching!" Amir responded with a respectful The old mage nodded, finally showed a satisfied smile, and then punished: "Amir, after you go back this time, you will Suspend the study and study of magic."

"Teacher!?" Amir raised his head in panic.

"You go to the herbal medicine room." The old mage was unmoved, and continued: "Until your Enchantment has reached the intermediate level, you can continue to study and study magic with me."

Another old mage nodded approvingly: "This is very good. Studying enchanting can make him more focused and temper his impulsive temperament."

At the same time, Ke Wen felt a little scratching his head looking at the scene in front of him.

Wasn't it hostile before? How did it become such a word of mouth in a blink of an eye...