Rubik’s Cube Heavens

v4 Chapter 79: question and answer

The physique of the orc is too strong.

The orc who was knocked unconscious by Anduin Lothar woke up from the shaking of the prison car shortly after it started.

Shaking his head to get rid of the dizziness, the orc immediately realized his imprisoned state.

Click! Click!

He struggled a few times, and after sensing the strength of the chains on his body, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Behind the prison van, Anduin Lothar heard the noise, and after notifying Ke Wen, he rushed forward.

After paralleling the prison van, Anduin Lothar sized up the orcs inside, and then asked in a concentrated voice, "Who are you!? Why did you attack our homeland!?"

The orc didn't answer, but kept staring at Garona who was imprisoned opposite him.

"Answer me! Monster!" Anduin Lothar shouted.

At this time, Garona in the prison car suddenly turned her head and said to Anduin Lothar, "He doesn't understand you, so don't waste your words."

"You can speak our language?" Anduin Lothar was taken aback, looked at Garona and asked: "Look at you... Are you a different race from them?"

"Of course I'm..."


The orc suddenly let out a low growl, and then said something to Garona in the 'orc language' in a threatening tone.

"What did he say?" Anduin Lothar asked Garona.

"He warned me not to talk to you guys."

"You know each other?" Anduin Lothar continued to ask a series of questions: "Is he in a higher position than you? Why did he warn you? Also, what's your name?"

"My name is Garona." Garona replied: "His status is indeed higher than mine, and I am just the most humble existence in the group."

"Can you introduce me?" Anduin Lothar said, "For example, your ethnic group, such as where you live."

boom! Crash! bang bang...

Seeing that Garona ignored the warning and continued to talk to Anduin Lothar there, the orcs in the prison van couldn't help but be completely enraged.

His arms, which were as thick as a human torso, were constantly struggling, causing the iron chains on his wrists to rattle.

Seeing this, Anduin Lothar stopped asking, narrowed his eyes slightly, and pulled the long sword out of the scabbard.

Looking at Garona, Anduin Lothar raised his chin to the orc: "Can you convey a warning for me? Warn him to be honest and stop making any more struggling movements."

"Talk to him yourself if you have the ability." Garona snorted lightly, "I didn't say that..."

Garona's words were interrupted.

Because at this moment, the orc in the prison car finally broke the joint between the chain and the car board, he roared angrily, and rushed towards Garona in a mighty manner.


Anduin Lothar, who had been wary of sudden changes for a long time, made an instant move, pierced the long sword into the prison car along the iron railing, and pierced the orc's head accurately and quickly.

The orc's corpse stopped in front of Garona, and the blood spattered the female orc's face.

Garona's pupils constricted, and he was breathless with tension. After regaining consciousness, he looked at the orc in front of him, and a trace of rabbit death and fox sadness flashed in his eyes.

Anduin Lothar tilted his head. Seeing the change in Garona's eyes, he couldn't help but smile slightly: "You're welcome."


Anduin Lothar withdrew his long sword, looked at the limp corpse in the prison car, and then said to Garona, who was still in a state of mind, "Do you mind? Stay with him?"

Garona stared at Anduin Lothar, then looked away after a moment and became indifferent.

Following Anduin Lothar's order, the stopped prison van continued to start.

But no matter how Anduin Lothar spoke next, Garona in the prison car no longer responded in cooperation.

Seeing this, Anduin Lothar also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to communicate, and ordered everyone to speed up.

An hour later, the team finally returned to Stormwind City.

In order to avoid causing panic among the people, Anduin Lothar did not choose to show the captives this time, to show the strength of the kingdom.

He ordered the entire prison van to be covered with a black cloth, and after returning to the barracks, he took Garona and the orc corpse to the palace.

In the political hall, King Wrynn sat solemnly on the throne.

On the steps below, on the left stood the queen who came to meddle in state affairs again, and on the right were Coven and Anduin Lothar.

Garona stood in the center of the hall, with two legion commanders standing behind her on guard at all times.

Near the door stood Medivh, who came back after going back to Karazhan, and Khadgar was beside him.

"what's your name?"

At this time, King Wrynn opened his mouth, and he asked Garona who was constantly looking at the entire hall: "What race are you?"

Garona didn't answer.

She turned her head and glanced at the two legion commanders behind her, and then looked at King Wrynn again.

Then, she suddenly started her steps and slowly approached King Wrynn.

The two legion commanders immediately stepped forward with their weapons drawn, but were stopped by King Wrynn's raised hand.

Garona didn't care about her own safety. She walked up to King Wrynn, lifted the skirt of the other party's body with her hand, looked at it, and then passed King Wrynn and walked up the steps of the throne.


She was very interested in the metal lion sculptures on both sides of the throne, squatted down to touch it, and then leaned forward to smell it.

At this time, King Wrynn spoke again: "Don't you speak our language? Answer my question."

Garona still ignored it.

Seeing this, Anduin Lothar had no choice but to say, "Garona, that's what she called herself on the way back."

"What about race?" King Wrynn asked.

Anduin Lothar shook his head, saying that he had not received any information.

At this time, the legion commander who participated in the battle interjected, and he said to King Wrynn: "Your Majesty, the enemies we encountered are all like huge monsters, but she... she is more like us, except for the skin and... Fangs."


Garona spoke suddenly, with some inexplicable persistence, she turned her head and emphasized to the legion commander: "I am not you!"

"Beastman?" King Wrynn lowered his body, looked at Garona and asked, "Who are you referring to? You? Or the corpse I saw before?"

"We." Garona stood up and said to King Wrynn, "We are all glorious orcs."


King Wrynn nodded slowly, and continued: "I know all the races of the Seven Kingdoms, and..."

With that said, King Wrynn glanced at Kewen again: "Also, my advisor has also popularized many races from other continents for me, so where are you from?"

King Wrynn pointed to the 'Eastern Continent' map on the roof: "This continent? Is it 'Kalimdor' or something else?"

Garona looked up at the map mural on the ceiling, then shook her head: "This is not the world of our orcs. Our world is destroyed, so now we want to occupy your world."

"Occupy our world?" King Wrynn was taken aback.

"Other worlds?"

At this time, Medivh at the door suddenly interjected: "How did you come to our side?"

"The Portal of Darkness." Garona looked at Medivh: "We built a huge 'Portal of Darkness', and then came here through magic."

"Then why do you know our language?" Khadgar couldn't help asking a question.

"We're going to take prisoners for the gate. I learned from them."

"Captives?" King Wrynn grasped the key point: "Is it our compatriots who were taken away by you? Are they still alive?"

"Of course." Garona said as it should be: "In order to sacrifice the gate, let all our fighters teleport over to occupy your world, so those captives are still alive for the time being, until the 'Dark Gate' is built, they will was sacrificed."

"Take me to your lair!" Anduin Lothar said suddenly.

Garona followed the prestige and snorted lightly: "No."

"You will agree." Anduin Lothar stared at the other party: "Otherwise, you will end up with the corpse in the prison car."

"You think you're intimidating?"

Garona walked slowly in front of Anduin Lothar, approaching her face, almost touching the tip of Anduin Lothar's nose.

She stared into Anduin Lothar's eyes and said, "The pets of the orc children are more terrifying than you."

"We don't want to be intimidating, Garona."

King Wrynn interjected: "We just want to protect our compatriots, our people. If you will help us save the people, I swear to you, you will be free."


These two words touched Garona, and she couldn't help but look back at King Wrynn.

"Yes!" King Wrynn nodded heavily: "I promise, you will be free."

"You're going to die."

Garona gave up trying to compete with Anduin Lothar, and he turned to King Wrynn: "I want to live, so I won't take you to die."

"If you don't take us!"

Anduin Lothar suddenly said in a deep voice: "Then you are going to die now!"

Garona turned her head again, and confronted Anduin Lothar **** for tat: "If both sides are going to die, then I might as well die by your hands, at least by the hands of the enemy, which is my honor!"

Anduin Lothar gritted his teeth angrily, but he had nothing to do with Garona in front of him.

Seeing this, King Wrynn had no choice but to ease the atmosphere: "Then, Garona, can you explain to us more? About your race."

"I don't want to say replied like this, and gave Anduin Lothar a sideways look, meaning: I blame Anduin Lothar for making her unhappy.

This answer made everyone frown.

"Let me do it."

Ke Wen was quiet for a long time, and finally interrupted.

Anduin Lothar seemed to have found the backbone, and immediately said: "Then leave it to you, Ke Wen!"

Garona, on the other hand, focused on Ke Wen for the first time. He tilted his head and looked at Ke Wen for a few times, then shook his head contemptuously: "I won't answer any more questions."

"No, you will."

Ke Wen smiled, stepped forward slowly and raised his hand...
