Rubik’s Cube Heavens

v6 Chapter 46: borrow

The hall was completely silent.

None of the people said anything, they all looked around the messy hall and wondered what they were thinking.

Ke Wen felt that the next step should be the Avengers' own business, so he was about to leave, so he broke the silence.

He whispered jokingly: "Is it Ultron?"

Attracting everyone's attention, Ke Wen spread his hands and smiled lightly: "The robot has started to think about philosophy. Even if it didn't fall into an endless loop of logic and burn the program, I think it must be very sick."

"You should be very busy next time, so I won't bother you much. If you catch Ultron, maybe you can go to my place and let him receive psychological counseling."

It seemed that she was worried that Ke Wen's words were inappropriate, so Natasha immediately helped smooth things over.

She apologized to Ke Wen first, and then smiled wryly: "Birthday party, expo, and today, I'm sorry Ke Wen, every time I invite you, it seems that I will get you into trouble."

"Don't worry about it."

Cowen responded with a smile, and continued to joke: "Maybe this is a positive chemical reaction."

"For example, if you encounter an enemy that you can't find in the future, why not try to invite me to participate in some activities, maybe the enemy will suddenly jump in front of you on its own initiative?"

Clint Button laughed lightly, and also helped to smooth things over: "Perhaps this hypothesis will not necessarily happen."

Ke Wen smiled and nodded to everyone: "Then I will take my leave first."


Tony Stark, who was sitting on a step, suddenly spoke in a low and serious voice, "Are you really not going to stay and help?"

Ke Wen was silent for a moment, and then said softly: "Of course I will help, but it seems that now is not the right time for treatment. I think you should discuss the response plan next?"

"So after you have finished the discussion, you can go to the hospital for treatment at any time, and I will always be ready when I go back."


Tony Stark was dissatisfied with Cowen's stupidity, and he wanted to continue to say something.

But Natasha immediately interjected: "Stark, Ke Wen is right, we must immediately discuss a response plan!"

"That's right."

Clint Barton chimed in and changed the subject: "Speaking of which, Stark and Dr. Banner, you seem to know what Ultron is?"

Tony Stark felt very tired.

He looked at Natasha and Clint who were helping to cover, and finally he could only give up and sigh.

And Natasha said to Ke Wen at the right time: "Sorry Ke Wen, I can't go down to see you off."

"No need."

Ke Wen nodded to everyone again, then turned and left.

Hearing the sound of the elevator descending and going away, Steve suddenly said: "Everyone, we must first understand who the enemy is, so Sol, try to chase it."

Thor nodded, spun Thor's hammer and flung it forward, and flew out through the floor-to-ceiling windows broken by the robot.

"Agent Hill, Agent Romanov."

Steve continued to arrange: "Help call out the surveillance video of the building and let us know what else Ultron has done."

"Stark, Dr. Banner."

Taking a deep breath helplessly, Steve continued: "Use your skills to find out the secret of Ultron."

"team leader."

Seeing that Steve had nothing to say, Clint, who was not assigned to the task, couldn't help asking, "What do I need to do?"

Steve shook his head slightly: "Help me clean up the house, or take care of Colonel Rhodes."

"I'm fine."

Colonel Rhodes, whose arm was injured by the robot's pulse gun, immediately said: "These robots are only used to maintain order, not combat models, so their attack power is not strong, and I'm fine."

"Really all right?"

Clint confirmed, and then suggested: "Why don't you go to Kewen to check first, do you know the address of Kewen Hospital?"

"I know, I accompanied Tony during the operation."

Colonel Rhodes nodded, and refused again: "Trust me, I didn't try to be brave, I was really just a minor injury."

"Okay everyone."

Steve interrupted: "Let's act first."

Hearing this, everyone left one after another according to their division of labor, and those who stayed started to tidy up the house and clean up the wreckage.

In the middle of the night, Cowen received a call from Tony Stark.

He diffused the perception coverage and went to Stark Tower, and found that there was no one else around Tony Stark, so he connected the phone.

"Your meeting is over? So are you coming over for therapy?"

"You...forget it!"

Tony Stark was not in the mood to argue with Cowen, and said directly: "I need your help!"

"I think you can figure it out on your own."

Ke Wen said softly: "And Stark, I have reminded you a long time ago that self-righteousness is actually a disease. How is it now? Your arrogant self-confidence made you create an uncontrollable disaster."

"Covin Quinn!"

Tony Stark raised his voice irritably: "Is it enough for everyone to teach me a lesson!? Yes! I admit that the main responsibility this time lies with me! But don't you understand like everyone else!?"

Taking a deep breath, Tony Stark continued: "You found the coordinates of the Chitauri back then! You should have seen their true appearance like me! You know how lucky we were to win that time!"

"But what about next time!?" He lowered his voice: "Next time there will be no portal, and the Chitauri will directly send the battleship to Earth!? How can we win!?"

"Together." Ke Wen replied simply.

"Are you Captain America?" Tony Stark felt absurd: "If I say we will lose, do you still want to say that we will lose together!?"

"Stark." Ke Wen half leaned on the head of the bed and shook his head: "The world is not yours alone, and you are not the only one who can fight against the enemy. You are not qualified to bear the responsibility of everyone."

"Forget it!" Tony Stark stopped: "I don't want to argue with you, I need your help now!"

"I don't want to interfere." Cowen refused: "I don't want to be broken into a peaceful life."

"You can do whatever you want!" Tony Stark said, "but I need your bionics!"

"They?" Ke Wen was slightly taken aback.

"That's right! They!" Tony Stark said seriously: "I'm worried that Ultron will get the launch code of the global nuclear bomb! So I need your bionic person to help me go to the Internet Center to stop Ultron!"

"Don't you have artificial intelligence?" Cowen asked.

"Yes, but it's not safe!" Tony Stark explained: "I'm afraid that Ultron has left some backdoors in my server."

"Well, yes." Ke Wen agreed: "I will send Albi to assist you."

"That's it."

Tony Stark didn't want to go on and on, and finally urged: "Send it as soon as possible, and then you can continue to enjoy your ordinary life."

The phone hangs up.

Ke Wen looked at the phone, and then used magic to transmit the voice to the third floor: "Yurha, change the mode and go to Stark Tower, and then cooperate with Tony Stark first."


There was the sound of the air being squeezed out, Miss 2b teleported to the bedroom, and asked in a cold voice: "Sir, do you have any other orders? Such as combat arrangements."

"No need for now." Ke Wen shook his head: "Go."


Miss 2b responded, raised her hand and patted her chest, and changed into her short black combat skirt, and the auxiliary eyepatch also covered the silver-haired Liuhai at the same time.

The teleportation disappeared, and Miss 2b rushed to the Stark Tower according to the order.

But she is not human after all, so the way she executes orders is too rigid.

She actually appeared directly inside Stark Tower, startling the Avengers.

Fortunately, Natasha knew the details of the Shenji Puppet, so she immediately opened her mouth to dispel everyone's guard.

Then Natasha asked Miss 2b, "Why are you here?"

"To carry out the order to assist Tony Stark."

Without the cover of the magic glasses, Miss 2b's body is less human. Although she can imitate her tone, she has no real feelings.

This makes her answer seem very strange.

Natasha wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a voice.

Tony Stark, who had just walked out of the secluded room, was surprised: "It's here so soon? Oh yes! You will all be spatially displaced!"


Clint was surprised: "Both you and Stark know them?"

Natasha and Tony Stark glanced at each other, then nodded tacitly.

Just when Clint felt that he was talking too much, Maria Hill on the other side asked, "When did we meet? Since the New York War, the whole world has been looking for these five female heroes."

"We met on the battlefield at the time."

Natasha concealed: "The little robot that was with me back then was lent to me, so we talked a little more."

"IM about the same."

Tony Stark helped to cover up: "I also chatted a few more words because of their space technology."

Maria Hill was still puzzled, she couldn't fully accept Natasha and Tony Stark's reasons.

But now S.H.I.E.L.D. has disappeared so she can't keep asking.

"Okay." Tony Stark clapped his hands: "Thanks to this lady for coming to help, then come and help me and Dr. Banner track down Ultron first."

After speaking, Tony Stark immediately took Miss 2b out of everyone's sight.

At this time, Steve came to Natasha's side.

He asked in a low voice, "His friend?"

Natasha nodded slightly.

"And that revolver of yours?" Steve continued.

Natasha looked up at the other party, and then whispered: "Let's say it was captured from Hydra."

Steve nodded knowingly, ended the collusion, and continued to work...
