Rubik’s Cube Heavens

v7 Chapter 40: Photo

Corvin reached out and pushed away the plastic bag that was blocking his view.

The little girl Farah continued to avoid her sight while slowly blocking the plastic bag back.

Cowen was amused.

He simply reached out and snatched the plastic bag containing the money, then threw it away in the back seat.

In response, the little girl Farah hurriedly shrank in the direction of the car door, as if she could squeeze herself into the gap in the seat.

"Where can you hide?"

Kewen sneered and stretched out his hand, directly pinching the little girl's ear.

Gently retracting his hand, he pulled the little girl's body over and said in a gloomy tone, "Okay, it's a mess, you're a little assistant, aren't you."

"Old, boss, I was wrong..."

The little girl pitifully assured: "Because it's the first time...never next time!"

"And next time?"

Kewen let go of the other party angrily, and said while starting the car, "Dream, you should stay in the office and be your front desk for me in the future."

The little girl wants to ask for love.

But this time, she really realized her mistake, so she could only temporarily restrain her thoughts.

Let's wait for Kewen to calm down.

After more than an hour, the two returned to the office.

As soon as he entered the door, Kewen's cell phone rang.

This made him frown, secretly thinking, could there be any trouble?

Looking at the caller ID on the phone, it turned out that it was Angela's call.

Kewen frowned and connected the call.

Nothing is right.

Angela called to thank Kewen for giving her another big credit.

In addition, Angela also issued a dinner invitation, saying that Kewen would be invited to dinner in the evening.

Kewen readily agreed, said a few more words and hung up the phone.

After thinking about it, he didn't put away the phone, but dialed a number.

The phone was quickly connected, and Kewen instructed the half-angel on the opposite side: "Rita, Beelzebub's son is about to come to the world, you can ask me for news and find out if there is any conspiracy here."

"Okay, Your Majesty!" Rita replied in surprise, unable to restrain herself: "I will try my best to help you find out the news!"

"Don't take it too seriously."

Kewen reassured: "It's not an important thing, so you don't have to take risks."

This made Rita stunned.

The heir of the Demon Prince is about to come to the world, isn't that an important thing?

Not understanding Kewen's thoughts, Rita hesitated for a while and then answered again: "Okay, my majesty, I will be careful."

"That's it first." Kewen was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait Your Majesty!"

Rita said quickly, "Your Majesty, when can I go to your place?"

Kewen was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Wait for me."

Saying that, he raised his hand to move upstairs, causing a magazine-like book to fly quickly.

Opening the book, Kewen looked at the photos of celebrities and supermodels on each page.

After flipping through it for a while, he responded to Rita: "This week's appointments are full. Next week... Wednesday, come over next Wednesday."

"Okay, Your Majesty!" Rita responded with satisfaction.

Hanging up the phone and putting away the phone, Kewen flipped through the photo album in his hand, which even the paid VIPs couldn't see.

Immediately, he instructed Farah, who was honestly hiding in the front desk: "Take this commission to buy me a better camera."

"What do you want the camera for?" Farah asked curiously from the front desk.

"The atlas should be updated."

Ke Wen threw it away, causing the photo album to disappear out of thin air and go back upstairs.

He also said: "These photos will make people lose their freshness after looking at them for a long time, so I plan to update them."


The little girl Farah made a disgusting voice.

She despised: "All fans should really appreciate how their goddesses look in the photo album! And the boss, aren't you afraid that the photo album will be leaked someday?"

"I'm not the designated teacher." Kewen rolled his eyes: "Besides, who has the ability to steal from me?"

"What about the women in the photobook?"

Farah imagined: "For the sake of profit, they can't wait to turn the world upside down. What if a woman secretly records a photo album and then leaks other people's photos?"

Cowen was stunned.

He thought about it, and it was really possible that such a thing could happen.

Don't look at those women being well-behaved in front of him, but Cowen knew that what Farah said was the truth.

Outside the office, those celebrities and supermodels are not as harmonious and friendly as those in front of him. For the resources in the circle, they are doing strange tricks and fighting in the dark.

Therefore, maybe there is a woman who has lost out on the outside and will choose to die together as Farah said.

Thinking of this, Kewen nodded in approval: "You reminded me."

When the words fell, he beckoned to make the photo book without any clothes fly over again, and he turned it over and sent it to the collection room of the 'Cube Space'.

Barely qualified as a collectible, eh!

In the blink of an eye, a week passed, and on Wednesday afternoon, the sound of a camera shutter sounded in the bedroom on the third floor.

Cowen sprinkled some holy light on the room cloth, which made the curtained room appear brighter than the outside.

On the bed, the half-angel Rita was indulging in the holy light that filled the room.

According to Kewen's instructions, she posed various shapes on the bed.

A pair of angel feathers, one-fifth whitened, spread out behind her back, which made her look divine and seductive.

"Change your posture."

Cowen opened his mouth and instructed Rita to take the most dissolute pose.

Then he continuously pressed the camera shutter again.

After the shooting, Kewen looked at the image left on the memory card, nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his hand to make the holy light in the room disappear.

He waved his hand to open the curtain again, Kewen condensed five cottage angel feathers, and pushed the feathers to Rita out of thin air.

As Rita incorporates the feathers into her wings, Cowan asks, "How's the thing that made you investigate?"

Rita didn't answer right away.

She murmured for a moment as if she was swayed, and after the feathers were fused, she recovered and replied, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I didn't hear anything."

"Call me sir."

Kewen corrected a sentence, and then said with a little surprise: "It's such a big thing that Satan's descendants come to the world, and there is no news at all? Have you asked those **** creatures?"

"I asked Mr.

Rita changed her name. She shook her head and said, "Maybe this incident was not publicized among the forces of hell, and none of the **** creatures I asked about had heard of it."


Rita posted her guess: "Sir, will the area where the descendants of Satan come this time is not the Los Angeles side, maybe other areas, so the **** creatures here are not aware of it."

After thinking about it, Kewen nodded: "Okay, so be it, it's none of my business anyway. If you really want to provoke me, then just kill it."

Hearing this, Rita hurriedly bowed her head humbly to Kewen.


Cowen put his eyes back on the camera.

While looking at the photos taken these days, he said: "Find a place to adapt to the improved strength, or go to the midnight bar and continue to help me follow the news."

"Sir." Rita raised her eyes and asked respectfully, "Do you need me to serve tonight?"

"Need not."

Cowan glanced up at Rita.

For him, the half angel in front of him is not the most qualified bed partner.

It’s okay to try it out from time to time, but it’s boring if it’s frequent.

Because the other party is too humble, he can't let go of his body and mind at all, and can't show his true character in front of him.

So Kewen is still more willing to contact those stars and supermodels.

Those people were equally likable, but at least they weren't as fearful and submissive as Rita.

If celebrities and supermodels are food with meat and vegetarian food, then Rita can only be regarded as a vegan dish, and it is enough to enjoy the vegan food of this kind of mother-in-law once in a while.

Back to topic.

Kewen asked Rita to leave on her own, and he directly entered the 'Cube Space'.

In the recently built 'darkroom', Kewen began to develop and print the photos in the camera.

He is gradually making new photo albums.

Outside, Rita was not surprised by Cowen's sudden disappearance.

In her heart, Kewen should be a high-ranking angel who experiences human life, so it is normal no matter how powerful he is.

At this point, she was already dressed, and after carefully making the bed for Kewen, Rita left the bedroom and walked all the way downstairs.

Soon she came to the first floor, and she met Farah, who was sitting in the front desk.

A look of jealousy flickered in Rita's eyes, and then her attitude turned into disdain and arrogance.

In her opinion, Farah is an ignorant waste.

With such unique conditions, but ignorant of the Crown Prince, Rita felt that Farah was both lucky and sad.

This made her look down on Farah very much.

Therefore, in the face of Fala, who stood up with a smile and was about to say hello, Rita just raised her neck slightly proudly, snorted lightly, and walked directly to the door.

Farah was taken aback by Rita's attitude.

She watched Rita walk out of the office all the way, and then inexplicably grumbled: "What a arrogance~ Isn't it a tool for a stinky boss or something."

Raising her hand and rubbing her eyes, Farah stared at Rita's back through the floor-to-ceiling window, and continued to murmur: "Dazzled? Why does it seem like I saw the wing phantom behind that guy? I've seen a lot of Victoria's Secret shows recently?"

Shaking his head, Farah stopped thinking about it, and sat down again to continue surfing the Internet with the bulky computer.

Time soon came to night.

After finishing another photo shoot, Kewen is galloping freely in the midst of the gentle voice.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a tinge of movement.

Recovering from his astonishment, Kewen found that the time in the world stood still, and the two beauties in front of him had turned into withered statues.

Annoyed, Kewen raised his hand and patted his chest, put on his clothes, and disappeared instantly...

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