Rubik’s Cube Heavens

v7 Chapter 64: depraved

Cowen has no position to accuse Lucifer of wanton behavior.

He is neither a savior nor an American, nor even a person from this world, so no matter how chaotic this world is, it has nothing to do with him.

It's just that Lucifer's sudden outing to have fun this time brought Kewen some minor troubles at work.

It was because Kewen involved himself that he thought about coming over to ask.

After taking a sip of the cocktail, Ke Wen continued to ask Maizi: "Can you suppress those **** creatures in the city? Those **** have added a lot of work to me, and I didn't have time to arrange any programs tonight."

"I feel so sorry."

Maizi smiled and said, "I'm not those 'pillar gods' from hell, nor are I a descendant of Satan. I'm just an ordinary little succubus who followed Satan to the world."

Shrugging his shoulders, Maizi continued, "So I'm sorry sir, I don't have the ability to suppress the whole city."

Ke Wen looked at the Mai Zejin in front of him, sensing the raging **** power in the opponent's body, and said jokingly: "But your strength doesn't seem to match the so-called ordinary little succubus."

"This is a reward." Maizi smiled and said, "But I don't have any authority."

As if she didn't want to continue on this topic, Maizi's demeanor changed, and she exuded a charm.

Exuding a hormone-inducing aura, Maizi leaned forward and pressed her soft body against Ke Wen's arm.

Leaning close to Ke Wen's ear, Maizi lightly licked Ke Wen's earlobe and said with a sigh of relief: "Sir, since you broke your program arrangement, why don't you let me make it up?"

Ke Wen turned his head slightly, he watched the wildness in Maizi's eyes, and then laughed softly.

Maizi also laughed.

She reached out and gently grabbed Ke Wen's skirt, and then led him upstairs.

When he came to the office, Maizi pushed Kewen against the door with a bang.

Lifting her head on tiptoe, she instantly blocked Ke Wen's mouth.

After the passionate kiss, Maizi lowered her body coquettishly, raised her head and stuck out the tip of her tongue at Ke Wen.

But the ever-extending tongue would only be scary to ordinary people.

Tongue twirling like a long snake, Maizi still enticed with a clear voice: "Sir, you must have never tasted our succubus skills, have you?"

These words caused Ke Wen to twitch his brows slightly, but he just smiled and said nothing.

In response to this, Maizi's nearly one-meter-long tongue twirled in the air again, and then raised his hand to help Ke Wen disarm him.

After a long time, there were loud shouts in the office.

After a long time, Maizi recovered the succubus real body according to Kewen's order.

At dawn, Maizi, who had regained her human form, was buttoning her clothes.

At the same time, she smiled at Ke Wen with a flushed face: "Are you satisfied, sir? You are welcome anytime in the future."

Behind the desk, Ke Wen sipped his cocktail, then nodded and responded: "You succubus are the most professional in this regard."

Maizi smiled triumphantly.

She was about to continue to say something, but suddenly stopped and looked up at the ceiling.

Cowen did the same.

The next moment, Lucifer's figure suddenly appeared in the office.

Looking at the two people in the office, Lucifer couldn't help but cheer up.

After letting out a series of happy laughter, he said to Maizi: "How does this guy taste?"

"It's very fresh." Maizi responded with a free and easy smile.

"What about you?" Lucifer looked at Ke Wen who was sitting at the desk again, he winked and teased: "I've been with the dirty souls of stars all day long, how does it feel to taste the purity of wheat this time? "

Ke Wen refused to comment, but asked instead: "Why did you suddenly go to the parallel universe?"

Lucifer didn't care whether he got a response or not. He said with great interest, "It's John Constantine Jr., the counterpart of the parallel universe. He arranged a ceremony to summon me."

"Tricked?" Ke Wen asked again.

"No, it's interesting."

Lucifer smiled happily: "Guess what I ran into?"

Ke Wen thought for a while and said: "It can make you laugh like this... Which acquaintance did you see being tricked by Constantine over there?"

"Haha! It's Amani!"

Lucifer couldn't help laughing and said, "You guys would never have imagined! Amani's clone in the universe over there, he actually fell, hahaha—"

"Amani has fallen?!"

Maizi suddenly regained her spirits, and she urged excitedly: "Then you quickly call him over! This kind of embarrassing thing, you must let him come over immediately to be laughed at by me!"

"haha of course!"

Lucifer couldn't let go of this fun, so he put his hands together in prayer.

In the next moment, the time in the office suddenly became extremely slow, and Amani's figure appeared out of thin air.

"Where have you been?!"

As soon as he showed up, Amani directly fired at Lucifer and accused him: "Do you know how chaotic these two days are! Do you know! How many people have been killed in these two days because of the demon riots!"

Lucifer was taken aback by the question.

But he immediately showed a look of indifference, and said indifferently: "What do you worry about those? That means their fate is just like this."

"Don't nag me about that."

Lucifer interrupted Amani who wanted to continue talking.

He showed a narrow smile again: "My brother, do you know? I went to the parallel universe and saw you over there, and it was you who had fallen."

Amani was dumbfounded.

His eyes widened, he exclaimed in disbelief: "Are you kidding me?! I'm going to fall?!"

"Hahahaha, do you want to see it?"

Lucifer smiled, and raised his hand to condense a mass of memory.

Before Amani could make a choice, Lucifer immediately crushed the memory ball with a smirk.

The real illusion enveloped the entire office in an instant, and the scenes that Lucifer experienced in the parallel universe were presented in front of everyone.

As the screen played, Amani's face quickly darkened.

It's not an adjective, it's really black.

On the already black skin, a layer of black mist gradually shrouded it.

"How dare he!!"

Gritting his teeth angrily, Amani stared at the memory screen and roared: "How dare he become the umbrella behind the Voodoo Cult?! How dare he condone the Voodoo Cultists to do so many evil things?!"

"Uh...would you like to calm down?"

At this time, Lucifer didn't dare to laugh anymore. He stared at Amani who was showing a tendency to degenerate and said carefully: "My brother, although I very much welcome your degeneration, I hope that you will do it voluntarily, not because you are angry. Got carried away and fell."

Amani regained his senses after hearing the words, he hastily took deep breaths and tried his best to control his emotions.

"Why did you remind him?"

Seeing this, Maizi said with some disappointment: "How good would it be to let him directly become an angry fallen angel?"

"That's cruel."

Lucifer shook his head immediately: "If that's the case, he will be solidified by anger, and then he won't be him in the future."

"It doesn't matter to you, does it?"

Ke Wen interjected, and he said inexplicably: "Even if Amani's avatar is depraved, wouldn't it be nice to have him send a new avatar in the future?"

"Did you misunderstand something?" Lucifer raised his finger to Amani who was still controlling his emotions: "This is his real body, who said he is a clone?"

"Real body?" Ke Wen was so surprised that he said baldly: "So weak?"

"I'm so sorry!"

Amani, who hadn't recovered his composure, couldn't help but choked in a depressed tone.

And Lucifer couldn't help but burst out laughing again.

It wasn't until he was glared at by Amani that he restrained his laughter and explained: "Because I brought my real body into this world, he also came to supervise me."

"As for why it's so weak, well... it's because of weakness."

Lucifer smiled angrily and said: "My brother is too weak to control his own power. He can't control his power as freely as I do, so if he brings power over with his real body, It will destroy the world."

Ke Wen was stunned: "So, Amani left most of his power in heaven?"

"huh huh huh huh…"

Lucifer expressed his affirmation of Cowen's guess with a laugh he couldn't help.


At this time, Amani let out a long breath, and he finally calmed down completely.

Then he asked Lucifer, "How did you deal with me?"

"The seal has gone to hell." Lucifer blinked and grinned jokingly: "I will be bored in the future, and I can go back and bully that fallen you."


Amani gritted her teeth and said firmly: "I will never allow a degenerate me to exist! I will not allow me to have the slightest possibility of degeneration!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately said to Lucifer: "Give me the number of that world! And the access to the gate of hell!"

"I'm going to that world to erase all traces of me! Then go to **** to purify that clone!"

"Can you take me with you?"

Ke Wen said abruptly: "To be honest, I'm quite curious about the scene where you meet the fallen clone, so can I go and see?"

"No!" Lucifer refused He snorted triumphantly and said, "Don't try to get away with it, you just want to get some information from Amani after getting rid of my attention." .”

Staring into Ke Wen's eyes with a wicked expression, Lucifer continued to 'hum' and said with a laugh, "Give up, I haven't played enough with you yet."


Kewen, who had his ideas exposed, was a little disappointed.

In that case, it would be pointless for him to stay here any longer.

So he stood up from behind the desk, waved his hands absently and said, "Let's go."

A portal quickly opened.

Kewen nodded to Amani, gave Maizi a satisfied look, and then walked across the portal and returned to the office...

(end of this chapter)