Run Away from My Honey a Thousand Times

Chapter 438: Wake up quickly

"Ye...youran..." Ling Yue's voice trembles slightly.

Ye Youran stubbornly grasped the position of the heart with her right hand. She couldn't even hear any sound. She only felt that her chest seemed to be beaten violently, with a piercing pain.

Dark red blood kept spilling from her lips. Even though Ye Youran was suppressing it, she could not help but cough in pain. The blood splashed around and splashed on Ling Yue's arm, a patch of scarlet red that was shocking, and the air was full of heavy fishy. taste.

"Medicine...Medicine..." Ye Youran's pale little face, her eyebrows frowned, and her trembling lips kept muttering a word.

Her left hand stretched out into the pocket of her coat eagerly, as if looking for something.

"Give her the medicine, or she will die!" Cheng Jingting yelled.

He once saw your overnight sickness twice, but this time it was the worst. Ye Youran said that if there is another time, she doesn't know if she can survive.

Ling Yue supported this delicate body with both hands, Ye Youran's body was cold and soft.

dead? She will die?

Why has she never told herself about such a serious illness... Will she die?

Ling Yue's eyes were full of shock, and his hand quickly reached Ye Youran's pocket. He found a small pill bottle without any label, which contained small blue pills.

Ye Youran saw the bottle of pills like a life-saving medicine, leaned forward, and immediately reached out to grab it.

Ling Yue had already opened the medicine bottle, and Ye Youran suddenly stretched out his hand hastily, but the pills in the bottle were scattered, and the blue pills fell around the room.

Ling Yue watched Ye Youran grab a handful and stuff it directly into her mouth. Her painful expression and weak expression made people feel distressed.

"Ye Youran, you can't eat so much at once." Ling Yue reached out and stopped her.

But Ye Youran seemed to be in pain. No matter how many pills she took, she felt that her internal organs were about to explode. She didn't want to worry about any sequelae, but just wanted to stop the pain as soon as possible.

"Two, she ate two last time." Cheng Jingting looked at Ye Youran's embarrassed appearance, her eyes flashed unbearably.

Ling Yue stretched out his fingers and stuffed Ye Youran's mouth with the extra pills, but Ye Youran yelled out loud as if she had lost her mind.

"Get out! You don't know how much I hurt! I will solve it myself, it has nothing to do with you! I don't want you to control me!"

Ye Youran felt like someone was robbing her, using her teeth like crazy, biting Ling Yue's finger fiercely, his blood mixed with hers and filled her mouth.

The smell of this blood calmed her down.

"Nothing will happen, it will be well soon..." Ling Yue hugged her, not letting her struggle, and a soft voice whispered in her ears, constantly coaxing her to calm her down.

Ye Youran bit Ling Yue's fingers and gradually loosened her body. She was shaking constantly, suppressing the screaming mania and burning pain in her body.

Seeing that she had calmed down a bit, Ling Yue picked her up quickly and eagerly walked towards another room, "Call the medical staff."

Cheng Jingting, who was left behind, was leaning against the wall. He stared at Ling Yue and the back of them leaving, his eyes were a little dazed, Ye Youran's blood still remained on the floor, and the whole room couldn't dissipate her breath.


"How could this be?" When Ye Qianxun's defendant Zhiye fell ill, he hurried over.

Seeing Ye Youran, who had fallen asleep in the hospital bed, Ye Qianxun was very surprised.

"How could she suddenly fall ill? Didn't I say that I can't get emotional..." However, Ye Qianxun's complaint was not finished yet.

With a bang, the fierce fist slammed straight down the side face.

"She is sick, why didn't you tell me!!" Ling Yue exuded a gloomy breath, staring at Ye Qianxun with cold eyes.

"Damn! Ye Youran won't let me say, what can I do!"

Ye Qianxun also became angry. He wiped the blood stains on the corners of his lips and rushed towards Ling Yue, vowing to punch the opponent back.

"She won't let you say, so don't say, Ye Qianxun, you Yejia sect master, you grew up eating shit!!"

Ling Yue seemed to transfer all his anger to Ye Qianxun's body. When he thought of Ye Youran's illness just now, his heart couldn't calm down, and he raised his fist and fought Ye Qianxun desperately.

"I don't care about Laozi's business! Ling Yue, don't think you are so great, you can't do anything with her! If there is a kind of thing, you can shake Ye Youran, and then punch her to make her obedient!!"

Ye Qianxun is not a vegetarian either. Although he has a slightly weaker fist and skill than Ling Yue, he always likes to be dark when dealing with enemies. In short, he can win and he will not hesitate to win.

"You two stop, don't fight!" Leng Xiao opened the door, looked at Ling Yue and Ye Qianxun both punching to death, shouting helplessly.

"You think I'm so bully, don't you? Humph! I thought that this was the basement of your fate, I was afraid of you, Ling Yue, you can reflect on me!"

With that, Ye Qianxun grabbed a small bag of powder from his pocket and slammed it towards Ling Yue.

The delicate powder floated in the air, but Ye Qianxun was agitated for a while, and did not pay attention to the air conditioner wind direction in the room. As a result, both of them were covered with this powder, and they were itchy for a while.

Leng Xiao looked at the two big men in front of him who were vindictive like children, fighting, and suddenly backed up, silently closed the door, and uttered two words, "Iniquity!"

Ye Youran slept in the hospital bed for two days, still showing no signs of waking up, her face was still pale and very ugly, and her skin was cold.

If it weren't for the steady heartbeat data displayed in the instrument, Leng Xiao would really worry about Ye Youran's death.

"Why haven't you woken up yet?"

Looking at the woman on the hospital bed, Ye Yinuo couldn't help frowning. Even I was hiding the fact that Ye Youran was sick. This really made her feel helpless.

Ye Yinuo looked up at Ye Qianxun. She knew that the only person who could save Ye Youran was him.

"What are you looking at me? Lao Tzu is not happy to save her now!" Ye Qianxun stubbornly snorted.

Leng Xiao looked at the big panda eye in Ye Qianxun's right eye and chuckled, "Deserve it, knowing that Ling Yue is in a bad mood, and dare to mess with him, I said you are not looking for death, what is that..."

When Ling Yue was mentioned, Ye Qianxun became very angry.

"Ye Youran had clearly told her before. I have already told her that during this period of time, I should not be emotional. Who caused the illness this time! It's not that Ling Yue himself caught Cheng Jingting for no reason, and forced Ye Youran pointed the gun at her brother. Fortunately, it wasn't at me. Damn! Ling Yue was too ruthless..."

While Ye Qianxun checked Ye Youran, while complaining, he did not notice that a man at the door of the room was slowly pushing in.

Leng Xiao and Ye Yinuo were the first to discover Ling Yue coming in, and they kept winking at Ye Qianxun. However, Ye Qianxun seemed to be scolded, and they became more and more vigorous, and finally concluded.

"If Ye Youran dies someday, it can only be caused by Ling Yue! Ye Youran followed me, eating and drinking, and living so smartly. Men like Ling Yue were too cruel and paranoid, and followed him. Only bad luck!"

Leng Xiao looked at Ye Qianxun in shock, and felt that he had seen Ye Qianxun's grave. It is estimated that he will worship the mountain today next year.

Ye Qianxun's perversion is really desperate, and he dared to say such things in front of Ling Yue's face.

"Ye, Qian, Xun!" The cold voice echoed in this spacious hospital room every word.

Ye Qianxun was taken aback and turned to look at the door stiffly.

Damn it, how could he be heard by this man.

Leng Xiao handed him a look of early death and early birth, rest in peace!

Ye Youran didn’t understand Ling Yue’s true nature, but Leng Xiao, Ye Qianxun and the others knew very well, how could Ling Yue be like cooking and doing housework at home, his bloodthirsty methods were just hidden from Ye Youran’s That's it.

"Don't mess around, now no one can treat Ye Youran except me, in case I break my arm and lose my leg..." Ye Qianxun was a little afraid to move closer to the head of Ye Youran's bed.

Ling Yue stepped forward, staring at him like a torch, Ye Qianxun was watching him, and he was not there, wishing to shake Ye Youran to block him.

"How is she now?" Ling Yue asked in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, Ling Yue didn't punch him, as if he hadn't heard Ye Qianxun's boastful words just now, but asked him with a cold voice about Ye Youran's condition.

Ye Qianxun immediately analyzed it very professionally, mainly to express that Ye Youran's situation is very, very serious, and if you beat me up, your wife is going to die.

Ling Yue listened to him talking about a bunch of technical terms that he didn't understand. He narrowed his blue eyes slightly, staring at him closely at the somewhat proud look of Qianxun Shang Ye.

"Ye Qianxun... She can't wake up, so don't you live!"


The door was closed again.

The people who stayed in the ward trembled carefully.

"I think Ling Yue is not joking, Ye Qianxun, you can prepare the coffin yourself." Ye Yinuo gave him a sympathetic look.

"When did Ling Yue joked with us?" Leng Xiaoyouyou added, and Chao Ye Qianxun smiled, smirking.

Ye Qianxun stared bitterly at the data in the instrument, then looked at Ye Youran's closed eyes, and couldn't help cursing, "Damn!"

He also didn't understand why Ye Youran hadn't woken up after sleeping for two days.

Mengbao has always been studying on the fifth floor of the basement. Although everyone is tacitly aware, that Ye Youran's illness cannot be told to the little guy to prevent them from making noise, but they still know.

"You! That's you! Daddy, you made my mom sick!"

Ling Yiye pointed at the man in front of him with his chubby fingers, with a stern face, very angry.

Ling Yue was sitting on the sofa, looking at the documents in his hand absently, looking up at the little guy who was not in front of his thighs, and blamed his little face for flushing with anger.

Ling Yue didn't mind Xiao Da's accusation, and asked indifferently, "I made your mommy sick, so what can you do?"

Ling Yiye's blue eyes widened and snorted angrily, "Daddy, you are too much! Actually bullying my mommy, I fight you!"

With that said, Xiao Dai rushed over, limply leaning on Ling Yue's body, his small teeth biting on Ling Yue's arm.

Ling Yue let this small body make mischief, looked down at Ling Yiye who was fluttering in his arms, and asked in a cold voice, "Have you bitten enough?"

Ling Yiye's little cheek puffed up, he felt that he bit his daddy, his teeth were sore, his daddy didn't hurt or itchy, "Huh! I don't like you anymore!"

As he said, the little guy climbed down from Ling Yue, as if disgusting him, "If my mom doesn't get better, then I don't want to see you."

Although Ling Yue was ruthless, he liked children, especially the twins that leisurely gave birth to him the night before him. He gave them the greatest indulgence, but now he was very upset.

He stretched out his right hand and pulled Ling Yiye's collar, holding down his small body to prevent him from moving.

"Your mommy, you'll wake up soon..." Ling Yue gritted his teeth and said, that gloomy tone was something he had never revealed to a child, and Ling Yiye couldn't help stiffening naturally.