Run Away from My Honey a Thousand Times

Chapter 47: Unspeakable truth

Ling Yue's icy blue eyes stared at the woman in front of him, his eyes glowing with gloomy cold, full of deep anger.

"You, what are you going to do?" Mu Xiaopei's body was stiff, and her body couldn't help taking a step back.

Ling Yue still had an expressionless appearance, his eyes were deadly silent, not like a normal person empty, and cold and without any emotion. He suddenly took a big step towards her.

"You fool! Get away!" Mu Xiaopei was frightened by him, and yelled out of control.

Next second!


Mu Xiaopei's right hand was broken abruptly by him, her face wrinkled with pain, cold sweat, and her face very painful.

"Help, life..." She sobbed weakly, "Please, let go."

Mu Xiaotong was a little stunned, until Ling Yue slammed Mu Xiaopei at the corner of the cabinet with disgust. With a bang and a heavy impact, Mu Xiaopei roared in pain, instantly regaining her senses.

The whole process only lasted one minute, and the arrogant woman before, was dying at this time, curled up in the corner and was too scared to move.

Ling Yue's lips filled with bloodthirsty excitement, he strode straight towards the people on the ground, ready to continue...

Mu Xiaopei looked at him in horror. The tall figure fell like a **** of death to make people tremble, with trembling lips looking in Mu Xiaotong's direction, "Save, save me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die... "

Mu Xiaotong stunned suddenly, stretched out his hand and immediately grabbed the corner of the man's clothes, Ling Yue stopped walking in an instant, and looked back at her with some doubts.

When Mu Xiaotong met his deep and icy blue eyes, her heart still couldn't help shaking.

This was Ling Yue when he was angry, and there was a creepy breath all over his body.

"Why are you here? I'm hungry, so why don't we go out and eat something together." She looked at him with a smile, and said to him softly but more like a request.

Ling Yue stood there blankly. He was silent for a while before nodding.

This made Mu Xiaotong secretly relieved, God knows how worried she was in her heart just now that he would not sell it.

Pretending to take his left hand easily, he led him to the outside of the ward without looking back.

Mu Xiaopei looked at the backs of the two of them leaving in disbelief. In the next second, the fear faded from his face and replaced with hideous hatred.

That fool Ling Yue actually listened to her like that, biting his lower lip bitterly, but making a vow in his heart, Mu Xiaotong! I swear I will make you die!


"Why did you come here?" Mu Xiaotong released his left hand, raised her head and asked him in the usual speaking tone.

Ling Yue glanced at her and ignored her.

"Hey, don't make a bad face, okay?"

Seeing him as if sulking, Mu Xiaotong teased him jokingly. He didn't know that his iceberg face really made people afraid to get close.

Suddenly, he stopped and stared at her angrily, "Mu Xiaotong, you are really useless!"

He yelled at her, then lost his temper and strode away, not wanting to talk to her.

He only knew that he was arguing with himself at home and was bullied outside. How could he fall in love with a useless woman like her.

Mu Xiaotong looked depressed at his Yingting back and sighed secretly. What is this person gambling? He is really hard to serve, and this matter is obviously not his own fault, why is it hard to hold on to my head.

Seeing him go farther and farther, he couldn't help but yelled at his back nervously, "Don't go so fast. If you don't wait for me, I can't catch up."

"Do you dare?!" He turned his head abruptly, with a sullen expression on his face.

Mu Xiaotong curled his lips, this dead man was too awkward.

She ran over, "Ling Yue, were you venting for me just now? I didn't see it, it turns out that you have a conscience." She looked up at his handsome face with some gratitude.

It was really happy to see Mu Xiaopei's terrified expression just now.

Seeing such a sincere smile on her face, Ling Yue was a little uncomfortable, and explained in a tying tone, "I just think that if you hang up, no one will give me the undercover in Ling's."

Mu Xiaotong: "..." The dog can't spit out ivory!

Ling Yue raised his eyebrows, "Want to repay you? Go home and cook for me now!"

Mu Xiaotong really wanted to complain about him, "I said Ling Sanshao, are you really going to be hungry? Please, today and Sunday we have said that I will stay in the hospital today to take care of my mother. You are hungry. Just figure it out."

"I didn't even eat breakfast! How did you become a wife! No, I'm hungry, I want you to cook." Ling Yue ordered her with a rogue expression.

Mu Xiaotong: "You..." He pursed his face angrily, and stepped heavily on his shoes.

Ling Yue frowned, "Mu Xiaotong, you are so good. You are so cruel to deal with me. If you are bullied by those people, you won't dare to say anything. Let's see how I deal with you!"

He yelled at her and raised his hand to catch her. Mu Xiaotong was shocked and reacted quickly. She immediately ran wildly.

Suddenly, the empty sidewalk was filled with the noisy voices of two people, and the quiet shade of the trees added a bit of vitality.

"Dare you next time?" Ling Yue shouted at her angrily.

A harsh warning sounded from the top of Mu Xiaotong's head. Her face was so dark that she could not run away from him. This person's physical fitness was really abnormal.

"I see." Her unequal agreement was forced to add a few more items. There was no human rights.

Mu Xiaotong thought for a while, and continued to mutter, "Okay, you said you want to see my mother. You can't use your iceberg face to scare her. My mother is not in good health. If you scare her, I I'm not over with you!"

Ling Yue glared at her for a long time, "Now let's buy lunch and bribe her." He said frankly.

Mu Xiaotong raised her eyebrows. He didn't expect that this person knew that he wanted to please others. Isn't he arrogant? !

When she returned to the hospital again, Mu Xiaopei had already left, and Mu's mother was still sitting in a wheelchair in the back garden, but she seemed to be worried.

"Mom, I'm sorry to let you stay here for so long."

Mu Xiaotong walked towards her with a smile, holding a plate of washed fruits in her hand.

Mother Mu turned her head slowly and looked at her with a good smile. She couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. The child was still crying half an hour ago. Why was she suddenly so happy.

"Hitomi, Mom told you that Song Ruchen is..."

Before Mom Mu's words were finished, the tall man behind Mu Xiaotong strode forward, and his clear blue eyes looked at her seriously.

And Mother Mu was also amazed by the man in front of her. This man was really handsome, with well-defined features showing a strong and domineering figure, and a pair of blue eyes venting extraordinary extravagance.

"Hello." Ling Yueqing suddenly called her.

Mother Mu blinked, she didn't come back to her senses, she seemed to be unable to move her gaze away when she looked at him. Seriously, this man is really the most handsome man she has ever seen in her life.

Seeing her mother's dazed appearance, Mu Xiaotong couldn't help but stepped on her foot towards Ling Yue and warned in a low voice, "Bring me a smile now!" Oh, this guy must have scared her mother.

Ling Yue's face became unsightly, but the next second he obediently pulled out a reluctant smile, but this smile was really very stiff in the eyes of others.

Mu Xiaotong glanced at him and stroked his forehead speechlessly, knowing that he would not be allowed to come.

Mother Mu looked at her daughter, and then at the man's clearly pretended smile, she immediately understood.

"Tongtong, is this your friend?" She raised her head to look at Mu Xiaotong, no emotions could be heard in her voice.

Mu Xiaotong nodded at her and explained in a low voice, "His name is Ling Yue, mom, don't mind too much. He is like this. He is born with facial paralysis. No matter his happiness or anger, he has an ice face. He was scared."

When Mom Mu heard her explanation, she was stunned for an instant, but when she looked at Mu Xiaotong, her eyes flashed unpleasantly.

"Don't be foolish," Mu Xiaotong saw Ling Yue standing there still, feeling that he was too rude, and shouted at him, "Put our lunch over there, let's go to the pavilion for dinner together. Up."

Ling Yue glanced at her, originally wanting to say something, but seeing her chatting with her mother, he decided to go back and calculate with her slowly.

The woman was getting fatter and fatter, and she ordered him to come. Humph!

When Mu Xiaotong saw him arranging a meal at the pavilion alone, there was a sense of joy in his heart, and he smiled very brightly.

"Titomi, you broke up with Confucian officials because of him!" Mu's mother suddenly said coldly.

Mu Xiaotong was stunned, looked at Ling Yue in the distance, then looked down at her mother, and shook her head quickly, "No, I don't like Ling Yue, I'm with him..."

Mu Xiaotong didn't know what to say, she couldn't say Ling Yue's identity, let alone she was married to him. If she were to know that Mu Qingtian married her to the third young master of Ling's family, a fool who was rumored outside, then she would definitely be angry.

"You still dare not admit it! Just because this man is good-looking, depending on the situation, this man must be of good origin. Hitomi, when you went to the United States for three years, you learned how to change your mind and love vanity, right?"

Hearing Mu's mother's cold ridicule, Mu Xiaotong felt very uncomfortable.

Seeing that her daughter was silent, Mu's mother thought she had admitted it, and her heart became even colder.

"It's not that I want to favor the Confucian officials. All I can see is the facts. I saw it with my heart. For three years, for the past three years, the Confucian officials have taken care of me like his own mother. , He is the only son of the Song family. He is so considerate to me, can I not be grateful? Hitomi, Confucian care for your mother so considerately is all because of you. And now you..."

Mu Xiaotong couldn't help but said, "No, Song Ruchen didn't want me first, he was with other women." The most ridiculous thing was that the woman was Mu Xiaopei.

But she didn't dare to tell the truth, she couldn't say it, because Fang Mei robbed Mu Qingtian. If she told her mother that Song Ruchen was going to marry Mu Xiaopei, she was afraid she would really be unbearable.

Mother Mu still looked angry, "Okay, then tell me, what is your relationship with Ling Yue?"

"I and him..."

Mu Xiaotong looked up embarrassedly, and his gaze happened to meet Ling Yue in the distance. Ling Yue looked at her with a trace of concern in his eyes.

What's wrong with this woman?