Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 278: Stubborn journalists

   In fact, not only is NBC concerned about the ratings of Zhang Wei's lectures, but also many media are also concerned.

   was previously stupid by Zhang Wei, they also wanted to face, naturally suffocated their strength and wanted to go back.

   In fact, Harvard feels that Zhang Wei’s speech will be broadcast live, and they are waiting to watch the show.

   "An academic lecture can have the ratings of an egg."

   "Yeah, if the number of viewers of this gadget can exceed 200,000, I will live broadcast."

   "NBC is also mentally disabled, and actually spent so much money to buy live streaming rights."

   "Maybe people's ratings can break 1!"

   "A broken lecture ratings can break 1? This is definitely the most funny joke I have heard this year."

   "Hey, tell the truth, who doesn't have the power to dream?"

   "Yes, don't disturb people's daydreaming."

   "Do not blame NBC, after all, maybe the audience likes to watch the yellow-skinned monkey show."

   "This metaphor 10 is very vivid, and it is still an uncountable yellow monkey."

  In a group of journalists, there was a lot of talk among journalists.

  At this moment a person said suddenly: "The live broadcast has started."

   "Oh, Harvard University has made a capital investment this time, so the site layout is so grand."

   "Is Harvard not afraid of losing pants?"

   "The headmaster of Harvard University has a sick brain, a speech by a yellow monkey is actually so grand."

   "That's right, I doubt someone came to listen."

   "At least half of the attendance is good."

   "Half? This is a ten thousand people gymnasium, half of the attendance, that is more than 5,000 people, and you too despise yellow monkeys."

   Just during their discussion, the camera suddenly pushed towards the audience. At the next moment, the dense audience appeared directly in the camera. The group chat was still hot in the last second, and the quiet air instantly frozen.

  Mmp, is this face too fast?

   After a while, a reporter only said: "Are these people trusting?"

   "Yes, it must have been a trust found by Harvard University. After all, there are many students in the school. It is not easy to find some trust."

   Once again, the atmosphere of group chat became warm again.

   At this moment the camera suddenly swept a familiar figure, then the lens gave a close-up, the next second, Scarlett Johansson appeared in the lens, and suddenly the group chat was quiet again for a while.

   This time, they didn't know what to say for a while. It was paralyzed and the face was too fierce. As soon as they said it was a support, a Scarlett Johansson suddenly appeared. Who can find this support?

   And as the camera goes on, more and more celebrities appear in the camera. As journalists, they are no strangers to these men. For a while, they don’t know what to say.

   "Paralysis, am I blinded? How come there are so many celebrities?"

   "Is it Harvard's ghost?"

   "Is it Harvard's ghost?"

   "It's not impossible to think about it, after all, it's Harvard University. There is still some face to it."

   "Harvard University is fighting this time."

   Just for this reason, they did not believe it.

  Harvard University may be able to invite one or two big guys, or stars, but it is almost impossible to invite so many at once.

   It’s not that Harvard doesn’t have this face, but they don’t do that.

   A lecture that is not a professor of our school, so much effort, unless Harvard’s leadership brain is really broken.

   Obviously, this is impossible.

   However, it is even more impossible for them to admit that all of this is Zhang Wei's appeal.

   These reporters would never want to believe that a yellow-skin monkey they can't look down on can have such a huge influence.

   For a time, the group chat fell silent again. It took a long time for a reporter to break the silence. "This attendance does not mean anything. Let's take a look at the ratings."

   "Yes, NBC will definitely regret the intestines this time."

   "When his ratings hit the street, we will congratulate them together."

   "Boring lectures have disappointed the people of the United States."

   "Even with some achievements, the Chinese are so stiff, backward, and poor."

   "Boring, boring, researching for grades, down-to-earth utilitarianism, without any scientific spirit."

   "Nothing wrong with 600, that's it, this is what a yellow-skin monkey should look like."

   "The article will definitely sell well by then."

   "I can't wait to see his ratings."

   "You have to wait for a while, you can't count the ratings just after the broadcast starts."

   For a time, the group chat became cheerful again.

  At this moment, a reporter said: "The ratings are coming out, let me take a look."

   The reporter did not appear again for a long time.

   Others can't help but @他, "How's it going? What's the ratings? Is there 0.1?"

   "Don't be so direct, maybe people actually have 0.1."

   "Don't come out for such a long time, is it the toilet?"

  At this time, the reporter finally appeared again.

   "I don't know what to say, I will send you a screenshot to see for yourself."

   Suddenly he posted a screenshot in the group chat, and the next second, the whole group chat died.

   Every reporter can't say a word. .