Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 345: Fortune-telling

  Huaguo, as Zhang Wei announced that he would take out 300 million US dollars a year to reward and improve the living conditions of scientific research workers all over the world, all kinds of discussions were suddenly raised on the Internet.

   Among them, the big V who endorsed the Nobel Prize immediately posted on Weibo: "Talk about who will not, or wait until the promise is fulfilled, or blow it, otherwise you are afraid that your bamboo basket will be empty."

   responded to the official Weibo of Xinghai Technology for the first time.

   "Mr. Zhang Wei has deposited 300 million US dollars into the supervision account of Hua Guo Bank. From this moment, every expenditure of this account will be disclosed to the public, and everyone is welcome to supervise at any time."

   As soon as this announcement came out, V was so big that he couldn't speak.

  However, Zhang Wei still underestimated the shamelessness of leading party and cents.

  Just as the big V was down, countless leading parties and cents poured into Zhang Wei's Weibo to start various show limits.

   "It's just a wicked dog raised by a dictator. What's so proud of?"

   "Declaring freedom of expression as racial discrimination has completely lost the face of the Chinese people."

   "I don't know anything about European culture, and I am still ignorant as truth, it's ugly!"

   "Humiliating and abroad, you are really capable."

   Watching Weibo pop up so many comments on the brain, Zhang Wei's fans were suddenly angry, and they were ready to go back immediately.

  However, before they acted, Stockholm suddenly released a news.

   "After careful investigation by our side and careful discussion by experts, it is confirmed that there is indeed a certain degree of racial discrimination in the programs produced by RD TV, and it is hereby declared". "

   As soon as this news came out, those leading parties and cents who were busy scrubbing Stockholm were suddenly dumbfounded.

  Mommies, these people did not hesitate to sell even their ancestors in order to protect the Lord. As a result, the Master counseled himself, which made these loyal minions sorrowful.

   At this time, Zhang Wei's fans came out and beat the water dog.

   "Just ask you if your face hurts?"

   "Who said that it was free speech?"

   "Hey, why did your master counsel you?"

   "Who is embarrassing?"

   "The Europass in front, come out and continue blowing!"

   Faced with these ridicules, those leading parties and cents can only hold back at this time.

   Seeing these brain stumps also counseled, Zhang Wei's fans immediately turned their attention to Zhang Wei's newly established escrow account.

   "Xinghai Technology Award!"

   "Is this the name of the award set by Zhang Shen? It feels a little low!"

   "Is this angel guarantee fund a special fund for improving the living environment of grassroots scientific research workers? How should this be received."

   "There is an explanation below, didn't you see it?"

   "There is an explanation below, didn't you see it?"

   "Ah, I see, you can apply for it if you work less than five years? Is this condition too loose?"

   "Actually, I am more concerned about the fund that invests in new projects."

   "Are you talking about angel investment funds?"

   "Angel Investment Fund? How to operate this?"

   "I see, as long as there is a clear research direction and a feasible research topic, you can apply for special funds. If the research and development is successful, the research is owned by the researcher and the angel investment fund enjoys 20% of the net profit."

   Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but be deeply convinced by Zhang Wei's manner.

   Such a person is really dedicated to the people.

  However, they didn't notice that Zhang Wei, who was extraordinary in their eyes, had just set up a brand new website.

   There are videos of Zhang Wei's two lectures on this website. The difference is that these two speech videos have many different language packs to choose from.

  At the same time, all video resources about Zhang Wei's lectures on the Internet were removed from the shelves.

   Those studios that spontaneously translated the works of this department have received e-mails from Yang Chenxing.

  In the official letter, Yang Chenxing sternly requested the other party not to continue to distribute Zhang Wei's video, otherwise Zhang Wei will file a lawsuit.

   After receiving this official letter, many netizens couldn't help but be amazed, so it was a little unknown at the moment.

   But soon they knew what was going on, because they all saw a web link attached to the official letter.

After    opened, it was Zhang Wei's speech charging website. .

   "¨" has different language packs? Really fake?" A netizen looked at the prompt and couldn't help but stunned.

   In fact, this netizen is a Gaul. He usually speaks French. Zhang Wei’s two videos, although there are many translations, he still sounds very difficult. Now that there are different language packs, he is (interested) suddenly interested.

   "You can try it for ten minutes, let me take a look."

   Suddenly such a netizen could not wait for the audition, then the video began, and Zhang Wei instantly switched to fluent French in the video.

   His eyes lighted up for a while.

   "20 US dollars for a month, 100 US dollars for a year? Bought!"

  At this moment, the whole world does not know how many people choose to purchase a monthly membership.

   rigorously discovered that the money in the account is increasing rapidly at a geometric growth rate.

   "Get rich and get rich!"

  Strictly thinking like a little money fan for a time.

   Zhang Wei smiled faintly about it: joking, when did he do a loss-making business! .