Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 412: , Subordinates and systems are not cute

   In this world, the most feared thing about everything is contrast!

  Compared with rigor, Yang Chenxing couldn't help feeling that he was quite happy.

   But if she is more rigorous than Xiaoba, then she will be happy to faint!

   At this time, Xiao Ba’s heart collapsed, but Zhang Wei got a bunch of things out of it for a few days.

   is also a shipyard, a new robot, a hummingbird monitor production line, and a multi-function detector production line, and now there is another rabies special drug production line.

   Xiaoba felt like he was trapped in an unscrupulous blackheart factory! If you don’t take such a bully, you can leave everything to it. It has only one pair of hands. How busy you are!

   Looking at Xiao Ba's extremely disgruntled eyes, Zhang Wei was also a little embarrassed.

  Think of him, he coughed and said, "Otherwise, how many helpers will I get for you?"

  Obviously, the dramatic robot who was extremely resistant to this incident finally nodded his head this time.

   There is no way. In this situation, I can't live without a few helpers.

  According to Zhang Wei's ability to do things, it is just busy 24 hours a day, and there is no way to get everything done.

   As a robot, it can't share the worries of the host, so what is the point of its existence!

   Seeing Xiao Ba nodded and agreed, Zhang Wei immediately borrowed Chen Sisi's mobile phone, and then he remotely contacted the robot in Longhu Villa through the network.

  In Longhu Villa, Xiaoba had produced hundreds of robots, many of which performed their duties and maintained everything in the manor.

   And more robots are in the state to be activated, they have no definite function, basically Zhang Wei will only activate one when needed.

  What Zhang Wei does at this time is to activate these robots.

   In fact, the chips installed by these robots are the same as Xiaoba, but Zhang Wei has different programs for them, so they have different capabilities.

   Before Zhang Wei activated 30 of them, programmed them into a medical robot program, so that they have the ability of genetic testing, and also have some medical knowledge.

   And at this time, he was ready to activate ten robots again.

   This time the program he programmed for these robots is not as smart as Xiaoba, but the function is already very powerful.

  At least let them take charge of the production line of shipyard, hummingbird monitor, multi-function detector, and rabies specialty drug.

  The production line of rabies special effects medicine was specially recorded by Zhang Wei. The original program did not have this ability, but when he activated this time, he specifically joined it.

   These programs are basically deleted from the program of Xiaoba, so it is not complicated. Zhang Wei completed all operations in just a few minutes.

   Then he asked Xiao Ba to make a video call to Yang Chenxing.

   The phone was connected quickly, and Yang Chenxing was on the plane at this time. Fortunately, the plane she was taking had wifi, otherwise Zhang Wei could not reach her for a while.

   The phone was connected quickly, and Yang Chenxing was on the plane at this time. Fortunately, the plane she was taking had wifi, otherwise Zhang Wei could not reach her for a while.

  Received Zhang Wei's call, Yang Chenxing hurriedly asked: "Boss, what's the matter?"

   Zhang Wei said casually: "emmm, I just activated ten more robots. You will tell them to send them to Weihai and Xinghai Science and Technology Industrial Park respectively."

   Yang Chenxing could not help but blinked and asked, "What are they for?"

   "They will build several newly added product production lines, and then you can also let them help expand the previous production line and increase our production capacity."

   Hearing this, Yang Chenxing's eyes lit up, "So, boss, are you ready to increase our company's production capacity?"

   Hearing the news, Yang Chenxing was overjoyed.

  Zhang Wei nodded silently, "I originally did not expand the production capacity in order to avoid the depreciation of the company's products, but now our production capacity is indeed too short, it is necessary to upgrade."

  For these words, Yang Chenxing couldn't help blinking again: "Are you really not raising the production capacity because of fear of depreciation of the product? Isn't it because of laziness?"

  Zhang Wei·····What big truth are you talking about?

   System: "beautiful!"

360   was so ridiculed by his subordinates that Zhang Wei couldn't help but become angry and directly let Xiaoba hang up the video.

   "It's really not cute."

   For his vomiting, Xiaoba did not answer the call, and the system just snorted.

   People are just telling the truth, where is it not cute?

  After activating ten more robots, Zhang Wei suddenly started to make a happy salted fish again.

   has just programmed the robot remotely, which consumes too much energy, and he must add it now.

   System: "Oh, you still think about how to sleep at night."

  Can't see his system suddenly began to block him.

   Hearing this, Zhang Wei suddenly looked bitter, "Mommy, can't you make me happy?"

   System: "I am happy if you are not happy."

  Zhang Wei: "Are you a devil?"

   System: "Are you a mother gun?"

  Zhang Wei····Not only is his subordinate not cute, but his system is also not cute! .