Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 226: Miss Assist

"What about bassists and drummers ... right! Aren't Xiaoyan and Xiaoli just bassists and drummers? Just let them join the band of the older generation!"

Li Yalin's words are very targeted. I believe everyone can understand her meaning. However, the first person who actually responded was Ping Zewei, who is usually known for being dumb.

She is always stupid on weekdays, but whenever the critical moment comes, she comes unexpectedly alert.

No, as soon as Li Yalin's words fell, she immediately set her sights on Akiyama Aya and Takai Nakaro.


As soon as this word came out, Akiyama Aya was dumbfounded immediately, while Takai Nakaro, she unbelievably pointed at her nose, and looked inexplicable.

"Don't make a joke, how could Xiaoyan and I have that ability, but that's the regional selection finals! If you win, can you be on the stage of the Hot-Holiday Music Festival?"

The next moment, Takai Nakaro shook her head very silently. She knew very well how many pounds and a few pounds she had. The drum set was an instrument she was good at, and she also dreamed that she would one day participate in a music festival and even set foot The stage of Budokan.

But that's just the fantasy of a young girl who loves music. The fantasy is just a fantasy, it can't be realized at all.

Li Yalin can participate in the trials, and maybe also participate in the music festival. That is his strength, and he has been recognized by many fans.

But myself and Xiao Yan, two ordinary female high school students, trials? music Festival?

Don't be kidding, all they can do is just as an obscure audience in the audience.

It's just too much thinking about going on stage.

"Yeah, Xiao Li is right, we can't."

Takai Nakaro opened his mouth, and Akiyama Aya also responded.

Like the law team, she had longed to become the most dazzling light on the stage, but that was only a fantasy of a girl. If she was really on stage, it would be something she would never dare to think.

As Li Yalin's band bassist, she joined the stage of the selection finals with him, which made her very emotional, but the problem is that her heart doesn't mean action, she really doesn't have that strength.

"Who said no? I think it's fine."

Just when Akiyama Aya and Takai Nakahara were shaking their heads, thinking that while fooling was just joking, Li Yalin's side spoke suddenly, quieting the entire light tone department instantly.

very good?

What does this mean?

Seniors ... did you think he was suitable?

"I'm desperate for bass and drummers now. If students Akiyama and Tanaka can help, I would really appreciate it."

Having said so much, Li Yalin is not yet in order to bring the harmony team. Although the strength of the two of them is still lacking, it is just a lack of skills and can be made up with practice.

All the problems are not a problem in front of Li Yalin. As long as the participating tracks are selected, practiced, and cooperated with the tacit understanding, the championship is almost within his reach.

Of course, more importantly, he felt that this was a good opportunity to get on the stage, and he could take her one step further without fear of the stage.

As long as she can get used to it, whether she will let her play or sing in the future, can it be done logically?

"This ... how can this ..."

"Yeah ... how can we ..."

As soon as Li Yalin's remarks came out, the meaning of invitation was very obvious, but it was precisely because of this that Qiu Shanxi was even more disturbed.

In fact, it's not just Akiyama Aya, even if it's the usual law of the field that is always carefree, at this moment it is like shaking a rattle with a rattle.

"I haven't tried it, how can you know that it doesn't work? Not to mention I can't find a helper now, Ms. Akiyama, Ms. Takai, can you help me?"

Looking at the two girls who repeatedly denied him, Li Yalin smiled slightly.

He knew that the two girls were not indifferent, but they were not confident, that is to say, the most difficult thing was to start, as long as they promised, they would be considered successful.

And now is the most critical step!


Li Yalin's request frightened Akiyama Aya and Takai Nakari, and they don't know what to do now.


Or promise?

If you are willing to agree, and you are afraid that you are not capable enough, if you refuse, you will not be able to face your predecessors, and your heart will not be so reconciled.

After all, it is a stage beyond the reach of too many musicians, but they can easily set foot on it. If they miss it, there may not be a second chance in this life.

"Xiao Xun, Xiao Li, he helped us so much from his predecessors. When he needs us, we can't refuse."

Just when Akiyama Aya and Takai Nakaro were in a dilemma, the quietly harp harp, which was always silent, suddenly opened his mouth.

Don't look at this young lady who rarely speaks, but she has an unexpected glance like a torch, as if she saw through the mind of Li Yalin at the same time, she also saw through the thoughts of her two companions ~ ~ Immediately after exiting, Akiyama Aya and Takai Nakazumi were speechless.

Yeah, anyway, he has helped him too much, how can he shrink back when he needs it?

But ... is it really possible?

"It's a pity that I didn't learn bass or snare drums, otherwise I can help my seniors."

With the persuasion of Miss Qinblow, the Libra in the heart of the Helu team has begun to tilt, but what really made them shake was still a word of self-talk.

Ping Zewei didn't have the eyesight of Miss Qin to blow up, and she couldn't see through Li Yalin's thoughts and thoughts, but this girl always brought unexpected surprises.

Yes, this is something that Xiao Wei and Xiao Yan can't do, only they can do it.

Even if it's just to help seniors, you shouldn't refuse it!

"Little sister ..."

"Xiao Li ..."

In the end, it was the childhood sweetheart, and the law team looked at each other, and immediately understood the true intentions of their friends.

Yes, it's time to make a decision!

"We see, seniors, let us help the seniors!"

"Although there are still many shortcomings, I will also ask your seniors for advice!"

Facing Li Yalin again, the eyes of the two girls, Akiyama Aya and Takai Nakaro, were very firm.

This is really good news, isn't it?

In fact, Li Yalin was also a bit surprised. He originally wanted to spend some time and even prepared for a long-term battle. After all, the law team was ignored, so it was not easy to convince her.

She was so timid and shy after all.

The result was good, but it went so smoothly, and it was also thanks to Miss Qin Blow and Duo Wei's assists.

Then ...

It went smoothly, but Akiyama's shy problem is really so easy to solve?