Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 227: Elves of Another World

"Promised ... why did I promise?"

Akiyama Aya and Takai Nakaru joined the team. When Li Yalin left the light department, he smiled, but he just left his forefoot. The original performance was calm but suddenly it seemed like there was no bone. The whole person Paralyzed in a chair.

At this moment, Akiyama Aya had no eyes in his eyes and no expression on his face, and those words were whispering back and forth, but everyone was taken aback.

"What's wrong, Xiaoyu?"

A startled Dawei hurriedly walked forward to the shoulder, but unfortunately, no matter how she shook, there was no slight reaction.

"It's overfrightened. It may take a while to recover."

As Aoyama's young plum bamboo horse, the law team obviously understood the status of their friends better. After carefully observing it, they finally shook their heads and sighed.

In her opinion, Xiaoyan's state is actually quite good, at least he hasn't fallen into the self-avoidance mode. If that is the case, it is estimated that he promised the seniors to join the team before.

Fortunately, at least it seems that there is still a chance for easing. Next, I can only wait for Xiaoxi to wake up and continue to communicate with her.

"Are you all right? It looks serious."

Although listening to Takai Nakaro said so, Ke Qin's fluke is still a bit uneasy.

"Relax, just leave it to me."

The law team is different. Her nerves can be described as coarse. Since she promised Li Yalin, she would definitely not give up.

As for the situation at the moment, she also feels that she can handle it, but it is unknown whether it can be done.

At least Li Yalin, who has left, is completely unaware of the situation on the light side. At this moment, he is still immersed in joy. After all, he and the team have been fiddled with, and the lineup to participate in this trial is even.

Of course, he didn't plan to split the light tone department. Whether they are Akiyama Aya or Takai Nakaro, they can only be regarded as non-staff personnel. They are all in various senses. The reason why they were brought in is just to They just add some stage experience.

What really makes them shine is still their own band, and only where the light department is located is their real stage!

"Brother you seem happy."

Back to Rabbit-House, she was very keen to discover Li Yalin's good mood, which also made her very curious.

What exactly happened, and why was my brother so happy?

"There are good things."

The girls were also amazed by the joyful participation in the regional selection finals and the participation of Rachel Akiyama and Takai Nakaru in the team.

After all, being able to participate in the Hot-Holiday music festival is indeed an amazing achievement.

However, after a while of excitement, it was time to open the shop. According to the usual practice, the Red Queen came and left. Everyone was already accustomed to it.

And if nothing else, today seems to be only a guest like Queen Akino.

I heard that Uncle Tatsugoro has been busy crusking monsters recently, so there should be no time to patronize.

If this continues, when will the first task be completed?

The door to the other world is difficult to find, but it does not mean that no one will ever find it. Chen Goro can find one of them, and naturally someone will find the second door.

No, with the ringing of a copper bell at the door, the shop door to another world was opened again.

"have a guest!"

Doing nothing during the opening of the store has become a habit of everyone, although we were looking forward to the arrival of guests at the beginning, but over time, everyone did not care so much.

After all, curiosity is limited after all, there are no guests, and it is difficult to maintain enthusiasm.

But today, the new guest is finally here. The Queen Akagi has just left, and Uncle Chen Goro cannot come. This is not a new guest, who can it be?

For the first time, the girls stood up, and at this moment, the new guests appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Is that ... elf?"

After seeing the appearance of the visitor, my beloved one couldn't help but open his mouth wide, the graceful figure with long golden hair, the emerald green pupils and the pointed ears, and above all, the amazing beauty.

Putting it all together, isn't it the appearance of the legendary elves?

"She's carrying a bow and arrow? That's the elf's exclusive weapon, right?"

Whether in Western fantasy legends, or in novels or games, elves are basically races that are good at using magic and bows and arrows.

For this reason, Li Shi also expressed great curiosity about the bow and arrow on the elven's back.

"An elf of another world ... would she use magic or magic?"

If Li Shi is interested in the weapons of the elves, then the witch Mu Muqian is interested in the magic of others. Is the magic of the other world magic or magic?

This is a very worthwhile question for Mu Yiqian ~ ~ If she can, she would like to have a good chat with that elf.


Perhaps it was the relationship that Li Shi and Mu Qianqian showed too hot, but their attitude made the blonde elf who had just entered the store vigilant.

Well, when I saw a door full of magic, I was already full of doubts. After passing through the door, I saw two hot-eyed human girls. She would be a strange thing if she was not alert.

"I say you ... don't scare the guests."

Regarding the fierce gaze of Mu Yanqian and Li Shi, Li Yalin came a bit helpless, didn't he see that elf had picked up his bow and arrow? Can you converge a little?

He reminded Zhi Nai to leave the world and let Zhenqin get her sister, and then Li Yalin came to the elf.

The guests who finally appeared were scared of running away, but they were worthless.


"where is this place?"

For visitors from other worlds, I am afraid that such a question must be answered once. Li Yalin is also psychologically prepared, and what he needs to do now is to soothe the vigilance of the other party.

"You can think of us here as a restaurant in a different world, a place where guests can eat and eat."

He smiled slightly at the beautiful elf on the opposite side, and Li Yalin responded quickly, but he did not expect that the elf on the other side suddenly frowned.

"Different restaurants? Where do humans eat?"

I don't know if this elf hates humans. Although her brow just wrinkled a little and immediately stretched, Li Yalin still saw a contradiction in her eyes.

Are elves very resistant to humans?

This looks like a less entertaining guest.