Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 457: Question of principle as a man


Li Yalin, who did not understand what Ye Yue planned to play at all, looked at the other side with a miserable look. She was so open now that he did not know how to respond. Fastest update

To be honest, the so-called battle between the two was still picked by Ye Yue. In turn, she now feels that this battle is useless. How can you start and end? what do you want to say in the end?

"You should know, I like the lovely children in the company, and your words ... at first glance is a veteran girl, your existence will definitely take away my harem, so we are fighting, right?"

Seeing Li Yalin's aggressive face, while Ye Yue was sighing, she also provoked his memories.

"That's right ... but ..."

Ye Yue said this, Li Yalin still didn't understand what she wanted to express. He understood everything she said, but what does it have to do with contention?

"So, I like cute children, but it's not limited to girls. Boys, as long as they are cute, it's also my food."

"If you do n’t wear the broken glasses, you will show your true colors at the beginning. Do you think there is still a pointless battle between us?"


As Ye Yue's words came out, Li Yalin was even more dumbfounded. The meaning of the elder sister's words was vaguely understood, but why did everything seem to become his fault again?

Besides, how does he always feel ...

"Hey, I didn't expect it, our boss is so handsome and cute ... I, but I can't help it!"


It seems that Ye Yue is getting more and more dangerous!

"What's this? Is it down? It has the traditional characteristics of our special zone. It's really exciting to think of such handsome and cute bosses under you ..."

Help! There's a female gangster here!

Ye Yue was so straightforward. If Li Yalin didn't understand it, it would be really stupid. If nothing else, just the idiot-female appearance of this big sister had made him goosebumps.

I always feel that if I do n’t leave at this time, I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to leave!


Quickly withdraw!

Subconsciously, Li Yalin thought of running away from this dangerous area. However, his speed was fast and Ye Yue's reaction was faster. God knows how she passed Li Yalin's 20-point agility and dragged him first, but then When Li Yalin reacted, he was already dragged by Ye Yue, and was directly under his body.

"Sure enough, it's the boss's fault. It actually made me breathe for such a cute child for so long. This face really doesn't look too tired."

Li Yalin was pressed under her, and Ye Yue's eyes had a look of obsession. Although I knew this older sister was a face-control, she had no resistance to the lovely girl, but she did not think that she was a vegetarian. It does n’t matter whether you are male or female, there is no problem with cute girls, and cute boys are still her dishes!

Might as well ... when she faces cute boys, her performance will come even more dangerous!

"Wait a minute! Let's have something to say!"

It makes sense that although Li Yalin favors Ye Yue, a type of royal sister, even in the dark corner of his mind, he may not have the idea of ​​overthrowing Ye Yue, but the problem is that the idea belongs to the idea, does not mean that we must act. The point is, as a man, he does not have the hobby of being pushed back by women!

Even if he doesn't mind what happened to Ye Yuezhen, at this time, in this state, as a man, he still can't stand it!

If he wants to take the initiative, then he must take the initiative, and be pushed back. What's the matter?

What's more, he also can see that the reason why this is happening today is entirely because Ye Yue's face control is at work, but she just uses the face value to attract women or something, and he always feels very uncomfortable.

How do you say you have to look inside me? Think of me as an enemy when I am ordinary, and want to push me back when I look good? What are you doing? Treat me as a toy?

What a joke!

"Boss, what do you want to say? I'm listening."

Although Li Yalin tried hard to stop, Ye Yue didn't let go. In particular, she is still very embarrassing now, as if she didn't give up on him.

This is obviously already in a state, and ordinary methods can't be sure of her!

How to do?

Forcing her away?

Yes, it can, but if you do that, will you do it too much?

Although Li Yalin can now push Ye Yue away, and righteously reprimand her, as a boss and a boss, he has the qualifications and power to do that, and Ye Yue who can definitely train is afraid to return.

The problem is that the price of doing so will be to directly reduce the relationship between the two to the freezing point ~ ~ and that is exactly what Li Yalin is not willing to see.

Reasonably, what he can't accept now is only the reverse push from Ye Yue. If he took the initiative, maybe it might be a half-push to push the boat. After all, he is also a man, and his resistance to women is still limited. of.

It was just a matter of principle as a man that made him unable to compromise.

Of course, there is another more important issue. This is Ye Yue's office. Although the door is closed, God knows when that door will be pushed open, and once something really happens, the sound will also Will spread throughout the company, after all, Li Yalin doesn't think Ye Yue is the type that can finish things without saying a word.

Really want to be like that, what's that? Stage a live action? Or is it shown to all employees?

Stop kidding!

After all, the timing is still wrong ... Mom's egg!

This woman really troubles herself, can't you just change time and place again?

There were constant complaints in my heart, but this matter needed to be resolved immediately. In fact, Li Yalin was really afraid that someone would come in suddenly at this time, otherwise it would not be clear if there were 10,000 mouths.

In this case, he can only come up with the last killer!

"Miss Haizi, are you here?"

In a word, looking at Ye Yue, she tightened her body as if she had been electrocuted, and then bounced off Li Yalin instantly. The speed came quickly.

"I did nothing! Haizi, don't you misunderstand!"

Why don't you say that Abogan Haizi is Ye Yue's natural nemesis? I haven't seen anyone, but she can scare her like this by just one name. ) Download Free Reader !!