Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 538: No aristocracy in your country?

"It's true, I can guarantee it."

In the face of the surprise of her own boss, Chitong nodded calmly, although occasionally a little natural, but as the most indispensable partner in the team, her words are still very reliable.

Because of this, the Boss sister no longer doubted, but looked curiously at Li Yalin.

"Having the power to independently kill special danger species, are you also the owner of the emperor?"

Sister BOSS will ask this question, which is actually a matter of reason. After all, the horror level of the special danger species is well known. Even ordinary people may not be able to sue alone, no matter how strong they are.

But if you have emperor tools, that's an exception.

The so-called emperor's tools are the forty-eight powerful weapons that the emperor's emperor spent thousands of dollars on for the rule of the empire for the rule of the empire. The power of these forty-eight emperors is very horrible. It can be said that each emperor is comparable to an artifact Ordinary existence, as long as the holder of the emperor, can become a strong party.

Of course, the so-called comparable artifacts are only limited to this world. Compared with real artifacts, such as the exclusive artifact of the Red Dragon God, there is no comparison between the two.

After all, the emperor's tool is only made by manpower, and it is far worse than the weapon of the gods.

But even so, this still can not change the fact that Emperor has a strong, at least at this moment, the boss's suspicion is very reasonable.

Unfortunately, she guessed wrong this time.

"Is Emperor Ji? Although I really want to see it, it is a pity that I haven't seen Emperor Ji yet."

"Oh sorry, the weapon that looks like Akito is Emperor Ji. If so, I would have seen Emperor Ji."

In Li Yalin's eyes, BOSS's sister is a handsome men's beauty, but in the eyes of others, this is not the case.

As a former general of the empire, the leader of the killer group today, the sister of BOSS, just sitting there, will have an indescribable courage, and ordinary people will stand in front of her and say nothing, without being scared. It is already very courageous.

But the result was good. When he moved to Li Yalin, he was able to talk to the boss of the boss. Not only was he not affected by the pressure of the other party, but he was very relaxed.

This alone is enough to make people look impressive.

"Red pupil, you are right, this boy is really unusual."

Li Yalin's response immediately made the boss's sister shine. If he behaved badly, she would feel disappointed, but now ... the more such a person, the more he is not ordinary.

But the only thing that cares about him is his origins. After all, the Empire's minions are scattered all over the country. If strangers are recruited into the team casually, it is not a long time ago.

So after staring at Li Yalin for a moment, the BOSS sister opened her mouth again.

"Listening to Hitomi, you are a loitering traveler? Loitering in this decaying and turbulent country ... alone?"

No, temptation has already begun.

"How to say, in fact, I am not an empire. In fact, I have only just arrived in the empire. I am completely unfamiliar with this country. According to my plan, first walk around this country and see if it is an increase. My experience. "

"By the way, my name is Li Yalin, Li is a surname, and my name is Yalin. Please meet me for the first time."

How to start a dialogue with BOSS sister is a question that Li Yalin has been thinking about before. He is very clear that as a stranger, it is very difficult to get the trust of the other party, so in this case, he It is better to make up a set of nonsense.

Anyway, no matter what he says, people can't verify it, right?

"Oh? Do you use Li as your last name? It turns out that you are still a noble ... but as you said, the Empire does not have such a strange name as you."

After listening to Li Yalin's self-introduction, naturally, the BOSS sister also had her thoughts. In the empire, only nobles can have a surname, but such surnames as Li obviously did not appear in the empire.

So Li Yalin said that he came from outside the empire.

But just want to convince the boss sister, that is impossible.

"Since you say your name is Yalin, then I'll call you Yalin, Yalin, you are from outside the empire, so don't know which country you are from?"

Further temptations began again.

"Well, I come from a country called Huaxia, but it is very far away from the empire. I guess you have not heard of it."

I knew that this was the temptation from the boss of BOSS. Li Yalin was also very calm. Anyway, what he said was half-truth and half-false, which did not completely deceive each other, and it seemed natural to be very calm.

China is really far from the empire, after all, it is already another world.

"Oh? Is it a country named Huaxia? As you said, I did hear this name for the first time ~ ~ Then Yalin, are you a nobleman from Huaxia?"

Li Yalin's answer was so streamlined that BOSS's sister gradually began to believe what he said. She also started to have a slight interest in the country named Huaxia in his mouth.

"No, in Huaxia, everyone has a surname. I'm just one of them. Besides, in China Huaxia, there is no aristocracy, and everyone's status is equal."

Li Yalin responded quickly to the BOSS sister's question, but it seemed his answer, but it seemed to have struck a certain heartstring of the BOSS sister.

"What do you say? There is no aristocracy in your country? Everyone is equal?"

As a feudal empire that has been passed down for thousands of years, everyone has become accustomed to dividing people into three, six, and nine. The power of the emperor is supreme. Below is the aristocratic class that rules civilians and wants everyone to be equal. And dreams.

But the result was good. On this day, the boss boss heard such a shocking words.

A country where everyone is equal ... how could that exist?

"It is not entirely correct to say that everyone is equal. After all, the gap between the rich and the poor will also create a class phenomenon, but it is true that there is no aristocracy. Even if there are some so-called noble names ... they are actually no different from ordinary people. That's it. "

The shock of BOSS sister, Li Yalin is understandable, in fact he also said so intentionally, otherwise, how could it impact her?

The so-called equality of all people is actually just a nonsense, because it is impossible for everyone to be equal, but it is true that compared to this decaying empire, Huaxia really has to come much better. At least he did not lie.

"Inconceivable ... really incredible ..."