Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 209: Monk Nanban

Facing Rui Costa's request to be an official of the Takeda family, Li Xiao was slightly stunned.

Li Xiao couldn't help thinking of the scene where Rui Costa and Father Torres met him on that day.

At that time, Li Xiao was in the city, and he was surprised to hear that a missionary from Portugal was looking for himself.

As a modern person, Li Xiao naturally knows what Catholicism is, but to the Japanese at that time, Catholicism was still a mystery, and he called it Gili Chitan. The Portuguese, Spanish, and Italians who came to Japan at that time were collectively called Southern barbarian.

As for Britain and the Netherlands, they came to Japan several decades later than Portugal. Basically, after the defeat of the Spanish Invincible Fleet, the Dutch and British talents came into contact with Japan after the Battle of Sekihara.

Of course, for Torres, and even for Westerners, the Japanese of this era have never known anything, or have a little understanding.

In 1543, a Ming country smuggling ship with the flag of Five Peaks carried three Portuguese to 6 Tanegashima, Japan. The Portuguese first knew Japan as a country.

This incident is called iron cannon in Japan. Toshiyao Tanegashima, the retainer of the Shimadzu family, bought two matchlock guns for two thousand taels, which was later imitated by the blacksmith Hachiban Jinbei and named the iron cannon. .

Since then, iron cannons were introduced to Japan in the Warring States Period, and the tactics of war in the Warring States Period have been revolutionized.

ps: At that time, the Japanese called the Japanese pirate Wang Zhi the owner of the Wufeng ship. His smuggling boat was flying the Wufeng flag, which was unimpeded along the coast of Kyushu, Japan. Therefore, at that time, it was Wang Zhi who carried the Portuguese to search for the smuggled ship next. I don’t know if I’m not on board.

After that, the Portuguese missionaries preached in Japan, but the process was very unsatisfactory. The main reason was that they didn't know much about the Japanese at the time.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao's sense of superiority as a traverser suddenly emerged. As a traverser, he knew the Portuguese better than the Japanese at that time, and he knew the Japanese of this era better than the Portuguese.

Li Xiao immediately met the friends from the other side of the ocean in the castle tower of Chengshengcheng. Along with him were his subordinates Masamoto Shima, Masanobu Honda, Kazuha Shioka, and Changan.

The nine-year compulsory education was delayed, coupled with the extremely cheating CET-4 English test in college.

Li Xiao decided to show off his daily conversations in English that can barely be deceived in front of these foreign devils. Even though he is a Portuguese, he should not be unfamiliar with English as a missionary teacher.

But in fact, when Li Xiao started to show off his poor English, he felt that all the foreigners present were all confused.


Li Xiao asked again, and a missionary who was proficient in Japanese spoke: "Honorable Lord, you probably speak English, but we don't understand it well."

In fact, Li Xiao did not understand modern English before the seventeenth century, and there are still many differences in spoken and usage.

Finally, Li Xiao gave up his plan to communicate in English.

At this time, he was wearing a black monk's uniform with a cross on his chest. Torres stepped forward, speaking in an exotic Chinese, and said: "Good day, your honorable lord, I heard that you are from the great Ming Empire, so Feeling cordial, and I am here to pay high tribute to you."

Li Xiao nodded. As a missionary, in order to spread the Lord’s gospel to all parts of the world, it shouldn’t be a surprise that these people are proficient in several languages ​​in universities with such fanatical religious enthusiasm. The senior professor.

Moreover, in 1557, that is, seven years ago, the Portuguese obtained the right of abode in Macau on the side of the Ming government, so it is not surprising that missionaries can speak Chinese.

Li Xiao also replied in Chinese: "Hello, Father Torres, thank you for traveling far away from the country of Francois in Thailand to Minguo, Japan. You have made a positive contribution to the friendly exchanges between the East and the West."

Hearing what Li Xiao said, Torres and his companion nodded immediately. Franji was the name Mingguo called Spain and Portugal at the time. So from this title, it can be confirmed that Li Xiao is a Mingguo.

In 1521 and 22, the Portuguese went through the Tuen Mun naval battle with the Ming Empire and the two failed naval battles at Xicaowan. The Portuguese changed their policies and resorted to diplomatic means to fight the huge eastern empire. trading.

Therefore, the Portuguese in this era respected the Ming people very much and did not dare to treat them as the natives of America.

When Torres confirmed Li Xiao's identity, they immediately introduced themselves one by one.

Among the Portuguese in this group were missionaries from the Society of Jesus, as well as ordinary seamen.

When they introduced themselves, Li Xiao's eyes widened. For the Portuguese in front of them, their names were really... ridiculous.

"Honorable Lord, Ugo Almeida, the servant of God, is called to pay you high respects."

"Well, I accept your respect."

"The servant of God, Nuno Gomez, is called to pay you high respects."

"Um. Nice to meet you."

Listening to them introducing their names one by one, Li Xiaosha felt that he had summoned all the Portuguese national team during the European Championships.

Forehead? The turtle who came in and looked around was named Rui Costa.

What, this lap leg is actually called Figo, my goodness.

Of course, when the last Portuguese introduced himself and called himself Cristiano Ronaldo, Li Xiao was embarrassed on the spot. He felt that even Ronaldo was here. There is nothing impossible in this world.

Closer to home.

Immediately Li Xiao also introduced his retainers to the Portuguese missionaries.

Kanto is no better than Gyeonggi or Kyushu. The local people's ability to accept new things is lower. For example, Shioka Kazuha, Honda Zheng believes that these Nanban monks who have sprung up from unknown places are very unwelcome.

So when introducing each other, Shioka Kazuha and Honda Masanobu were very wary of these people.

On the contrary, such as Katsumashima Island and Changan Dazang have been to Hakata Town in Kyushu before, so they have also met Nanbarians such as Torres, so their attitude is relatively mild.

Torres didn't speak Chinese smoothly, so Li Xiao and Torres resumed talking in Japanese.

The advantage of being a traverser is everywhere. As a modern person, in addition to the knowledge of the Portuguese team in the European Championship and the World Cup, it comes from the history of middle school. A navigator who pioneered the history of mankind.

Li Xiao's knowledge of this era and his knowledge of geography are far superior to those of Torres.

The first thing that resonated with Torres was on the topic that the earth is round.

"Tsk, tusk, tusk," Torres exclaimed excitedly, "Unexpectedly, Master Li Xiao, you actually know the Dias in your country, the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, and the Americas. This is incredible."

Torres now feels a bit of a stranger in a foreign country.

The bottom of Torres's heart now is overwhelming, and the look in Li Xiao's eyes is more friendly, and he wants to know and confidant, this is my Catholic person to spread the gospel in the East.

Li Xiao screamed, bragging B said: "This is of course, in fact, as early as when Zheng He sailed to the west, we had already discovered America, but at that time, the first emperor, Yongle, Rende, knew that this piece of land was already there. There are aborigines, so I can’t bear to take the land, so there is no more troops to occupy them."

As Li Xiao said, Torres inevitably had a flushed face. Compared with the immorality of Europeans who used the means of killing and expelling local indigenous people to colonize, this experience was of course very disgraceful for them.

When Li Xiao said this, he immediately put himself on the moral heights.

However, Li Xiao’s family members believed in them. Seeing that Li Xiao actually said the Nanban monk, who knew astronomy and geography, he was speechless, and his face was full of admiration.

My lord is really awesome.

Dao Shengmeng, Da Zang Changan, who has seen the Nanbarians so powerful, said so from the bottom of my heart.

Torres had the intention of recruiting Li Xiao to become a teacher. Then he thought, he still wanted to use some Western strange and ingenious things to attract the Ming Dynasty warrior in front of him.

So Torres took out a metal, yellow, round object from his arms, and placed it in front of Li Xiao, and asked: "Lord Lord, I will meet your Excellency. In the words of your Ming people, it is At first sight, out of admiration for the lord’s demeanor, a gift was given to show my high respect."

Li Xiao grabbed Huang Chengcheng's round object from Torres's hand, and Li Xiao's retainers had their eyes widened at the moment, looking at this southern barbarian, wondering what it was.

This southern barbarian looks very good in appearance, smooth and reflective on the surface, and inside the amazing round metal, there is a clear sound of ticking, which is particularly pleasing to the ear.

With this ticking sound, the hearts of the people present immediately felt as if they were scratching with a cat's claw. Although they were very curious about this southern barbarian, they didn’t even know Shioka Kazuha who had seen the broadcast’s Masaru Shima. What exactly is a round object of yellow metal?

"This monk Nanban is uneasy and kind, and I don't know what to use to test our lord. I think they are going to be against the lord." Shigang Yiyu snorted coldly.

On the contrary, Ben Duo Zhengxin said: "Wait, this thing seems to be difficult for the lord."

After Li Xiao took the yellow southern barbarian, he smiled slightly, placed him in his palm, and gently lifted the southern barbarian from the center like a shell.

Li Xiao’s retainers stretched their heads, trying to see exactly what it Under everyone’s eyes, Li Xiao looked towards his palms and saw that the yellow metal disc was engraved with twelve A Roman numeral with a crisp ticking sound of gears.

Li Xiao smiled at Torres and said with a smile: "Father Torres, I am very grateful to you for giving such a beloved pocket watch to you. I am missing a clock to watch the time."

This group of Portuguese saw Li Xiao call out the name of the pocket watch, and he was still shocked.

At that time, when the Portuguese were preaching in Kyushu, what they liked most was the look of looking at the turtles. They looked at the local lords who were usually aloof and scratched their heads against the southern barbarians from the West.

But before they had failed, the sense of superiority in his heart disappeared for a moment.

Seeing this, Torres was even more convinced of Li Xiao, and said directly: "A pocket watch can't all represent my respect to Lord Lord. May I ask Lord Li Xiao, since you know everything, you must have a good understanding of our Catholic Church."

Li Xiao's expression was solemn, and he thought that finally the meat was coming. . ..