Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 245: The road to seize the world

Yonglu eight years, February. ,,.j,,,,,o,s,h,u,bsp; Owari Country, Komaki Mountain Castle, Tenshukaku.

Kinoshita Tokichiro knelt down in front of Oda Nobunaga respectfully.

At the moment Oda Nobunaga is ordering tea for Kinoshita Tokichiro.

Unlike in the past, Oda Nobunaga is dressed as an orthodox samurai when ordering tea, with a princess-style updo on his head.

Oda Nobunaga's behavior when ordering tea is not hurried or slow, and the breeze blows, like an elegant tea man, with a quiet and distant Zen in every move.

This is completely two people like the wild and unruly lord that Kinoshita Tokichiro usually recognizes.

Just like when meeting at Shōtoku-ji Temple, Oda Nobunaga went to see Saito Dozo. He was dressed extremely rudely, like a rash commoner. After entering Shōtoku-ji Temple, he put on orthodox samurai decorations. Both words and deeds are meticulous, meticulous and prudent.

The contrast between the front and the back shocked Saito Dosan, who is known as the viper. After the meeting, it was revealed that his son, Saito Dozo, might tie his horse in front of his son-in-law in the future.

Tokichiro Kinoshita knows why Oda Nobunaga is doing this. The contrast between his front and back is just to show that if I want to be a serious warrior, I can do it. I can only disdain it on weekdays.

After thinking about this, Kinoshita Tokichiro looked at the man who ordered tea for him, and he renewed a complex emotion, appreciation, admiration, and even a hint of jealousy in his heart.

"Monkey, take it."

Oda Nobunaga handed the tea bowl to Kinoshita Tokichiro.


After Kinoshita Fujiyoshi thanked him, he drank the tea soup according to etiquette.

Oda Nobunaga is obviously in a good mood today, saying: "Monkey, I personally order tea for you, because I am very satisfied with your marriage with the Takeda family this time."

Tokoshiro Kinoshita cried out, put down the tea bowl, and quickly said, "Thank you for your compliments. This is mainly handled by Lord Oda Sakube, and the ministers are just doing a little bit of effort by the side."

"Oda Sakube, but a mediocre and incompetent person. What can he do, so you don't need to be humble monkey."

When Oda Nobunaga finished speaking, he picked up the folding fan and knocked it on the shoulder of Kinoshita Tokichiro.

This moment was not heavy, it was a gesture of intimacy, but Kinoshita Tokichiro cracked his mouth in pain.

Oda Nobunaga cried out and asked, "Monkey, are you hurt?"

Fujikoshiro Kinoshita screamed, and said: "Report to Lord Lord that his servants were attacked by ninjas on the way back. If it weren't for the protection of Mrs. Shuka, he would have died in the hands of these ninjas, but he was still injured."

Oda Nobunaga showed a sorrowful look in his eyes, and said angrily: "Even the important officials of my Oda family dare to attack, what kind of ninja is it? Who instigated it?"

Kinoshita Tokichiro rubbed his right shoulder and said, "It's not clear who instructed, but Mr. Beesuka said that attacking the ninja should be the means of the wind demon."

Oda Naganobu pondered for a while, and said, "I am afraid that you are going to the Takeda family this time. Who has offended someone. Tell me the story of this time."

"It's Lord Lord."

Then Kinoshita Tokichiro talked about the process of going out to the Takeda family.

After Kinoshita Tokichiro said that the marriage between Takeda and Oda was achieved, Oda Nobunaga waved his folding fan and said, "Monkey, you don't have to talk any more, these ninjas were sent by that Li Xiao."

Fujikoshiro Kinoshita asked in surprise: "Lord, why did you say that it was Li Xiao? When he came out of the Takeda family, he was more than one of the people he came into contact with."

Oda Nobunaga grunted, slapped the folding fan on his forehead, and said, "This is my instinct, it can't be wrong, it's Li Xiao who did it."

Tokoshiro Kinoshita showed a thoughtful look and said: "The minister did not offend him at all. Why did Li Xiao want to kill me?"

"It's very simple, Li Xiao is afraid of you," Oda Nobunaga pointed the folding fan to Kinoshita Fujiyoshiro's head, and said: "You showed your mind during the mission to the Takeda family, and made Li Xiao think you are the future. One of the most powerful enemies of the country, so I sent a ninja to assassinate you."

"Fear me? The minister is no more than a small general, and the gap between Li Xiao is more than ten times. Why is he afraid of me?" Kinoshita Tokichiro showed an incredible look.

Oda Nobunaga said straightforwardly: "If the monkey hadn't been from a humble background, with your resourcefulness and ability, today's achievements would lie far above many people, do you understand?"

"Maybe others didn't notice it, but at least apart from me Nobunaga, Li Xiao also appreciates you very much, monkey, do you understand?"

"Thank you for your compliment," Kinoshita Fujiyoshiro said excitedly.

"Work hard, monkey." Oda Nobunaga nodded, and then said again, "But Li Xiao is afraid of you, and I am not afraid of such a brave general under Takeda Shingen."

Then the two monarchs continued to chat.

The sun has fallen, and it is getting late every day.

However, Oda Nobunaga talked about Xingzheng and casually mentioned the general trend of the world.

Nobunaga Oda said loudly: "Since waiting for the shogunate, the shogunate has ruled the world for more than two hundred years. After the Onin Rebellion, the authority of the shogunate has been lost. The authority."

"Unfortunately, like Hosokawa Katsumoto, Yamana Chitoyo, Hosokawa Masamoto, Miyoshi Changqing and his ilk, they were able to seize Gyeonggi for a while and command the world, but after turning around and dying, the dominance disappeared. Although my Oda family now Living in Owari, I also have ambitions to go to Los Angeles. But I disdain as Hosokawa, Miyoshi and the others are in charge of the world for a short period of time."

Having said this, Oda Nobunaga took out a tea set and placed it in front of Kinoshita Tokichiro, and said: "Monkey, show you a famous item."

Tokoshiro Kinoshita wondered why Oda Nobunaga was halfway through his speech, but he still stared at the famous object that Oda Nobunaga had taken out. After looking at it for a long time, he said, "Master, this shoulder punch used to hold the powdered tea, looks like Very quaint."

Oda Nobunaga nodded, stroked the tea set under his hand, and said: "This is not an ordinary shoulder punch, but the Nitta shoulder punch is one of the three shoulder punches in the world."

"Oh, Nitta's shoulder punch," Kinoshita Fujiyoshiro's eyes beamed, his mouth was amazed, and he said, "Master, this is a famous thing."

Oda Nobunaga hummed, and said proudly: "This shoulder rush was originally owned by the famous tea man Murata Zhuguang, and later it was transferred to me. There is a famous saying in the tea ceremony that eggplant is the world, and shoulder rush is the general. Just like the world’s three great shoulders, there are also three eggplants. Now Xintian, one of the world’s three great shoulders, is owned by me."

Hearing Oda Nobunaga's words, Kinoshita Fujiyoshiro felt like an old cat crawling in his heart.

When Oda Nobunaga saw Kinoshita Fujiyoshiro look like this, he smiled and said, "If you like it, take it and watch it."

"Thank you Lord Lord." Kinoshita Fujiyoshiro said aloud with a smile on his face, and then cautiously lifted his shoulders and rubbed his hands in his hands, feeling a bit in love with him.

"Monkey, do you know why I like tea ceremony?"

Hearing this, Kinoshita Tokichiro recalled what Nobunaga had just said, and asked: "Is it related to the master's seizure of the world."

"Yes, monkey, you are really smart," Oda Nobunaga said with a laugh, "but why do you know that tea ceremony is related to taking the world?"

"This minister doesn't know." Kinoshita Fujiyoshiro replied truthfully.

Oda Nobunaga opened the folding fan, shook his chest, and then said in an extremely rare form: "Master Sawahiko Zongen once said to me that the Zhou metric system rituals and joys, and the promotion of Zhou rituals. There is a saying in the book of rites, rituals Distinguish differences and unify the same through music. The purpose is to distinguish between superiority and inferiority, high and low, up and down by ritual and law, so that everyone keeps order, not to be confused. After people understand etiquette, they use music to unify harmony and let people of different ranks It's all sharing the joy. If the system of rituals and music can be practiced in the world, then the world of great harmony will not be far away."

After a pause, Oda Nobunaga continued: "The characters I admire most are King Wenwang, Gongzi Zhou, Confucius, Wang Wenwang starts the week, Zhou metric system Zhou Li, and Confucius promotes Zhou Li. I emulate these three people and realize them. His ambition is to create a prosperous world like the world of the week. Therefore, I will conquer the world by force, seek peace, reform the old, restore order, and finally divide the world into sixty-six countries."

"Separate the sixty-six countries of the world." Kinoshita Tokichiro shook his body. Although he knew that Oda Nobunaga was ambitious, he did not expect it to be so ambitious.

"But just using force to restore order is not enough. In this way, Nobunaga will end up being Hosokawa, Miyoshi, and the likes of the mountain names. It's far inferior to King Zhou Wen and others. Therefore, apart from using force to restore order and respect and inferiority. I also want to promote the tea ceremony in the laymen and the leaders up and down."

"Does the lord replace music with tea ceremony?" Kinoshita Tokichiro asked.

Nobunaga Oda nodded and said: "Yes, at the tea party, although you and I are separate, there is no distinction between monarch and minister. The difference is that I order tea and you drink tea. We monarchs and ministers share the tea ceremony. That’s why the martial arts tea ceremony promoted by Nobunaga is different from the tea ceremony in public temples."

"I want to use the tea ceremony, let my retainers and my nobunaga, share the results of this battle, so that the monarchs and ministers can be united. Therefore, in my eyes, the tea ceremony is a means to gather people's hearts. It is a means and not an end. Monkeys. , If he is obsessed with the tea ceremony because of the tea ceremony and forgets the duty of a samurai, then I will kick you out of the Oda family."

After listening to Oda Nobunaga's thoughts, Kinoshita was doing well, but suddenly his discoloration changed and he sweated profusely behind his back. He bowed down and said, "Yes, lord, the minister dare not forget the duty of the samurai family."

Oda Nobunaga saw that Kinoshita Fujiyoshiro was overwhelmed, and he smiled slightly and said, "Well, monkey, you are a wise man, you will know what to do."

After speaking, Oda Nobunaga stood up and came to the window of Komaki Mountain Castle's castle tower, holding the folding fan in his hand, and pointing to the distance, his voice said loudly: "The front is Mino, and you can't see it any further. It is Inabayama Castle, the main city of the Saito family. At present, the alliance with the Takeda family has been reached, and Higashi Mino is in my control. The capture of Inabayama Castle is just around the corner."

"After capturing Inaba Mountain Castle, I should imitate Zhou Wenwang Fengming Qishan's allusion, take Qishan and Qufu, the hometown of Confucius, change the name of Inaba Mountain Castle to Gifu, and then go to the world and do something unprecedented. , To unify the sixty-six countries and create a prosperous age of peace and happiness"

"And this is my Nobunaga's way to seize the world."

Jiafei, Huilin Temple.

In the temple, Li Xiao and Takeda Katsurai are laying out the chessboard, playing in black and white.

Akiyama has been close to each other for a long time, Shioka Kazuha, Takeda Katsuyori, and Li Xiao are guarding from a distance.

In the last time Takeda Yoshinobu rebelled, Akiyama and other guards failed to break through for a long time, and half of them were captured by Chibei.

However, Iifumi Toramasho did not kill them, but was imprisoned. Later, after Takeda Yoshinobu's failure, Akiyama Katsuyoshi and them were released again, and they are still staying at Takeda Katsuyori's side.

Neither Li Xiao nor Takeda Katsurai are good Go players.

And Li Xiao is even worse. He has almost no knowledge of the way of Go except for watching anime Gossip.

But the two are also boring for a while, and playing chess is pure pastime.

Li Xiao dropped a white son, and then said: "His Royal Highness, in five days, I will return to North 6."

Takeda Katsurai stopped the Kuroko who was about to fall in the air, and asked in surprise, "So fast?"

Li Xiao nodded and said: "Yes, I am in the territory of Yuezhong Feida, and I am attacked on all sides. If I return to the territory later, I am afraid that several forces will be ready to move."

Takeda Katsuyori sighed and said, "This is not the only time we can get together, so you have to return to Yuezhong again, Li Xiao, this time my brother is in chaos. Thanks to your help, you mostly plan for me, if not You, I won’t say that I was seized a long time ago, and even my life is hard to protect."

Li Xiao smiled and said: "His Royal Highness is serious. Li Xiao does have a bit of strategy, but they are not dignified and righteous. If you want to govern the territory, dominate the people, dominate the retainers, and gather people's hearts, this is the right way. Your Royal Highness cannot give up the righteous way and seek sub-strategies, so it is to give up the basics to the last."

After a pause, Li Xiao said again: "However, the path of His Highness lies at his feet. You cannot rely on other retainers and you must walk by yourself. Now His Highness Yixin has lost power, and the lord is now seriously ill. All the retainers are ill. Hesitating and unsettled, most people are not sure about where my Takeda family will go in the future. At this time,, it is the time when His Royal Highness is doing her part, taking advantage of the situation, and taking the responsibility. Don’t make up your mind now."

After hearing this, Takeda Katsurai nodded and said: "Li Xiao, you are right, I should be so. If I can't make up my mind when my father is sick, then the people below don't know what to do. "

"My brother has lost power right now, but I can't take it My father hasn't passed his protagonist to anyone. That is to say, everything has not yet been determined, so I must set an example at this time. Father, all the servants see my ability, and finally they will be in charge of the house superintendent of this family."

Li Xiao was very pleased to see that Takeda Katsurai had said so, and asked, "Does your Highness understand where you are right now?"

"Location? How to say?"

Li Xiao smiled, and the detective took out a chess piece from the chess box, and said: "If this world is compared to this chess board, before His Highness Yixin loses his position, His Highness's position is one of the chess pieces in my hand. Chess pieces. Chess pieces have the thinking of chess pieces, so you don’t have to think about it, you don’t have to think about the long-term, and you just have to do the responsibilities of the pieces well."

"His Royal Highness is different now. His Royal Highness is just behind Tokoji Temple. His Royal Highness has become one of the family, the most promising person to succeed His Highness Yoshinobu and take charge of my Takeda family. As a future Takeda family governor, there can be no one. With the knowledge of the chess pieces, His Highness will have to look beyond the chessboard and think about how to become a chess player who will seize the world and compete for victory and defeat, so as to determine the outcome of this chess game."

"Scramble for the world? Go player?" Takeda Masaru was shocked, and said, "Do you want to treat this situation like your father?". ..