Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 396: Break the line

Chapter 396 Breaking the Formation

"Master, the Shibata Army is nearly ninety miles away"

Li Xiao nodded slightly. At this moment, he felt the ground tremble again, and the big tube of the Takeda Army made a loud thunderous noise.

The twelve "door" six-pounders of the big tube team roared again, and the second round of "fire" was launched.

The noise of the cannons rumbling in Li Xiao’s ears, he couldn’t help but spit out, and “kneaded” his ears again.

Aiming on the basis of the first cannon, the second cannon has adjusted its position. The cannonballs rolled down and knocked down several enemy troops, and then rolled into the crowd.

Since the Oda Army was deployed in a straggler lineup, the interval between Zuqing was opened up, and Zuqing’s "advance" is also much faster than in the square formation.

So there is no such thing as the first shelling, one rolling one column after another.

Although most of the bombardment hits this time, the effect of "shooting" is much worse than the first time.

Li Xiao nodded slowly, the effect of the shelling has been achieved. Compared with the killing effect of the shelling, he focused on the result of the shelling to defeat the "chaotic" Oda army formation.

Now the Oda Army’s array is loose and can’t be queued anymore

On the other side, the Oda Army saw the Takeda Army’s big barrel. After this change of formation on its own side, its killing power was greatly reduced, and it began to cheer up its confidence and swarmed forward.

Now the front row of long spear foot light team, they all lay their spears flat, screaming and charging up.

The double geese golden flags are blowing against the wind and rushing towards the Takeda army array.

"Left [gate] Biebe, Shibata army front distance?"

Wu Jian Fantou heard Li Xiao call his name, compared the distance between Shibata Army's front army, and told Li Xiao back: "Master, Shibata Army has "closed" to our army, less than 70 rooms."

Li Xiao shouted and said: "Order the phalanx iron artillery team to prepare to "shoot".


Yoshida Sunshiro was originally born in the family of the local servant in Muzhou City, Vietnam. Later his father offended Muzhou City’s lord Ishiguro Chengzuna and was killed.

After Yoshida’s Zhixingji was confiscated, Yoshida Sunshiro, he and his elder brother Sunjiro, became a "Nani". Out of the idea of ​​reviving the family name, they fled to the Yuezhong Takeda Army and joined the Kibmoto Stand to become iron Cannon foot light

Although he could not become a samurai, it was a blessing for Yoshida Sunshiro who was suffering from hunger and cold at the time to be able to eat well.

And the salary of the Takeda Army’s iron guns is higher than the ordinary ones.

The iron cannon is no stranger to the two brothers Yoshida Sunshiro. At the beginning, his father served as the chief iron cannon to serve the Ishiguro family.

Now his elder brother has been promoted to be the direct samurai of Hidenaga Kinoshita, the former general of Snake Tail, and he is also very hopeful to become the general of Snake Tail.


As the General Iron Cannon shouted, Yoshida Sunshiro was awakened from the memory, and he secretly complained to himself, how could he recall the past in such a great battle?

As the first column of the western phalanx, Yoshida Sunshiro raised his head, and he could clearly see Shibata army rushing over and roaring.

They have all kinds of hideous "colors" on their faces

Yoshida Sunshiro glanced ahead, lowered his head and wrapped the match rope, and checked the iron cannon one last time.

"There are fifty first-listed guns" General Zuqing said loudly

Yoshida Sunshiro listened to Admiral Ashikaru’s report, estimated the distance, pointed the iron cannon at Shibata Army Ashikaru, and raised the gun head slightly.

Sweat beads rolled slightly from Yoshida Sunshiro’s forehead. Although he fought for the first time from time to time, his heart was still a little worried.

"Hachiman Daimyoji"

Yoshida Sunshiro muttered silently, his heart beating like a big drum. Although a little nervous, the hand holding the iron cannon did not shake at all. This is the result of years of rigorous training.

The iron cannons in the phalanx of the West are very light. What must be practiced every day is to tie heavy objects to the gun head. The gun head must be kept level and then motionless for a period of time.

So even though I am nervous at the moment, Yoshida Sunshiro is still very light in his hands.

The iron cannon General Tsukasa waved Taishou, and shouted loudly: ""Shoot".

Yoshida Sunshiro did not hesitate to squeeze the trigger in his hand. He could clearly see that a rushing Shibata army in front of him was light, his body stopped abruptly, and then he fell to the ground, his body shaking suddenly.

Instinctively, Yoshida Sunshiro is convinced that he shot this shot

However, Yoshida Sunshiro didn’t react too much. His expression silently passed by the iron cannon in the second row. Any stop during this period was to eat a military stick. of

After Li Xiao gave the order, it didn’t take long almost at the same time, the first row of the Takeda Army’s seven western phalanx arrays fired all of them.

On the battlefield, the iron cannons rang loudly

Li Xiao saw that with the "shooting" of the Iron Cannon team, the blue and black "colored" smoke of gunpowder began to rise in front of the formation.

After a short period of time, the second platoon of Takeda Army’s iron guns lightly began to "fire".

Li Xiao looked at the advancing Shibata Army. Due to the distance, the iron cannon’s "shooting" power did not reach its maximum.

After Shibata’s front-row guns were lightly injured and killed, they all hid behind Zuqing who had an arrow shield.

But the shield can't cover everyone

Due to this distance, Shibata Army’s bow foot light has not yet reached the "shot" hitting distance, so now Shibata Army is enduring casualties while marching.

"Why doesn't Shibata Army use the iron artillery team to fight back?" Usami Nami asked Li Xiao

Li Xiao stretched out his hand and pointed forward, saying: "Shibata Army doesn't know how to "shoot" in three stages, so it can only wait until the iron artillery team gets close to our army for a certain distance, and then perform the only round of "shoot"."

"However, it's not that easy," Li Xiao said immediately. "The order goes on and the Iron Cannon team is ordered to increase the frequency of "fire" strikes."


On the battlefield, after the Takeda Army’s sixth platoon of iron cannons "fired", the gap between the two armies "approached" to 30. The Shibata Army’s casualties began to increase, and its impact lineup began to weaken.

At this time, as the Takeda Army’s main tube team "fired" in the third round, a few more dampers were smashed by artillery shells, and sawdust and corpse pieces were thrown high and flew in the air.

With such heavy casualties, Shibata’s front line has begun to show signs of retreat.

At this time, as several former generals, "Mao" Sheng Shouzhao could not bear it, and began to order the iron cannons to be light, arched feet lightly, and attack the Takeda army phalanx to weaken the enemy’s iron cannons. Momentum

As the battle progressed, Yoshida Sunshiro, who had already fired a shot, retreated to the last row, and took advantage of this time to start reloading the ammunition.

Yoshida Sunshiro was very proficient in cleaning up the gunpowder **** in the gun chamber with a push rod, and then filled the gunpowder and projectiles. Repeatedly used the push rod to compact the gunpowder pellets in the gun chamber, and finally The fire rope "inserts" into the fire hole again

This series of actions is flowing like water and is completed on the move. For Yoshida Sunshiro, he has to do such a large number of repeated "sexual" actions every day, in order to shorten the time on the battlefield as soon as possible.

At the moment when Yoshida Sunshiro finished, he looked at the other five iron cannons in the same row from side to side, and they almost completed the loading of ammunition.

At this moment, Yoshida Sunshiro was already standing back in the first row of the Iron Cannon team, and the scene in front of him was different from the time before.

At a distance of about twenty-five spaces in front of him, the front row of the Shibata army has been replaced with a foot light armed with iron cannons or bows, although they suffered no casualties under the continuous iron cannon strikes of the Takeda army.

But still under the command of the opposing general, he raised the iron cannon and bow and arrow

"Raise the gun to aim"

Following the hoarse roar of the iron gun general beside him, Yoshida Sunshiro took a small step forward with his left foot and raised his gun expressionlessly, and then aimed the gun body flat.

Bang bang bang

It was not the Takeda army that shot, but the Shibata army’s iron guns.

In an instant, Yoshida Sunshiro felt something flying by in his right ear, and then there was a burning sensation.

But when Yoshida Sunshiro was too late to feel the pain, an iron cannon beside him was light enough, he was already holding his "chest" with both hands, and fell down.

Yoshida Sunshiro’s eyes were instantly red, and his relationship with the other party was really good.

The same scene was also staged in the Takeda Army formation. With Shibata Army’s "fire", the foot of the first platoon of Takeda Army fell one after another. "move

The same enemy "fired" bows and arrows, which also caused casualties in the Takeda army.

There is not much time to sympathize and pity, the position of the casualty is immediately filled by the foot of the back row, and everyone looks calmly at the enemy on the opposite side.


With an order from Admiral Zuqing, Yoshida Sunshiro pulled the trigger. He clearly saw the enemy’s front row of iron cannons, with light arches, falling to the ground like sacks.

"This army can be used a lot"

Seeing that his side standing ready not only withstood the Shibata Army’s iron cannon bows and arrows, but also the position was not "chaotic" at all, Li Xiao said with emotion.

Compared with the embarrassment when Li Xiao led Kamioka to fight against Saito's army when the phalanx of the Western Kingdom was formed, the current judgment can be described as superior.

However, Li Xiao did not dare to say that the phalanx of the West was completed. When the Shibata Army’s riding team assaulted, it was the real test.

The Shibata Army’s iron cannons have only one chance to "fire" On the other hand, in the Takeda Army, under the operation of the Western Phalanx, the firepower of the iron cannons continues uninterrupted.

No wonder the Spaniards boasted that as long as ten musketeers were given to him, they could guarantee the firepower of the musketeers until the end of the war.

Shibata Army's foot light attacked the Takeda Army's position, and whenever "approaching" to within ten, it would be lightly defeated by Takeda Army's iron cannon foot.

It's been like this several times in a row

The only closest one, but Shibata troops lined up in a skirmish line were so light that they did not pose any threat to the Takeda Army's long spear phalanx.

Shibata Army casualties countless samurai, so lightly, several times "approaching", there is no chance to even kill the Takeda Army in front of the battle.

At this moment in the war, the commanding generals of the Shibata army finally could not control the army.

On the battlefield, more than two thousand Shibata troops were completely defeated before Li Xiao’s phalanx of the West.