Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 546: Ordinary people's dreams

The more China, women bear counties.

It was a sunny afternoon after autumn, and the farmer Jingjiro was lying comfortably on his pile of rice.

But the joy of the harvest made him feel the satisfaction of having a full meal.

Ijiro is twenty-eight years old this year. He is a typical Vietnamese farmer with a rickety figure. His many years of living in the field have left his hands and feet very rough, like dry old tree bark.

For Jingjiro, who lives in troubled times, there is nothing more fearful and fearful than the taste of hunger.

I remember that I used to work hard every day, but I still have to pay the annual tribute for most of the food I harvest. I have grown rice for my whole life, but I have never eaten rice.

But this year's harvest is very good. Jingjiro thought that after paying the annual tribute, he would have more surplus grain, and he could go to the nearby castle town to exchange some honey, so that he could help his pregnant wife.

Just as Jingjiro was looking forward to this year's harvest, suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes outside the farmland.

Ijiro was slightly surprised and turned over and got up from the pile of rice, but saw Miki wearing a man, riding a horse.

"It's Lord Samurai."

Ijiro understands that it is impossible for bandits to wear such exquisite footwear, only the samurai in the nearby city.

He knew that the village where Ijiro was located was under the jurisdiction of Lord Saburo Terajima.

The only samurai who came could be the samurai of Terajima's family.

Ijiro looked at the Samurai Samurai, riding a fast horse across the fields beside the farmland, and galloped right in front of him.

The head of the warrior, who looked more than 40 years old with several scars on his face, quickly stopped the war horse at them.

The war horse was spraying white air and was spinning around restlessly. The samurai pointed his whip at Ijiro and shouted, "Come down."

Ijiro didn't dare to neglect, as a common people, he couldn't resist these samurai who had the right to kill and plunder ordinary civilians.

Ijiro hurriedly rolled down from the pile of straw. Kneeling down in front of this warrior's horse, he repeatedly squatted his head and said, "Return to Lord Samurai, what advice do you have?"

This hideous-looking, the samurai laughed, but a farmer had a bit of verbosity in his words, which surprised him.

He didn't know that Ijiro had served in the military once in the past, it was the battle with Uesugi Kenshin in the Kurobe River.

He played as a footer at the time, but did nothing. No meritorious service, and fortunately no injuries.

After just a smile, the samurai sullen his face and shouted: "Take me to see the master of your village immediately."

Ijiro shook his body and screamed immediately. He stood up and trot all the way to lead the way in front of the samurai, while the three samurai rode along with them.

Soon Ijiro led them to the door of a long house in the village.

The sound of horses' hooves had long been alarmed, and the people of the village went out to watch, and the famous master walked out in front of the long house.

The other party saw the horseback warrior. Then he said: "It turned out to be Lord Nojiri."

The Lord Nojiri glanced at the famous master, and said calmly: "The master announces the military service order. The village chiefs are ordered to check their household registrations and recruit each person with 25 shi."

"In your village, there are five hundred and thirty-two stones in the divided account. Twenty-two people must be recruited and go to the city tomorrow to gather."

After the samurai finished speaking in an indisputable tone, he immediately turned his horse's head, turned and rode away.

Twenty-five stones per person. Ijiro thought for a moment. The general military service status is issued with 30 shi, or 50 shi. At high, twenty shi per person is already a very high proportion.

According to this time, one person with twenty-five stones is obviously going to fight a big battle.

The last time he went to the Kurobe River with the famous master, he gained experience in the battle with the Uesugi family. He also saw many people who made military merits or wounded get financial subsidies.

For Jingjiro, although this year's farming is a bumper harvest, he still saves a little more money for his wife. After all, after the birth of his son, his family will spend even more money.

If you can be conscripted for military service, eating rice is definitely not a problem, and the lord is generous, and there is a supplement of 50 ren per month. This is also a small amount of money. At least after the son is born, the family life can be more improved. Be more generous.

Not to mention any meritorious rewards, there will be several rewards immediately.

If you have this, you can repair the house again, so that your wife, mother, and son will live warmer in winter, and of course you can do much more if you have money.

Thinking of this, Jingjiro walked to the master and said: "Master, I want to serve in the military."

After the samurai left, several local people in the village had gathered near the master's house to discuss the matter of the expedition.

Hearing Jingjiro's opening, the village chief stopped the discussion, glanced at him, and said, "Keijirou, your wife is about to give birth. It is better to be careful about military service."

Ijiro is well-known in the village. In addition to the name, he asked a local citizen to say: "Yes, there are many young people in this village, not to mention that the autumn harvest is over, and many people are already idle. There is no shortage of people to serve the army. service."

Their kindness is obvious. If there is a mistake after Jirou Jingjiro goes into battle, there is no one to take care of his orphans and widows and his mother.

Ijiro nodded, explained the situation in his family, and then said again: "I think if you are a little more careful when you go into battle, there should be nothing wrong. Everyone knows that Duke Yagata and Duke Toyama are famous. Harvest, so that Ah Shui’s life can be better."

Hearing what Jingjiro said, the name owner and the people also nodded, and finally agreed to Jingjiro's request.

After Ijiro heard this, he ran home happily and told his wife and mother about the incident.

Wenzhi's husband is going to battle tomorrow, and his wife A Shui, who is already pregnant, can't help crying and worrying.

And Jingjiro's mother also got up from the kang beside the firepit without saying a word, washed the rice and cooked it immediately, preparing to make rice **** for Jingjiro overnight on the road.

When Ah Shui saw it, she wiped away her tears and helped her mother-in-law to make water and make a fire.

Jingjiro looked at all the warmth at home and couldn't help being touched, but after a day of exhaustion, he finally went to sleep.

The next day is still unclear, Jingjiro has already woken up, his wife A Shui has her waist, and a pair of brand-new straw sandals is ready. He sewed a piece of linen clothes on him overnight.

Looking at the densely packed front, Jingjiro felt his wife's gentleness, smiled immediately, brought dry food, changed clothes, and put on straw sandals. After bidding farewell to his mother and wife, he left the gate.

The sky is groggy. The crescent moon is still hanging on the horizon.

Wearing new straw sandals, Ijiro was still uncomfortable. When he walked to the long house of the owner, he saw several people in the village, as well as familiar village names, who had prepared everything and stood in front of the door.

In Japanese villages, the people are equivalent to self-employed farmers, and they have a lot of land, and their status in the village is also higher, and they generally have their own margins. Long spear, even Notato▲ armor.

When serving in the army, the status of the people in the service was relatively improved. As a servant to assist the samurai in combat, Jingjiro could only be used as a lower-level foot.

After gathering in front of the long house, 22 people in this line set off on their way

After traveling for a few kilometers, Ijiro and the others came under a simple city.

This is the castle that the samurai is talking about. It is the Nagazawa West Castle in the Nagazawa County, and there is also a Nagazawa East Castle nearby.

From the first time he joined the army, Ijiro knew that he was the lord of Nagazawa Nishijo. It is the old temple island of the Jinbao family.

Ijiro remembered this Terashima-sama, as an ordinary footman from the formation, he only dared to take a peek, and the opponent had a vicious look, and he heard that he was bravery against a hundred people.

Ijiro was quite in awe of Terashima's job title.

However, his Temple Island post is not the most powerful. The lord above him is the Fushan Temple, the guardian of the more China, and the governor of the Shenbao family, and above the Toyama Temple, it is to control this Kaga, the Yuezhong, Hida, Sado, and Noto's five country houses are now.

Of course, as far as Ijiro is concerned, Toyama-den has only taken a drink from a distance, and he hasn't seen his appearance clearly, so there is no need to say that the house is in public.

After arriving in the castle town, the Nojiri-sama rode up and took a look at them, first counted the number of people, and after verification, he took them to the city.

In front of the house in Waimaru, Ijiro received his own feet, a spear, and a two-by-two leaning flag.

This armor is very crude, just a simple layer of bamboo armor, and there is no outer layer or even a layer of iron. This armor is naturally extremely defensive, but it is not comparable to the armor of Lord Nojiri, even the armor of the common people. It's not better.

Fortunately, the bamboo spear is relatively sharp and strong.

With the help of his partner, Ijiro put on the feet, put a flag finger on the back of the feet, and put on a hat wrapped in iron, and he was completely dressed up.

After someone came forward and asked Jingjiro's name, he printed the name of Jingjiro on the Kasa behind the hat.

Ijiro understands this kind of identification. In the unlikely event that the first rank is taken after his death in the battle, he can only rely on the Kasasa seal to identify your identity.

Of course, Jingjirou would never let this happen. There are still gentle wife, elderly mother, and unborn child waiting for him in his family.

Dressed neatly After another meal, Ijiro followed the team and set off to Toyama Castle.

Ijiro looked at the team of hundreds of people with flags, and the murderous-looking samurai who was going to ride the horse, knowing that the opponent was the commander-in-chief of the team.

Although the opponent looks fierce, but Jingjiro has an inexplicable peace of mind in his heart. He can use his fame to survive the war, and be able to make military exploits, so that he can change his life, compared to those. Competing in the world, as far as life is like a grassy name, the dream of ordinary people is nothing more than that.

With such a simple dream, Ijiro moved forward with the army.

Ijiro didn't know that he was in Yuezhong, or even Noto, in the Hida Five Kingdoms, tens of thousands of men like him, under the mobilization of military service orders, gathered from all sides like moths.

The purpose of their trip is to Echizen.

These people are unknown, undocumented people, with their own ideas, involuntarily joined in this change that changed the world and became one of them.