Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 591: Bento in Nangong Mountain


(Please keep in mind) (Please keep in mind) Dozens of Taiko drums from Takeda Army Honjin sounded in unison.

The dusty Oda Nobuada reluctantly climbed up, and Jinbaori on his body had broken a few places.

Fortunately for him, he was not injured.

"Master! Master!" Oda Nagasaki, who was also embarrassed, hurried up and slapped Oda Shinta with the dust on his body.

"Go away," Oda Shintada pushed away Oda Nagasaki, holding the folding fan in his hand, and asked loudly, "How's the battle going?"

When Oda Changyi heard the words, tears were flowing in his eyes, and the tears were mixed with dust on his face. He said in a crying voice: "Master, the main formation is about to fall."

"How to say?" Oda Nobuya grabbed Oda Nagasaki and shouted.

Under Oda Nobuya's pinch, Oda Changyi's complexion turned red and rose, and he hurriedly said: "Master, Tenman mountain fell, Lord Kojiri fell, Mori Chokatsu died in battle, right now, Li Zheng, Tokugawa Ieyasu's 10,000 The large army has already circumvented the flank of the main army, and now our right wing has been defeated, and the Takeda army is carrying the rebellious army and is attacking the central army."

"The situation is irretrievable."

Oda Shintada was startled, stepped back, and said in amazement, "What?"

At this time, the civil servants of the family, Takei Yuan, Murai Sadakatsu, and Kusunagao, each led dozens of people to Oda Nobuya's main line.

Seeing the Oda Army's main formation, stumbling, and corpses lying down everywhere, they were all shocked.

After seeing that Oda Nobuyuki was unscathed, several veteran officials all came forward together and said with tears: "Master, you are fine."

Oda Nobuya looked at them blankly.

"It's lost, it's lost!"

Calls from the right wing. Earth-shaking, countless Oda soldiers ran and shouted here.

Oda Nobuada looked at several veterans with a general look for help, and said, "Everyone. Is there no hope to turn the tide?"

Takei Yuan, Murai Sadakatsu, Kusanagaru and others all looked at each other.

Murai Sadakatsu took a step forward and said: "Lord, it is not that there is no hope. The matter of turning the tide is left to our ministers. Now the place of this battle is no longer a safe place. Please take a step back."

Oda Nobuya opened his eyes, pressed the handle of the knife, and shouted: "Damn, you want me..."

"Lord." Takei Yuan raised his white beard and said loudly, "Lord, Murai-sama is right, this formation has failed. It is not irreversible, Hyuga-sama and Nobuo have tens of thousands of elite soldiers, which will soon be defeated. Racecourse Corps. To regain the overall situation, we are only temporarily retreating for now."

Oda Changyi also said: "Master. The two adults are right."

Oda Shintagawa's body stretched as he listened to the words of several people. Slowly Panasonic, the sharp color in his eyes gradually disappeared.

Bang bang!

The Taiko drum of the Takeda Army Honjin sounded earth-shaking.

At the foot of the Tianman Mountain, the Takeda Army’s astonishing general offensive, like a ruin, slammed the Oda Army frantically.

Under the impact of the defeated right-wing army, the resistance of the Central Army Corps, under the attack from both sides of the Takeda Army, was also on the verge of collapse.

The generals of the Oda family also understood that if the central front collapsed again, then the directly affiliated legions would collapse with all their strength.

In order to plug the loopholes of the right wing.

The generals of the Oda clan went crazy and launched a counterattack against the Tokugawa Takeda army led by Li Zheng.

The battle of Sekihara was at 12 noon.

Many generals of the Oda clan shouted to the sky, and the public from the right government responded to the words of the Oda clan.

With dozens of people, more than a dozen people, several rides, or even a ride alone, broke into the vast crowd of Takeda Army.

Such a desperate and crazy assault is just like the Bushido spirit of this era.

This scene seems familiar, as if the last battle of the Yuan family's destruction of the Heike family, the Heike samurai who knew that the world had lost, desperate and refused to be humiliated, jumped into the sea to commit suicide.

And such an impact is just a few small waves to the Takeda army that has swept through the huge waves.

The victory of the Takeda Army over the Oda Nobuada's direct army is already established and unshakable.

The chief generals of the Oda Army's corps, Hari Takahashi Haya, Shigeran Furui, Hyosuke Inoko, Naomasa Hori, and Hidemasa Hori died in battle.

In the end, even Wenchen Takei Yuan and Sumii Sadakatsu led his subordinates to take off their armor, and rushed like a Takeda army.

As a result, the Takeda Army's iron cannon was blasted into scum.

The corps directly under the Oda Army, like a bent bow, broke the string with a bang at the moment when it was crushed to the maximum by the Takeda Army.

This moment finally arrived.

Nearly 20,000 Oda Army directly under the army, above Sekihara, completely collapsed.

The Takeda Army horseback squad rushed forward, chasing and killing the defeated army frantically.

Under dozens of side guards, Oda Shinta, who fled to the streets of Northland in embarrassment, saw the hustle and bustle passed by for a while, and stopped immediately, on the hillside of Zhuma.

Oda Shintagawa watched this erosive defeat, and the elite army directly under his control lost his helmet and armor, and the loyal and brave man of the Oda family entered the Takeda army alone.

At the moment Oda Nobuya couldn't help tears in his eyes.

Oda Changyi whispered from the side, and said: "Master, the matter has ended, it is in is of no avail. We still have a comeback."

Oda Nobuya raised his head, handed the folding fan in his arms to Oda Nagasaki, and said: "Tell Nobuo to let him inherit the Oda family chief."


When Oda Changyi suddenly raised his head, he saw Oda Shintada strenuously with a whip, and his horse neighed from his crotch.


Oda Shintada's arms struck a shock, and he rode back from the original road alone, where the two armies fought.

Oda Nobuya madly drove the warhorse in his heart, but silently said, Father, although I am your useless son, I am definitely not a person without ambition.

For a moment when Oda Nobuada rode his horse away, the dozens of people who remained in the same place approached, and they also turned their horses silently.

"His Royal Highness Changyi, take care."

Not to mention who said a word, dozens of people followed Oda Nobuada and rushed into the Takeda army without returning.

Seeing everyone from their backs, they were submerged in the Takeda army, and after a wave of shocks.

Oda Changyi slowly shook his head and said, "A bunch of fools, I Changyi Lord, will I die with you?"

After talking about Oda Changyi, he raised his whip and rode his horse towards the streets of Northland.

"Brother, do you stop this person?"

At this moment, it is in front of Oda Nagasaki, on the top of the hill that the Oda Army must pass to the streets of Northland.

My wife Shinobu, Yokotani Yukishige, Yokotani Yukiki, and hundreds of ninjas under Li Xiao's command have been lying in ambush on this mountain for a long time.

Of course they also saw Oda Nobuya and Zigma returning.

Yokotani was naturally resentful, and hated that he would give this opportunity to capture and kill the Oda family governor and give it to others, otherwise it would be second only to Baba Masabo's great achievement.

Yokotani Yukiki shook his head and said: "I am waiting here to ambush His Royal Highness Azuchi on the order of the lord. Now that I have missed the opportunity, forget it. As for this person, it is nothing but insignificant. Kill him. It is really tarnished, the name of our wives."

After Yokotani's unvoiced voice fell, Oda Nagashi drove the fast horse and ran down the mountain where my wife and all the people were in one breath.

Above Nangong Mountain.

In the main formation of Hosokawa Fujitaka.

Hosokawa Fujitaka, his son Hosokawa Tadako, and two generals under his command, Hideki Ogasawara and Yasui Matsui, the four of them were holding a box of chazuke lunch boxes in their hands, and were immersed in the meal.

"Lord, under the Tenman Mountain, Oda Nobuada's Honjin flag has been crushed by the Takeda army."

The news broke that Tadao Hosokawa, Hideki Ogasawara, and Yasui Matsui all stopped grilling rice and raised their heads.

But Hosokawa Fujitaka himself still buried his head, hushing and eating deliciously, as if he hadn't heard the news.

"My father!" Hosokawa Zhongxing couldn't help but reminded him.

At this time, Hosokawa Fujitaka picked up the bento, poured the soup in, put down the box, glanced at Hosokawa’s anxious state, folded the folding fan and said: Called from the messenger."

Soon after, the battles were lifted.

An anxious military commander entered and asked loudly, "Master Hosokawa, have you finally used the lunch box?"

Fujitaka Hosokawa knocked on the bento box with a folding fan, and said, "In fact, you can use up the bento at any time, even if you don't eat it."

The military commander was taken aback for a moment, and said: "If this is the case, can your army be able to go out? Or to clear the way and let Mizoo-sama's army go down the mountain, it is also ok. Hosokawa-sama, the battle is now divided. It’s a negative moment. It’s extremely urgent and can’t be delayed any longer.”

The generals of the Hosokawa clan showed mockery on their faces, and only this general was still obsessed with Hosokawa Fuji Takashin.

Hosokawa Fujitaka shook his head and said, "It's a pity, I'm afraid Mizoo-sama, there is no chance to go down the mountain and attack."

The general was taken aback for a moment, and asked in surprise, "Master Hosokawa, what do you mean?"

When the other person looked, he saw Hosokawa Fujitaka, Hosokawa Tadako, Ogasawara Hidekiyoshi, and Matsui Yasui all rising with the sword.

Hosokawa Fujitaka said solemnly: "At this point, your Excellency still doesn't understand? Our army has changed its flag."

"What, Hosokawa... Your Excellency is the internal response of the Takeda Army." This samurai suddenly realized.

At this time, the Hosokawa Army's Kimoto samurai had already stepped forward and suppressed the samurai.

The other party struggled, and Hosokawa Fujitaka waved his hand and said: "If you say I am the internal response, it is okay. The world is on the side of, I just follow the trend."


The military commander distorted his face and shouted loudly.

With a grunt, Hosokawa drew his sword.

Hosokawa Fujitaka waved his hand and said, "I will not take your life. I will go back and report to the Lord Hikata. As the saying goes, the person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man. I will do this for Hosokawa Fujitaka. Let's go."

At the moment, this military commander was driven out of the big account by the Hosokawa family.

At the moment when the Hida Yuezhong Corps broke through the main formation of the Oda Army, on the Nangong Mountain, Hosokawa Fujitaka's five thousand troops announced the change of flag and joined the Takeda Army's camp. . . )


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