Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 1033: Make a dish for her

To talk about how Xiao Xiao got the candidate brand, it was thanks to the guards around Xiao Zhan.

If this kind of thing was not deliberately done by an adult, no one could get it as a child.

A crowd of people stepped forward to introduce themselves, and as soon as he spoke when it was Ji Sixuan's turn, Xiao Nuan, who was sitting behind the screen, suddenly stiffened!

This reaction of her was completely seen by the Yue Li couple, and no one noticed Xiao Xiao who was sitting on the side laughing.

Hey, Shu Mi, you have to work hard to be selected by your mother!

Although Xiao Zhan’s secret actions did not explicitly tell Yue Li, the two have been together for so many years, saying that it is impossible to find a clue. Moreover, her husband has the character of revenge, let alone bullying their daughter. people!

She raised her eyes to look down the stage, following Xiao Zhan's gaze, and then set her gaze on Ji Sixuan.

He stood there with his eyes half down, looking at his temperament and that face, he was indeed much better than others.

However, hum, he was a little worse than when Xiao Zhan was younger!

"This first level is very simple. There is a stage in front. You can go forward according to your brand and show your specialties."

Xiao Wan looked at the eyes of the men below.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The moment Ji Sixuan raised his head, he looked upstairs.

He could feel Xiao Nuan right there, but unfortunately he couldn't see her, because there were too many masters hidden around.

Just now, upstairs suddenly released a powerful internal force, and that internal force was clearly coming towards him. If he hadn't abandoned his martial arts in these years, I was afraid that he would not be able to resist it.

Everyone in the whole room sat calmly on the chair as an old monk, only Xiao Nuan felt like sitting on pins and needles.

Did she have auditory hallucinations just now? Why would she hear Ji Sixuan's voice here?

She kept convincing herself that she must have heard it wrong, but just as she raised her eyes, she saw the familiar back!

He is thin!


She must be crazy, how could Ji Sixuan appear here?

To know that she did everything possible to come back with the help of the bracelet, how could he...

But why does the heart beat so fast?

Reason told her that she didn't want to see him.

However, An Nai's unceasing sight made her feel how ridiculous she is!

"Mother, what's wrong with you?"

The milky voice rang in his ears, and Xiao Nuan suddenly returned to look at Xiao Xiao.

The little guy looked at her caringly with a pair of clear eyes.

"Mother is okay, but I get a little sleepy early in the morning."

"Mother, have you seen those people just now, have you seen anyone you like?"

Being asked such a question by his three-year-old son, even if Xiao Nuan was not a particularly conservative person, he made a big red face.

"Mother, Xiao'er thinks that number three is not bad, it's the one that looks good and smiles like a fairy."

Number Three...

Xiao Nuan raised his eyes to see, Number Three... is the figure she felt familiar just now. At this moment, Ji Sixuan seemed to feel Xiao Nuan's gaze, and suddenly turned his eyes to look at her.


Xiao Nuan felt that her heartbeat stopped at this moment!

It's him, it's really him!

He really appeared in Yongzhen!

Xiao Nuan's brain exploded with a "boom", and at this moment his brain completely lost the ability to think.

how is this possible……

How could he come here...

"Mother, mother, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Xiao thought Xiao Nuan didn't like Ji Sixuan, her little face was a little depressed.

The people in the room are afraid that apart from this little thing, no one knows what happened to Xiao Nuan.

"I, I'm a little tired, and want to go back..." Xiao Nuan was anxious and suddenly stood up.

Yue Li had to look at her.

"You went to bed early last night, and today is the last one to wake up. What are you tired? It's not that you can't get out of the door and run like a rabbit when you are on the mountain. You're tired now? Sit."

Yue Li is rarely serious in front of her children, especially Xiao Nuan, who wants her to be a wealthy and idler. At this moment, she suddenly saw Yue Li's face sinking, and she felt wronged.

A pair of eyes looked at Xiao Zhan who was sitting aside pitifully.

Daddy looks cold, but he loves them from the bottom of his heart.


"Sit down, your third brother will come over in a while."

"The third brother is back?" Before Xiao Nuan said anything, Xiao Wan asked in surprise.

She likes the third brother the most, unlike the eldest brother who is hearty and the second elder brother is calm, her third elder brother is the most gentle. When they were young, the eldest and second elder brothers would preach to them, but the third elder brother was responsive to them. With such a gentle appearance, he wondered if he could pick them all the stars in the sky.

Although Xiao Nuan was also happy that the third brother came back, Ji Sixuan's affairs still made her restless.

"Mother, look, it's the third turn to play."

While shaking the gods, Xiao Xiao's little fat hand grabbed her and shouted.

Number three is Ji Sixuan!

Xiao Nuan subconsciously raised his head to look at the stage, but saw Ji Sixuan standing motionless on the stage.

"What is this person going to perform, why is there no movement?" Rouzhi pinched her shoulders beside Xiao Wan.

"If you want any performance, I will give it nine points for this face!" Xiao Wan grinned.

Softly and silently choking...

"Your Majesty, the number three son Ji said that he wants to cook a dish for the princess."

At this time, a court lady came up.

"Make a dish?" Xiao Wan raised her brows, looking very interested.

Xiao Nuan was also stunned. "What kind of performance is this cooking?"

"Forget it, why doesn't it count? If it doesn't, would you do it?" Xiao Wan's attitude to protect Ji Sixuan, Xiao Nuan pursed her lips and did not speak.

"Go, prepare what he wants, let him do it on the side, and the rest of the performance will continue."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Oh, it's boring to sit on it, otherwise, just go down and see how versatile these young talents are."

A slender black body was walking in, and he listened to Xiao Wan's words.

"Your Majesty, you can see more clearly from above." The gentle and magnetic voice made Xiao Wan's body suddenly stiff.

When I turned back, it was already a smiling face. "Sir Xiaodu, why are you here?"

Du Jue's expression was flat, and he stepped forward to bow to Xiao Wan and Yue Li.

"It was the Supreme Emperor who asked the Weichen to come over for the princess."

Xiao Wan glanced back at Yue Li, who was leaning against Xiao Zhan's shoulder with a sweet face, pretending to know nothing!

"Your Majesty, the food for No. 3 is ready." While speaking, a guard came up with a jade plate.

Xiao Wan was about to lift the lid on the jade plate.

"Wait a minute!"