Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 587: Mother is there

"Master, I found it."

Outside the door, Chao walked to Jun Xie's side and whispered.

Jun Xie's heart trembled slightly. "Say."

"Their mother is a doctor in the border city of Rongzhen, whose name is... Yueli!"

Jun Xie suffocated his breath, and tried his best to suppress the emotions booming in his chest. "anything else!"

"Yue Li's identity is ominous, she has no roots and foundations in Rong Zhen, as if she appeared out of thin air. The only clue is that she had contact with the eldest son of the outer building five years ago, and disappeared completely in the next five years. The medical hall under his name occupies half of Rong Zhen, and his medical skills are very good, and he has a place in Rong Zhen's medical profession."

Yue Li, she has good medical skills, two children, both of them are five years old...

Everything is in line!

There was an answer in Jun Xie's heart, but he was afraid that it would be too similar, and in the end it was nothing!

"She, where is she now?"

"The subordinates haven't found it yet, but the two children are in Juedu, so she can't be wrong in Juedu."

"I haven't stepped into Jue Du for many years outside. This time, she thought it was for Rong Zhen's medical saint competition."

"Master...will she be a wife?" Even Chao felt that if she were not a wife, it would be too bad for similar conditions!

Jun Xie's eyes narrowed, reflecting a firm light.

"She must be!"

On a big bed, two small people lay on it, leaning their heads together and whispering.

"I'll just say how I feel hearing your voice, it really is you!"

In the dark, don't be too stinky with Yuejin's small face.

At that time, because he missed his mother and younger brother, he was held by his uncle and prepared to go back to the inn, but inexplicably, he felt very cautious, so he let the uncle hug him and walk in the streets and alleys. Who knows, let him save him. His brother.

This is what the mother said about brothers connecting hearts!

"Xiao Xuanzi, you and Uncle look like!" Yue Jin turned and sat up, her big eyes watched Yue Xuan blink and blink, and her little head kept thinking about Jun Xie's appearance, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that they looked alike.

Yue Xuan wrinkled her face in protest. "Hun Dan! He is so old!"


Outside the door, Jun Xie, who was about to push the door, paused slightly and touched his face unconsciously...

Is he old?

When the breath in the house gradually stabilized, he opened the door and entered.

The bright moonlight faintly scattered in the corner of the house, and the two little guys had fallen asleep.

Jun Xie stepped forward and sat in front of the bed and looked at the two small faces that looked very similar at first glance but very different.

"Li'er, Xuan'er..." Is that you?


The medical saint competition is just around the corner, but Yueli has no intention of preparing.

The whereabouts of the two children are missing, and she feels like she is going crazy!

"This game, you can only win! If you lose, you should know what the consequences are."

Baili coldly stared at the desperate Yueli and warned that last time he underestimated the woman being restrained by her, he had to promise her that she would never let her family get involved in the imperial power struggle, but who knew her little son would disappear!

Yue Li raised her eyes, her low-eye expression colder than him. "If my child is half-missed, whether it is you or the palace family, I will never let it go!"


After waking up early the next morning, Yue Xuan wanted to find his mother.

His mother who disappeared with his brother must be worried about going crazy.

Jun Xie did not move his eyebrows.

"Do you know where she is?"

After Yuejin's half an hour's lobbying, Yuexuan put down some guard against Jun Xie and said the inn where Yueli was located.

But when Junxie's people looked for her, she was no longer there.

"My mother said that she would participate in the Medical Sage Competition, and then we will go to the arena to find her again."

The day after tomorrow is the Medical Sage Contest, even if Yue Xuan is worried, she can only wait. Jue said that it is not big, but finding someone is not so easy. Besides, he didn't want to expose Yueli's private house, the mother said, that house cannot be known to outsiders.

In the world of the little guy, Jun Xie is still among the "outsiders", so he didn't say.

The Medical Sage Contest was held in a royal courtyard in Juedu City.

Hundreds of contestants gathered on the day of the competition, and the competition often lasts for a total of ten days.

In these ten days, the contestants must pass the preliminary rounds to enter the final finals.

Yue Li stood among the contestants with her hands clasped in her sleeves, and there was a note in her palms that someone sent her this morning.

"If you don't want your son to have trouble, you will lose the game!" Accompanied by the note, there was also the belt on the waist that Yuejin was robbed of.

In this game, she will lose regardless of whether she wins or loses!

How long, how long have I not experienced this feeling of being restrained and unable to breathe!

Some things are not something you can stay out of without fighting or grabbing!

She wants to win this game! But not for the deal with Bailijia!

"Everyone is fine, and now we are waiting for the number on the playing field."

There is a big stand on the arena, which is already full of people. In the front row of the stands are the medical sages of various sessions. Because they lost to the new medical sages, they were invited to supervise and judge the competition.

The current medical sage has been re-elected for two terms, and he has been for ten years. He is Kunlun, the younger brother of Master Ma.

"Many people, I will see my mother soon, so happy!"

On the viewing platform, Jun Xie was sitting there with one hand in his hand, his eyes constantly circling back and forth among all the contestants.

The contestants wore all-colored narrow-sleeved white robes, and they were served uniformly to prevent them from cheating.

"Where is my mother, why can't I see it?" Yuejin's little head kept stretching and stretching, but she couldn't find Yueli's figure.

Yue Li stood in the corner of the innermost strength. Standing in this position could almost block the sight of all Supervisors. Even sitting at the highest point, she might not be able to see her really.

This position was arranged for her by the Baili family, and the meaning could not be clearer. This is convenient for cheating her!

"Game start."

After the master of ceremonies sounded, a maid came out carrying a basket.

Luokung smelled a strong smell of medicine as soon as Yueli appeared.

In the basket, all the medicinal materials are filled.

Sure enough, when the basket was put down, the voice of the master of ceremonies also sounded.

"During the time of a stick of incense, divide the medicinal materials into different categories, time it, and start!"

Yueli narrowed her eyes as she watched at least dozens of medicinal materials in the basket.

For her, this level is just as simple as drinking water. She stretched out her hand to pour out all the medicinal materials in the basket, moved her hand, took the dustpan on the side and bumped the medicinal materials into the air. The rapid movements of her hand made people see the flowers Got an eye.

On the stage, the two small and one big were frustrated because they could not find Yueli.

"Brother, look over there, that person seems to be a mother!" Suddenly, Yue Xuan exhaled in a low voice, stretching out her small paw to point to a corner.