Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 854: Feng Shui turns

The empress stared at the people who stood up, stunned.

It's actually Tudor!

She has always trusted her pet, but she will stand up and stab her at a critical moment!

"Master Du, what are you talking about? I'm lonely accusing the criminal Xiao Xinlan, not talking about the Great Seal!"

Tudor stood up straight and looked at the empress, Wei Yang's eyes naturally tilted into a charming style, only now that the style looked very dazzling to the empress.

"Your Majesty, the minister wants to go through the will, there should be many adults who want to prove to your Majesty that you are the rightful heir to the throne, in the name of the world."

"The lonely person is self-cleaning and does not need those unnecessary proofs! Come on, put the criminal Xiao Xinlan into the jail, and beheaded three days later!"

"Your Majesty, it's better to explain some things as soon as possible." Before the guard moved, another person stood beside Tudor.

When the queen saw it, her brows were almost frowned!

"Master Zhu, you also want to persecute the lonely?!"

Master Zhu, who was over forty years old, straightened his waist and bowed his head and said, "Weichen dare not."

"What else do you dare not? Do you want to be lonely like Xiao Xinlan?!"

"Okay, okay, then Gu will do you well! Come on, take all these anti-thieves down to Gu and go to heaven!"

The queen screamed, but the order was given, but no one moved! The guard standing next to Xiao Xinlan also had no intention to act!

The queen's eyes stared.

"What do you want to do? Do you also want to disobey Gu's orders?!"

The "dudu" voice gradually sounded in the hall, and the voice was getting closer and closer. When the queen looked up, a thin but straight figure gradually became clear in her vision.

"Zhou Weikang!"

The empress was slightly stunned when she saw the opponent's face clearly.

Yes, how could she forget that the reason why Xiao Xinlan was able to be caught was because Zhou Weikang and his three sons met on the road in Hui Juedu!

His sons didn't come back no matter how they called them before. Jue came back as soon as the accident happened. Isn't it a coincidence!

"Zhou Weikang, you are a commoner, you dare to enter the hall privately without being called by a lonely person!"

Zhou Weikang wore a dark red outfit and stood in the hall like a pine, reminding people of his vigorous appearance when he was young.

"Your Majesty, there are some things that should be properly settled."

The Queen's eyes narrowed. "What do you want to tell the lonely?"

"The thing back then!"

Another one is coming to ask her!

What kind of horrible things are these, why dare to come to her and make trouble!

"Things that don't belong to you will be returned sooner or later."

Zhou Weikang looked at the empress, his slightly cloudy eyes filled with sage light.

At this time, another figure slowly walked in from outside the hall.

She was wearing a blood-red narrow-sleeved robe, and her long black hair was high, and she seemed to have a strong aura.

"Xiao Yazheng, you have occupied my grandma's position for many years, so you should come back!"

When the empress saw Yue Li, her whole heart was raised!

"Master Yue, what do you mean by this!"

Yue Li looked at her coldly, holding the box in her hand high.

"The real Jade Seal is here!"

"When Xiao Yazheng learned that the throne had been passed to my grandmother, he secretly made up the will, before the grandmother announced the real will, he first announced the fake will, and sent people to chase and kill the grandmother. For many years, many cronies managed to escape, but she took away the two things you wanted the most! That is the Jade Seal and the real edict!"

"Yes, I got my last edict from the descendants of the three emperors." Feng Wang thought that Yue Li and himself were on the same boat, and his heart that had been as gray as death rekindled instantly!

"Rather nonsense, Yueli, do you have any evidence that Xiao Nianen was imprisoned in the residence of the person who wanted to rebel, and you, as her descendants, shouldn't have come into this world at all!"

The empress didn't want to admit that she was a little panicked, and she could refute the questioning of Tudor and Lord Zhu, but in the face of Yue Li and Zhou Weikang, her heart was raised!

Looking at Yueli's face, it was like Xiao Nianen standing in front of her many years ago, as disgusting and scary!

"Only the real jade seal in my hand and the edict of the first queen!"

The moment Yue Li opened the box in her hand, a soft golden light suddenly appeared.

"Rong Zhen’s Jade Seal of the Kingdom of the Kingdom is engraved with the characters of each generation of kings, and each character has a different color and shape, just to prevent someone from trying to copy it! Xiao Yazheng, dare you take out the jade seal in your hand ?"

When the queen heard this, she staggered back and looked at her in a daze.

"No way, was the queen really usurped the throne back then?"

"It should be. After all, the old ministers said that the edict in the hands of the king is true, and the empress dared not take out her edict..."

"Hey, the heavens of Juedu, when will there be peace..."

Listening to the harsh hum below, the queen's eyes suddenly turned red, her complexion staring at Yueli!

"So what! Yueli, do you think you can bring down the loneliness now by relying on these two things? I have been sitting alone on this throne for more than 20 years. Do you think that loneliness is a fun sitting? You stare. With big eyes, I can see clearly, now Rong Zhen's world is lonely! Not only Rong Zhen, but the Continent of Canglan is lonely, hahahaha..."

"Come on, pull them all alone and put them to death immediately!"

The empress snarled sternly, but she was behind when she found no sound in the hall.

Except the ministers' eyes changed when they watched her, no guards rushed in!

On the contrary, Yueli approached her step by step with the Chuan Guo Yuxi in her hand.

The empress looked around in shock, gritted her teeth in disbelief. "What about people! Where are the guards and soldiers?"

"Rong Zhen's guards, officers and soldiers, will not obey orders and usurp the thieves, come here, take down the thieves!"

With a loud shout, Yue Li, a group of officers and soldiers filed in, stepping forward to surround the Queen!

The empress stared at the facing officers and soldiers, her eyes red.

"Zhou Weikang, it's you!"

Zhou Weikang stood still, only looking at the empress with stinging coldness.

"You should have been condemned by the heavens as early as twenty years ago." His tone was so weak that he could hardly hear any emotions, but the queen could not understand the hatred in his heart.

"Okay, okay, Zhou Weikang, it turns out that you are waiting for today. It turns out that you waited for this day when you retired!" The empress suddenly wanted to understand something, and if she was struggling, she wanted to rush forward, but

"Take it down and go to the jail!"