Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 931: Frightened

"Who! Who dares to move me!"

Wu Yue exclaimed in pain, and his face became extremely hideous.

"Assault in the Royal Garden?" The enchanting voice sounded coldly.

Wu Yue endured the pain and looked back, and when he saw someone coming, he was so shocked that he didn't dare to make a sound.

"Yes, it's three, Your Highness the Three Princes..."

"Answer the questions of the temple."

Wu Yue looked at Ji Sicheng's face gradually approaching and pushed his head in terror, until he pushed his head to the edge of a fish pond to watch koi in the back.

"No, I dare not..."

"But the main hall saw it, you said, how can I make the main hall forget?"

Ji Sicheng's voice was not loud, but Wu Yue trembled with fear.

"Please, please forgive yourselves, please forgive yourselves..." Wu Yue didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of the royal children no matter how arrogant he was usually.

"If you disappear from the main hall, the main hall may be forgotten."

"Disappeared...disappeared..." Wu Yue looked at things, and when he saw the fish pond behind him, his heart jumped.

"Cao Min will disappear before His Highness!"


Wu Yue all fell into the water.

Xiao Nuan took a step back, not letting the agitated water splash on her skirt.

"Thank you for the third prince's help." Xiao Nuan lowered his eyes and did not look at Ji Sicheng's eyes. Compared with dealing with Wu Yue, Ji Sicheng in front of him was much more difficult to deal with!

"It seems that this hall really underestimates you." Ji Sicheng dropped his gaze on Xiao Nuan, his eyes could not see emotion.

Xiao Nuan lowered his head and said nothing, wondering if Ji Sicheng had spotted her just now.

"Who helped you deal with the poison on your body?"

"The owner."

As expected, Ji Sicheng had such a look.

In this world, apart from Qin Lou, there was really no third person who could solve his Dingshui Pavilion poison.

"How did you become Ji Sixuan's person?"

"The owner said that I had contact with you, so I won't believe me in the future, so he let me leave, and then I met King Sheng."

Ji Sicheng looked at her with a gloomy expression. "really?"


"You have been in this imperial garden just now? Who have you seen?"

"I just arrived."

While talking, Ji Sicheng stretched out his hand towards Xiao Nuan.

Seeing this, Xiao Nuan subconsciously wanted to avoid it. At this moment, a guard hurried over and whispered a few words in his ear.

Ji Sicheng's hand stretched into the air paused slightly and glanced at Xiao Nuan.

"Have you ever said anything to Ji Sixuan... about the main hall?"

"No, I don't know anything!" Xiao Nuan quickly vetoed. She knew that if she showed some clues that made him doubt, she would probably explain it here!

"Okay, I will believe you for the time being."

It was not until Ji Sicheng left that Xiao Nuan exhaled. This man was more terrifying than Ji Sixuan. Ji Sixuan had at least two unbearable feelings towards her, and this man, he could ask for anything that didn't agree For her life, she better stay away!

When I returned to the Holy Garden, there were more people in it than before.

As soon as Xiao Nuan walked into the place where the banquet was held, she saw Yun Zhaoyue and a few Jiao ladies sitting together, not knowing what she was talking about, and chuckled from time to time.

Yun Zhaoyue seemed to be joking, but his eyes were always paying attention to the surrounding situation. When he saw Xiao Nuan walk in intact, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Calmly touched Wu Lan who was sitting aside.

Wu Lan didn't know what she was talking about, she was blushing with shame, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Xiao Nuan walking over, and she was stunned for a while.

"It's weird, let's go to the front of the concubine side for a walk." Wu Lan recovered, and helped Yun Zhaoyue to stand up.

Yun Zhaoyue saw that Xiao Nuan could still sit down, so she followed the trend and stood up.

"Well, it just so happens that I feel bored too."

Before Xiao Nuan reached her position, a figure came forward and smiled and blocked her way.

"Miss Xiao, I didn't expect you to come too, so I'm not afraid of being bored now."

Xiao Nuan looked at Nan Gongqian's smiling face, and remembered that she overheard the conversation between Concubine Hong Gui and Ji Sicheng in the Imperial Garden.

She didn't know what the rumor was, but she could see that several princes wanted to marry Nangongqian, but Emperor Jiaxin's mind was hard to guess, so Concubine Hong wanted to act first.

"Miss Xiao, what are you thinking about?"

Nangong Qian stretched out her hand and shook her in front of her.

Xiao Nuan looked at her, but a little tangled.

If she said those things, would Nangong Qian believe her?

Although she thinks Nangongqian is a good girl, the two are not yet familiar with each other to that extent.

With 100 revolutions in his heart, Xiao Nuan finally decided to watch the changes first.

"I'm a little hungry."

"Then let's go eat something."

Nangongqian took Xiao Nuan to a small table and took a piece of hibiscus cake and put it in Xiao Nuan's hand.

"The hibiscus cake in the palace tastes very good, I have liked it since I was a child."

Xiao Nuan was silent for a moment while looking at the lotus cake with the fragrance of Nangongqian's hand.

"Miss Nangong, do you really want to marry King Sheng?" Xiao Nuan deliberately lowered his voice.

"Brother Xuan?" Nangongqian was still a little shy about such straightforward questions.



Xiao Nuan looked at her, not knowing why, her own heartbeat quickly followed inexplicably.

It's really strange, why is she afraid to hear her answer, isn't this obvious?

"I do not know either!"

But who knows, Xiao Nuan was stunned by Nangongqian's answer.

"I don't know?" She looked at her face and tried to confirm, whether she didn't know or was embarrassed.

But she really saw the confusion in her eyes.

Yes... I really don't know...

"You...didn't you like him very much since childhood?"

"I like it, I really like Brother Xuan, Brother Xuan won't bully me, it's kind to me."

Looking at those clear eyes, Xiao Nuan suddenly didn't know what to ask.

" can think of a way to let King Sheng marry you back home!"

"Miss Xiao, you are so direct. Where can a woman tell a man that he will marry herself?"


You have rushed to live there for so long. Isn't it... more direct? !

Seeing that Xiao Nuan and Nangongqian seemed to be whispering, the fists in Yun Zhaoyue's sleeves tightened unconsciously.

"What is Sister Nuan'er talking to Miss Nangong?"

As soon as Yun Zhaoyue came over, the two stopped talking, which made Yun Zhaoyue feel panicked!

"Sister Nuan, but came back from the Yuhuayuan?"

Xiao Nuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and when she raised her eyes, she returned to her smile. "Yes, the Royal Garden is really beautiful."

"Then... Didn't my sister meet anyone?"


When Yun Zhaoyue heard it, her heart shook.

"Encountered, who did you meet?"

Xiao Nuan raised his eyes. "Who did you meet? Concubine, what did you ask in such detail?"