Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1659: 1661【Asymmetric Combat】

   Chapter 1659 1661 [Asymmetric Combat]

  Chapter 1661

  Enter three or six years.

  Xiang Nan focuses on learning, supplemented by scientific research.

  He studied mechanical design, automation, chemical engineering and many other subjects, preparing to learn more knowledge so that he could engage in construction after returning to China.

  After all, at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a lot of waste was waiting to be rebuilt, and there were many places that needed talents. Every additional technology learned is beneficial to the country. And thanks to Yu Ta's high IQ and super learning talent, he learned these majors quickly and well.

   And in 2036, the world situation has undergone new changes.

  In Italy, after nearly two years of fighting, the Italian army finally broke into the capital of Ethiopia, and then officially announced that it would annex it.

  Germany sent troops to the Rhine Demilitarized Zone to build fortifications. With this move, the so-called "Versailles Peace Treaty" can be said to have been completely reduced to waste paper.

  However, Britain, France and other countries have never taken any action against Germany's blatant breach of the peace treaty.

  The reason for this is that, on the one hand, World War I has just passed for more than ten years. Because of the heavy casualties, European countries are generally filled with war weariness, and pacifism prevails.

   On the one hand, Britain, France, the United States and other countries have suffered heavy losses due to the economic crisis and are overwhelmed with self-care. Naturally, they don't have the energy to attack Germany.

  On the one hand, at that time the Soviet Union was the main defense target of European and American powers. And Germany is also anti-Soviet, so Britain, France, the United States and other countries are also suspected of deliberately indulgent, so that they can use Germany to fight the Soviet Union.

   On the side of Japan, Emperor Dao sent young military officers to stage a coup. The so-called Huangdao faction is a faction of the Japanese army, which advocates that the emperor take over the military headquarters, and advocates declaring war on the Soviet Union.

  Although the mutiny failed in the end, the development of Dongying followed the wishes of the Emperor's Dao faction. Everything was controlled by the military, and a full-scale war of aggression against China was launched the following year.

  The coup d'état launched by the Huangdao faction also made the people of insight in Japan even more chilling.

  In December, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng launched a military remonstrance in Chang'an, urging the government to stop the civil war and unite to resist Japan, which is known as the Double Twelve Incident in history. After the news came out, the world shook.

  Finally, with the efforts of all levels of society, the incident was successfully resolved, and the government also agreed to the idea of ​​[stop the civil war and unite with the Communist Party to resist Japan], making the Anti-Japanese National United Front formally established.


  When the news came, Xiang Nan was also very happy, and specially donated all the royalties he got when he authorized the "Harry Potter" series to Broadway and Hollywood to support the Anti-Japanese War.

  In the same year, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", invested and produced by Hollywood RKO Films, was officially released. As the author, Xiang Nan was also invited to attend the premiere.

  At the premiere, Xiang Nan met many famous movie stars at that time, such as Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, Shirley Temple, Joan Fontaine and so on.

   But Xiang Nan is not very familiar with these stars. In real life, he is not a fan of old Hollywood movies, and he is not interested in old Hollywood movies from the 1930s and 1940s.

   When he came to the world of "Shanghai Bund" and came to the United States, he was mainly busy with work and study, and he didn't have much leisure time to go to the movies.

   Therefore, even though those stars are the most popular movie stars in the United States today, household names and famous names, Xiang Nan is still not familiar with them.

  However, these stars all admire Xiang Nan.

   On the one hand, Xiang Nan is a top scholar in the world, his status is comparable to that of Einstein, and he is definitely a giant in the academic world, destined to go down in history.

  Although these actors are very popular now, their fame is all vain. As long as they don't make movies for a few years, they will pass away and disappear from everyone.

  Therefore, they cannot be compared with Xiang Nan. This point, they themselves are very clear.

  On the one hand, Xiang Nan is also an excellent screenwriter and writer. In Hollywood, the status of screenwriters has always been very high. Script, script, the book of a play.

   Without a good script, no matter how superb the acting skills are, it won’t be able to put on a good show, and no matter how famous it is, it won’t be able to attract audiences. Therefore, screenwriters have always been valued.

  Xiang Nan's novels have great influence all over the world. Like the "Harry Potter" series, "The Lord of the Rings" series, the Dart Trilogy and so on.

   No matter who is authorized to shoot, I believe that with the popularity of these works, they can get a good box office. As actors, the foundation of their lives is their works.

   Building a good relationship with Xiang Nan will naturally make it easier to find a role in the future, so they are naturally attentive to Xiang Nan.

"Mr. Xu, I am a loyal reader of your novels. I have bought all of your novels and read them many times. To be honest, your novels are really well written. I especially like the "Twilight Three" Darts."

   "Mr. Xu, your "The Old Man and the Sea" is really well written. Once I was at the bottom of my life and was on the verge of collapse. It was your novel that saved me."

  They said to Xiang Nan one after another, and they were a little embarrassed to praise Xiang Nan.


  After seeing the feature film of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", Xiang Nan was a little disappointed.

  Because the special effects are really sloppy, as he expected, the special effects are synthesized by cutting out images. It looked very fake, worse than Wumao special effects, which made him feel embarrassed.

   But the audience applauded again and again, obviously very satisfied with the movie.

  After thinking about it, Xiang Nan felt that it was justifiable.

   After all, they have never seen computer special effects, so they are naturally easy to be satisfied.

  In the end, the movie earned $15 million at the box office in North America. Compared with the cost of $2.5 million, it can be said to be a big profit.

   Therefore, RKO started filming the sequel "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" without stopping.


  In 1937, the Japanese army invaded China in an all-round way, successively occupying Hujiang, Beiping, Jinmen, Jinling, Quancheng and other places. Nearly half of China fell.

In addition to issuing a statement condemning and calling on international anti-war forces to put pressure on Dongying, Xiang Nan also donated all his family property, about four million U.S. dollars, and bought it into guns, radio stations, medicines, etc. , shipped back to China in order to help the people of the country fight against Japan.

  Because Xiang Nan knew that after the war of resistance against Japan ended, he would leave the United States and return to the mainland. At that time, the money in his hand will be useless, and it would be better to donate it all.

   Anyway, his salary is enough.

  After the news came out, it was once again full of emotion. Xiang Nan really paid a lot for the country, and even donated his family property, which is really touching.

   "Mr. Xu really deserves to be a role model for my generation. He has really contributed a lot to the country!"

   "Mr. Xu can be called the number one patriotic person, and he is willing to donate millions of dollars, which is really admirable!"

   "I only hope that after the national government receives the donation, it can fight the war with all its strength. Don't give in step by step, compromise blindly, and chill the hearts of all of us!"

  The people are talking about it.


  In addition to donating money, materials, and issuing statements to protest, Xiang Nan devoted all his energy to studying.

  He knew that empty talk was useless. No matter how sharp the words are, they are no match for spears and cannons. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. If you want not to be beaten, you have to make yourself stronger.

  So he is studying hard now, striving to master more science and technology, so that he can go back and serve the motherland.

  (end of this chapter)