Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1858: 1860 [Responsibility]

   Chapter 1858 1860 [Responsibility]

   In December, "Back to the Future 3" was officially released.

  This is the final chapter of the "Back to the Future" trilogy, still starring Michael Fox and Christopher Lloyd.

  Because the first two films had aroused strong repercussions in the United States after their release, the third film was already highly anticipated by movie fans when filming was restarted.

   After it was released, a large number of fans flocked to the cinema to buy tickets. It is an anecdote that even the ticket machines shut down due to overheating due to the large number of buyers.

  In the end, this movie earned 140 million US dollars at the North American box office and 270 million US dollars at the global box office. Compared with the first and second movies, it has dropped slightly, but it is still a big-selling movie.

  But it ended like this, which made the audience very reluctant, and the film company was even more reluctant. After all, the trilogy was such a blockbuster, it's a shame it ended like this.

  Xiang Nan can continue to shoot. Anyway, "Back to the Future" can travel through time and space at will, to ancient times, to the future, to the end of the world... back and forth, the story has no end at all.

  However, Xiang Nan said that "Back to the Future 3" is the end, drawing a perfect ending for the series, and will not continue to shoot.


   "The story of "Back to the Future 3" is over, and I haven't considered launching a sequel." Xiang Nan said with a smile when accepting talk show host Larry King.

   "Why don't you think about it again?" Larry King asked curiously, "I think the box office reputation of the third part is still very good. If there is another sequel, it will definitely be a hit."

   "That's true." Xiang Nan nodded, "However, I think a responsible filmmaker should not only see temporary benefits.

  The "Back to the Future" trilogy is already perfect. If you continue to shoot, although you can make money, the story is definitely not as exciting as the first three, and it will ruin the classics in everyone's minds.

  So, "Back to the Future" will not have a sequel, just like "Ghostbusters 3", it will be the last one in the series. "

   "Then you will lose tens of millions of dollars in profits, don't you care?" Larry King asked suspiciously.

   Tens of millions of dollars was definitely an astronomical figure in 1988. Even Hollywood first-line stars, the salary is only five million US dollars. Tens of millions of dollars may be their lifetime income.

   "I think it's more important to keep a good memory for movie fans." Xiang Nan waved his hand and smiled.

  Listening to what he said, Larry King was a little awed.

  The audience in the audience and in front of the TV were naturally even more moved.

  In order to keep the good memories in the hearts of movie fans, Xiang Nan is willing to give up tens of millions of dollars in profits. This is really not something that everyone can do.

  Many filmmakers make bad movies for money. They used their box office appeal and the trust of movie fans in them to make a lot of bad movies and let fans cheer.

   Fans paid real money, but saw a bunch of bad movies. Naturally, it is not worth it, and they also complain about it. That's why Xiang Nan said this, which moved them very much.

  Thinking that the films that Xiang Nan made are basically well-known works, and there are no crude and bad films, it can't help but make everyone believe that Xiang Nan is a filmmaker with morality, ideals, and principles. Produced by Xiang Nan, it must be a high-quality product!

   "Charles, I'm really touched when you say that." Larry King nodded and said, "I hope there are more filmmakers like you in Hollywood."

   "Thank you." Xiang Nan nodded, and then said with a smile, "Actually, I think all Hollywood filmmakers have the same idea as me, and they all hope to make good movies."

   "Well, I hope they can learn more from you." Larry King nodded.


   During the Christmas season, the movie "Flying Innocence" was officially launched.

   This movie stars Mel Gibson, Pierce Brosnan and Meryl Streep. It tells the story of a single mother and her son looking for true love. It is romantic and touching.

  When the movie first started, it wasn't taken seriously.

  On the one hand, most of the young people go to the theater to watch movies. The story of this kind of single mother is really far away from them; on the other hand, the story itself is a bit clichéd.

   Therefore, the industry is not very optimistic about this movie, thinking that it is not bad for this movie to get a box office of up to 40 million U.S. dollars. Even the investor, Paramount Pictures, thinks so.

   But I didn't expect that this movie hit the nerves of American audiences, and the box office exploded after it was released. The single-day box office exceeded 10 million U.S. dollars, and the final North American box office reached 140 million U.S. dollars.

  Such a result shocked the industry.

  Because "Leaping Childhood Innocence" has not seen signs of a big hit from the time it was filmed to its release. But it is just such a drama, which has achieved good results that many commercial blockbusters have never achieved, which is really surprising.

  For a while, the industry also admired Xiang Nan's talent even more.


   Entering 1988, Xiang Nan continued filming "Ghostbusters 3".

   At the same time, he also started a new project.

  One is "Ghost Love", one is "When Harry Met Sally", one is "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", and the other is "Edward Scissorhands".

   "Ghost Love" is a classic Hollywood love story. It tells the story of the hero who still guards the heroine after his death. It is romantic and touching.

   "When Harry Met Sally" is also a classic romance film, telling the love story of Harry and Sally from breaking up, to getting to know each other again, and then falling in love.

  Feng Xiaogang's classic work "Be There or Be Square" borrowed the structure of this movie.

   "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" is a comic released by the American Phantom Animation Studio in 1984, and it began to be produced as an animation and broadcast in 1987. Xiang Nan bought the film adaptation rights of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" early on, and is now planning to make it into a movie.

When "Harry Met Sally," he wanted Tom Hanks and Michelle Pfeiffer; Starring Demi Moore,

   As for "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", he plans to invite four martial artists from Xiangjiang to play the role of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in leather cases. Coupled with Nicole Kidman playing the role of reporter April, I believe there will be a good box office.

  As for "Edward Scissorhands", Xiang Nan will hand over to Johnny Depp and Sophie Marceau to star. The original heroine was Winona Ryder, who also became attached to Johnny Depp because of this movie.

  But Xiang Nan knew that their love affair ended up being a mess. It also seriously affected Winona Ryder's life and career, causing her to collapse for a while.

  From the most promising and spiritual actress in Hollywood, she has been reduced to a poor person who no one cares about.

  So Xiang Nan considered letting Johnny Depp change his partner.


  (end of this chapter)