Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1877: 1879【Golden Globe】

   Chapter 1877 1879 [Golden Globe Awards]

   Entering November, "Beetlejuice" directed by Tim Burton, invested by Xiang Nan, and starring Winona Ryder was launched.

   This is a comedy with a fantasy color. It tells the story of a couple who become ghosts after a car accident and stay in their home and refuse to leave. As a result, the house changed to a new owner, and a new family moved into the house.

  In order to keep their homeland, the couple specially invited the Nether Mage who is good at tricks to scare the family away. Unexpectedly, the mage fell in love with the daughter of this family...

  In the past, most of the movies were cruel and harmful to people, people were kind, and people were terrible.

  But "Beetlejuice" is doing the opposite. They follow the rules, do their duty, and be honest. On the contrary, people are bad-hearted, bullying them blindly, trying to drive them out of their homes.

  This kind of setting is very novel. Coupled with the fighting skills between mages and humans, and the love between human beings in different ways, it is both thrilling and funny, scary and touching, so the audience likes it very much.

  The final box office was 73 million US dollars, which also made Winona Ryder a hit. Her pure and pleasant appearance, and her highly spiritual acting skills have made everyone in the industry shine.


   Enter December.

   "Speed", starring Xiang Nan and Courtney Cox, officially landed on the Christmas file.

   This movie is an exciting, extremely hot action movie, about the special police officer Jack who was revenged by criminals after stopping a bombing.

  He put the bomb on the bus. Once activated, the speed of the bus cannot be reduced to fifty miles, otherwise the car will explode. In a critical moment, Jack had to take the risk alone and board the bus to discharge explosives.

   In the end, all the passengers were successfully rescued, the criminals were captured, and the story of love was successfully reaped.

Xiang Nan has played many policemen before, such as Chen Jiaju in "Police Story", John McLean in "Die Hard", Martin Rigg in "Lethal Weapon"... In the eyes of the audience, he seems to be a professional policeman .

  However, this "Speed ​​​​of Life and Death" still brings a lot of freshness to the audience. It has a tight rhythm, climaxes, and suspense. If you don't see the end, you won't breathe.

  The level of tension and excitement is higher than that of "Die Hard" and "Lethal Weapon", which naturally makes the audience hooked.

   Therefore, the box office of "Speed" is really good, with a box office of 180 million US dollars in North America, further consolidating Xiangnan's position as a top superstar.

   Moreover, three times as a policeman, the three roles are not the same. Xiang Nan's acting skills have also been further demonstrated and have been widely recognized in the industry.


   "Charles, you are amazing. In the past six months, every one of your movies has been so popular, you can earn at least 100 million dollars." Halle Berry said to Xiang Nan enviously.

  She made a movie, and her salary was only half a million dollars. Tired to death all year round, with a maximum income of two million dollars, there is no way to compare with Xiang Nan.

  Xiang Nan smiled slightly when he heard this.

  100 million dollars, to him, is greatly underestimated.

  He earned almost three billion dollars a year in 1988. Especially for high-tech companies such as Microsoft, Dell, Cisco, Oracle, Adobe, etc., the stock prices have soared in the past year, which has greatly increased the value of the stocks he holds, and now they have risen several times.

   "Don't be envious. As long as you follow me, I will make you rich." Xiang Nan laughed.

  Hearing what he said, Halle Berry was naturally excited, and hugged Xiang Nan tightly, "Then I will rely on you from now on."

  Xiang Nan nodded.


  ** In January of 2008, "The New Father-in-Law" was released.

   This movie is both a romance and a comedy. It tells the story of a daughter who is in charge of her father and faces all kinds of embarrassments when her daughter gets married. It is both funny and warm.

   So the box office of this movie is also very good. The box office in North America was 89 million US dollars, giving Xiang Nan another good start.

   In January, the Golden Globes are also officially held.

   Xiangnan and Halle Berry both returned to the United States to participate.

   On the one hand, "Rain Man" won so many awards at the Golden Globe Awards last year, and they reciprocated. Xiang Nan always wanted to attend to show his respect.

  On the one hand, "Dead Poets Society" is a big hit for this year's awards, nominated for four awards: Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Screenplay, and Best Director.

  Although the chances of Xiang Nanlian Zhuang's best film and best screenplay are not great, it is worth a try.

   Xiangnan and Halle Berry walked the red carpet together.

  The two men are talented and beautiful, and they killed a lot of photographers' films in seconds.

   "Charles, your production "Dead Poets Society" has been shortlisted for four awards, how many awards do you think you can win?" The host asked with a smile in the interview area at the end of the red carpet.

   "If possible, I certainly hope to take them all away." Xiang Nan smiled, "But I also know that the opponent I face is stronger. So I still maintain a humble heart, and I just like whatever is given to me."

   "Too modest. In my opinion, you will definitely not return empty-handed today." The host laughed.

   "Thank you." Xiang Nan nodded.

   "When will the "Cosmic Veyron" you and Ms. Berry co-operate be finished?" The host asked curiously again.

   "I guess it will be almost in March. This is a sci-fi blockbuster with an investment of up to 60 million US dollars, so we made it more carefully and delicately." Xiang Nan nodded and said.

   "I hope to see your masterpiece as soon as possible." The host nodded, "By the way, the box office of "The Order of the Flying Eagle" starring Jieji Cheng was only 8 million US dollars after its release last month. What do you think?"

  Xiang Nan was taken aback, he really didn't know about this.

  It's only eight million dollars, which is really not much.

   "It's normal. Everyone loses at times." Xiang Nan then said, "Hollywood's ups and downs are normal, and no one can guarantee that they will always win. I believe in Jieji's strength, he will definitely be able to stand up again."

   "But you never seem to lose." The host smiled.

  Xiang Nan smiled slightly, "I may be very lucky, I am blessed by God."


   Entering the awards hall, Xiang Nan and Halle Berry were seated in the front row.

  Subsequently, the awards ceremony officially began, and many awards were presented one after another.

  Xiang Nan didn't care about this matter, he was discussing with Nicole Kidman about the sequel of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".

   "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" is so popular, it is impossible not to make a sequel.

  Xiang Nan has already thought about the story of the sequel, and it is expected to start filming in April and May, and it will be released in January next year.

  Nicole Kidman is also very welcome to make a sequel.

  "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" made her really have the confidence of a Hollywood first-line movie star, and she was the only heroine in a masterpiece with a box office of 130 million US dollars. All the light converged on her, allowing her to be favored alone.

   In the sequel, she is still the heroine, still shining brightly. How could she miss such a good role.

   "Well, after the Golden Globe Awards ceremony, let's find time to talk slowly." Xiang Nan whispered.

   Nicole Kidman nodded upon hearing this.

  (end of this chapter)