Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 2118: 2121 【Happy People】

  Chapter 2118 2121【Happy People】

   A few days later, the news that the leader of the Zhongqing Society was assassinated was reported by the media.

  At the same time, Ming Pao also broke the news about Dafa Finance Company lending usurious loans and laundering money.

   When Xiang Nan went downstairs early to buy fried dough sticks, he went to the newsstand and bought two newspapers. Seeing these news reports, he was in a particularly happy mood.

   "Sister Ling, Fangfang, Tingting, Xiao Min, come out quickly, there is good news." Xiang Nan held up the newspaper, and shouted happily as soon as he entered the house.

   "Brother, what's the good news?" Everyone woke up after being disturbed by him, and then asked curiously.

   "Look, the leader of the Zhongqing Society has been plotted against, and his life and death are uncertain." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Zhongqing Society?! Isn't it the Ding family? Who was plotted against?" Fang Fang immediately asked after hearing this.

   "The newspaper said it was Ding Yixie, who was beaten last night." Xiang Nan explained.

   "Okay, God has eyes." Fang Fang clapped her hands happily.

   "Their family has done all kinds of bad things, and they should be rewarded." Sister Ling also felt very happy, and nodded.

"The newspaper also said that its financial company was suspected of lending usury and laundering money. Girls who borrow money from them will be photographed, and if they don't pay the money, they will be forced to do it..." Xiao Min looked at the newspaper, surprised Said, "My God, they are so mean."

  Only Fang Ting was silent.

  She often visits Si Crab's grandma and mother-in-law, and occasionally hears about Si Crab's news from her mouth.

  Although they knew that they had made mistakes and made a living by going out of their way, they didn't expect them to be so hateful. It's really shameless and disgusting to actually take pictures of girls and then threaten them.

   "The bewitched boy is the bewitched boy. Never have illusions about them. But if they have good intentions, why can't they survive?" Xiang Nan said.

  He knew Fang Ting's heart, knew that Ding Xiaoxie was the boss of the gang, and fantasized that he was good in nature, thinking that he could lead him to be good on his own.

   As a result, not only did he harm himself, but also his family. He was the most stupid person in the world.

  Xiang Nan didn't want her to fall in love with someone she shouldn't love again, so he deliberately persuaded her.

  Fang Ting nodded after hearing what Xiang Nan said.

She hasn't met Ding Xiaoxie yet, she hasn't been "saved by a hero" by him, and she hasn't seen him venture into Yau Ma Tei. Jianghu hero" style.

  So I don't have a deep impression of him, and now that I hear that he has done so many evil things, my perception of him will naturally start to deteriorate.

   "Okay, don't talk about them anymore, it's disgusting if you talk too much." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's eat."


   After breakfast, Xiang Nan sent Fang Min to school.

  He was most worried about this little sister.

  Because although Fang Fang is also timid, she has worked in society since she was a child and has certain social experience. If there is danger, it will prevent it and avoid it.

  Fang Ting is strong and brave, she will reject and resist when bullied, and she is decisive in doing things and will not drag her feet.

  In the play, she and Ding Xiaoxie were so in love with each other that they almost eloped. But when she realized that the two of them were really not suitable, she broke up as soon as she said it, without any nostalgia.

  Only Fang Min was cowardly and cowardly, didn't know how to resist, even if he was bullied, he didn't dare to tell his family. Let small things become big, big things turn into catastrophe, and finally the situation deteriorates and cannot be dealt with.

  So Xiang Nan wants to protect her most.

   "Brother, are foreign countries fun?" Fang Min asked curiously in the car.

  She was not familiar with her elder brother at first, so she was a little nervous when she saw him, but after what happened yesterday, she has completely accepted her elder brother, so she took the initiative to chat with him.

"It's okay, there are local customs, scenic spots and historic sites, and natural scenery in various places. It's quite eye-opening to take a look around." Xiang Nan laughed, "I've seen millions of flamingos in Africa. Soaring with wings, covering the sky and the sun; I saw the Northern Lights in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, which was colorful and gorgeous; I visited the mysterious Inca ruins, Machu Picchu in Peru, South America; I also saw ascetic monks in India People, they take pleasure in self-mutilation, have not bathed or washed their faces for decades, and some people have raised their hands above their heads and refused to put them down for decades.

  Did you know that the wild goats in Australia are flooded, and the local government drives helicopters to hunt the wild goats, and they can kill dozens of them with a single bombardment..."

   "Wow, wow, wow~" Fang Min was fascinated by the sound, and couldn't help sighing.

   "Xiao Min, big brother will make more money and take you to travel around the world in the future." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Really?! Thank you, brother." Fang Min was very happy when he heard it.


   At this moment, the bus suddenly came to a sudden stop.

  Fang Min staggered and nearly fell to the ground, thanks to Xiang Nan who caught her.

   "Thank you, brother." Fang Min said in shock.

   "Dude, what the **** are you doing, you fell to your death." Others were not as lucky as her, they fell to the ground like dumplings in a pot, and they all lay on the ground and complained to the driver.

   "I'm sorry, I didn't want to, who made that lunatic rush onto the road suddenly, so I had to slam on the brakes." The driver quickly explained.

   Sure enough, I saw a lunatic standing in front of the car, grinning and giggling non-stop, the corner of his mouth dripped half a foot, dripping onto the front of the front, it was wet and disgusting.

   "Hey, why is it him?" Although this man was disheveled and dirty, as if he just got out of a trash can, Fang Min still recognized that he was the scoundrel who harassed him these days.

  Yesterday he was a normal person, but he didn't expect to become a lunatic today.

   "How did he become like this?" Fang Min was a little puzzled.

"It's not surprising. A shameless villain like him has offended many people. It's normal for people to seek revenge." Xiang Nan explained, "So you must be a good person and don't make mistakes, otherwise sooner or later There will be retribution."

  Fang Min nodded upon hearing this.


  After sending his younger sister to school, Xiang Nan went to the traditional Chinese medicine shop to buy medicinal materials, and went home to cook the medicine for Ye Tian.

   After the boil, it was packed in a thermos and sent to Meihua Village. On the way, he also bought some food and prepared to leave it for Ye Tian to eat.

   But when he got to the hut, he didn't see Ye Tian, ​​so he didn't know where he went crazy.

  Xiang Nan waited until evening, but did not wait for him to come back, so he had to get up and leave first.

   Fortunately, he did not wait this day in vain.

  Using this day, Xiang Nan looked through the Financial Times of the latest January, and gained a certain understanding of the current stock market.

  In 1985, the Hong Kong stock market was already very prosperous. Its market share ranked fifth in the world and it became a world-class financial center.

  In particular, the Hang Seng Index has risen from 1,200 points last year to 1,500 points in the third quarter of this year, an increase of more than 300 points.

  And the transaction volume in the first half of this year alone is already close to the transaction volume of last year, which is equivalent to doubling the transaction volume.

  These data show that the Hong Kong stock market is in a bull market, and therefore more and more investors are optimistic about Hong Kong stocks and invest one after another.

  (end of this chapter)