Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 2854: 2856【Chimera】

   Chapter 2854 2856 [Chimera]


  Xiang Nan and them looked at each other from a distance, and they were secretly thinking about each other.

   Right at this moment, footsteps sounded behind Xiang Nan.

  He turned around and saw two people standing in front of them, holding a silver box in their hands.

   "Sir, your luck is really good tonight." One of them said, "This is the cash for exchange, please check."

  Xiang Nan stepped forward, opened the box and saw that it was filled with 500 euros.

  A box full like this might not be five million.

   It can be seen that Patrice's price is really high, and the Specter is really rich, and a reward of five million euros is offered for one task.

   "Thank you." Xiang Nan took the box casually.

   "On behalf of the casino, I congratulate you. I wish you good luck for a long time and make a lot of money." The manager said again, and offered a few mud tokens as he spoke.

   Mud chips cannot be exchanged for cash directly, but they can be used for gambling, and the winning chips can be exchanged for cash. Similar to the coupons given by shopping malls, it is a means for casinos to attract customers.

  The so-called long-term gambling wins no one, as long as the gamblers are willing to gamble, the casino will make a steady profit. Therefore, mud chips are often presented to high-rollers to attract them to bet.

   "Thank you." Xiang Nan took the mud yard and said.

  Then he came to a Sic Bo table and sat down, and pressed the mud on it casually.

   Right at this moment, the beautiful woman who was looking at him just now came over, "Can you buy me a glass of wine?"

  Xiang Nan glanced at her, and said, "Maybe it's not just drinking."

   At this moment, the croupier opened the dice cup, and it was the number that Xiang Nan bet on.

  Xiang Nan got a lot of mud and won, and the odds were as high as 50 to 1.

  100,000 mud yards turned into 5 million cash yards at once, which surprised Xiang Nan himself.

  He swore that he didn't even want to win money just now, he just wanted to create opportunities and guide others to take the initiative to find him.

   Unexpectedly, she made five million yuan for nothing. Even five million patacas is not a small amount.

   "I think this should be the good luck you brought me." Xiang Nan said to the beauty.

   "I don't dare to be, I don't have such good luck." The beauty waved her hands.

  Xiang Nan nodded, "Come on, I'll treat you to a good drink."

   As he spoke, he came to the bar with chips, boxes and beauties, and ordered a glass of Vespa blended wine.

   "Bond, she is very beautiful." Money Benny was also observing Xiang Nan's whereabouts, saw him drinking with a beautiful woman, and said with a smile, "Do you like this type?"

   "I'll let you know." Xiang Nan said.


   Soon the wine was mixed, Xiang Nan took a sip and nodded to the bartender, "Perfect!"

   "You are different from the people I have met before." Seeing that Xiang Nan was so relaxed, the beauty couldn't help but asked in surprise, "You must not be Patrice."

   "No. I'm Bond, James Bond." Xiang Nan didn't hide anything, and said frankly, "And you are..."

  He knows the mastermind behind the scenes, and he must have already mastered his information, so there is no need to deliberately conceal it.

   "Severin." The beauty introduced herself, "Mr. Bond, what did you do to Patrice?"

   "Guess~" Xiang Nan said.

   Severin was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "What do you want?"

   "I want to see your boss." Xiang Nan explained.

  Severin was startled, and with trembling hands, he took out a cigarette from his pouch, but when he wanted to light it, he couldn't use his hands at all.

  Xiang Nan smiled slightly, took out the lighter, and lit a cigarette for her.

   "Thank you." Severin took a long puff of cigarette and said calmly, "Mr. Bond, I will give you a friendly piece of advice. Be careful what you wish for."

   "It seems that you are deeply touched." Xiang Nan nodded and said.

   "Thank you for the wine, Mr. Bond, I think we're done talking." Severin got up and wanted to leave.

  Xiang Nan pulled her back, "Don't worry. You've been staring at your bodyguard since we sat down.

  It's a little strange that you care so much about your bodyguard. Moreover, three bodyguards are probably too many. So, I came to the conclusion that they are controlling you, not protecting you.

   And the tattoo on your wrist, the symbol of a prostitute in Macau. So when were you thrown into the fire pit, twelve or thirteen? I guess he redeemed you, maybe you think you love him, but that was a long time ago...

  When Severin heard Xiang Nan's analysis, his face suddenly became extremely embarrassed, "You don't know anything about me."

   "I know a woman who is obviously afraid but pretends not to be afraid." Xiang Nan looked directly into her eyes and said, "Tell me where he is, and I can help you get rid of him."

  Severin hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "As soon as I leave, they will come to kill you. If you are lucky enough to survive, come to the northern port, berth No. 7, and meet me on the Chimera Yacht."

  Xiang Nan nodded, and let go of Severin's hand.


  Severin got up and left immediately, while the three bodyguards beside her before split up and came towards Xiang Nanwei.

  Although there are other gamblers in the casino at the moment, they don't seem to care, which shows how rampant their power is.

  Although they were numerous and powerful, and they looked menacing, Xiang Nan didn't care, and still sat at the bar tasting wine.

  The three of them quietly formed a semicircle and surrounded him.

   "Are you ready?" Xiang Nan glanced at him.

  The three of them attacked Xiang Nan together without saying a word.

   Seeing this, Xiang Nan was not polite, he picked up the cash box and slapped them like a slap.

   There were three muffled bangs, bang, bang, and all three of them were knocked unconscious to the ground.

   You must know that the cash box containing five million euros weighs at least forty catties, and the power of swinging it is no less than that of a meteor hammer.

  Xiang Nan had great strength, fast speed, and even more powerful power. He knocked the three of them to the ground in one fell swoop, at least suffering a concussion.

   Cleanly dealt with the three of them, Xiang Nan then returned to the counter with the cash box and chips, "Cash all of them."

  When the security guards of the casino saw this, they all stared at him and were eager to try.

  The casino manager looked at Xiang Nan in a daze, but finally waved and ordered the teller to help him exchange all the money.

  Xiang Nan then left the casino with 5.5 million euros.

   "Commander Bond, you're amazing~" Moneypenny said in admiration.

  Solving the three strong men so neatly made her feel ashamed.

  If it were her, let alone a weak woman, she would not be able to defeat three well-trained strong men. Even if he managed to fight, he would definitely be injured.

  Xiang Nan then handed over the cash box to Qian Banni.

  Whether she turned it in or took it herself, he didn't care.


  Xiang Nan came to the northern port, berth No. 7, and saw a very beautiful two-masted sailboat parked there.

   These black bosses really enjoy themselves.

   There are meticulous security measures on the sailboat, and bodyguards are constantly patrolling the deck.

  Xiang Nan didn't board the Chimera right away. He waited for about forty minutes. When the Chimera set sail and left Macau, he suddenly used his light work to get on board.

  As the saying goes, it’s never too late for a good meal.

   Appropriate waiting is more conducive to appetite.

  (end of this chapter)