Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 2860: 2862【NO1】

  Chapter 2860 2862【NO.1】

  At 8:30, Xiang Nan left for Kadengsa Huacai Palace.

  Before he left, he left Mrs. M's phone number for Lucia.

  As Lucia, Mrs. M is willing to provide her with shelter.

  Besides, Xiang Nan knew that after tonight, Spectre would be hit hard.

   Lucia will no longer be their primary target.

  At nine o'clock, Xiang Nan arrived at Kadengsa Huacai Palace, and saw dozens of luxury cars parked in the square in front of the gate.

  Rolls-Royce, Maybach, Bentley, Ferrari, Porsche... almost everything, just like a famous car exhibition.

   And its security measures are also very strict, you can see wandering security guards everywhere.

  They were loaded with live ammunition, their expressions were sturdy, and they were very alert.

  As soon as Xiang Nan approached, someone came forward immediately, "Stop, show your identity."

  Xiang Nan didn't speak, and directly raised his left hand, showing the Spectre emblem ring on his middle finger.

  When the bodyguard saw him, he immediately showed a humble expression, making way for Xiang Nan to go in.

   After Xiang Nan walked in, he saw a huge hall.

  There is a long table in the hall, and the long table is full of people. Some people are giving reports, while others are listening attentively.

  In addition, there is another group of people who are probably not qualified to sit on the table, but they are all standing solemnly on the second floor at this time. The atmosphere of the whole venue exudes a sense of solemnity and solemnity.

  But the topics they talked about were creepy.

   “Online drug shopping sites provided great new sales platforms, and we transformed many sites into places where unapproved drugs were traded.

  In addition, the latest data shows that our sub-Saharan market has controlled 70% of anti-malarial vaccines, 34% of AIDS drugs and 40% of oncology drugs.

   But the World Health Organization is really against us, and they are cracking down on what we call counterfeit medicines. We've identified the key people who need to be dealt with and hopefully we can be as successful as the Human Trafficking Commission was. "

“We have placed 160,000 immigrant women into the recreational **** industry following the full resignation of the Human Trafficking Council. The near completion of the Nine Eyes global surveillance initiative means we will have unique surveillance capabilities. Now is the time for our aggressive expansion The time has come, and this is definitely good news for our party."


   Just then, the door opened, and a group of people walked in.

  When the people at the long table saw him, they all stood up to greet him, which shows how powerful he is.

   As the leader, Da Ma Jin Dao sat at the head.

  Because of the backlight, his face was shrouded in darkness, so that no one could see his appearance clearly.

   Even so, seeing everyone's respectful appearance, it is obvious that this person is quite respected and feared.

  Even after he sat down, everyone still didn't dare to sit down, they all looked at him quietly, waiting for him to show.

  I saw this person whisper something to the person beside him, and then the person stepped forward and moved the microphone to his mouth.

  The person said, "Go ahead, don't let me disturb you."

   Seeing what he said, everyone just sat down and continued the topic just now.

   "This is definitely good news for our party. Our enhanced surveillance capabilities mean that resistance from government intelligence agencies will be easily resolved, and we will win." The man continued.

   "Thank you Dr. Vogel for your professional advice." The host said, "Now let's deal with the matter at hand. After we successfully implemented the attacks in Hamburg and Tunisia, the attack in Mexico City was forced to stop.

   And the tragic death of our brilliant colleague Mark Schiala left an unfinished business behind him. Mr. Guerra, the Pale King must be dealt with, can you go to Ortaus? "

   "Of course." One stood up and said, "I am absolutely loyal to the organization, and I am willing to do my best for the organization, and I will never mess things up again."


   Seeing his statement, the leader who had just sat down whispered a few more words.

  The host immediately stood up respectfully, came to him to listen to his teachings, and then asked, "Is there anyone here who objected to Mr. Guerra taking over this seat?"

  Everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay, with bewildered and puzzled expressions on their faces.

   Just then, a person walked in from outside the hall.

  His figure is extremely sturdy, about two meters long, extremely burly, like a legendary giant, and brings a lot of shocking power.

  He came to Mr. Guerra, without saying a word, but the meaning was very obvious, that is to replace Mr. Guerra's position.

   "Welcome, please state your reasons for being able to take over from Schiala." The host looked at the big man and said.

  The big man smiled, didn't say a word, but suddenly held Mr. Guerra's head and slammed it **** the long table, making a loud bang.

  Mr. Guerra still wanted to resist, but was strangled by the big man. He stretched out two thumbs and squeezed Mr. Guerra's eyes, causing him to struggle and resist in pain.

  However, with his thin and small body, in front of this strong man, he was undoubtedly like a little chicken, and he was powerless to resist, so he could only groan in pain.

  The burly man twisted his neck immediately, finished him off neatly, and then sat down in his place majestically.

   When he attacked Mr. Guerra, all the Specters present just watched quietly, without any expressions of sadness, sadness, regret, or pity on their faces.

   It seems that the one who just died was not their comrade, but a bug or cockroach.

  Seeing this, Xiang Nan couldn't help feeling a little chilled. These Specter party members are really inhumane.


   "Interesting." At this time, the leader said, "It's really interesting. The time in Mexico was like a bell that reminded me of distant memories. And now, in a split second tonight, I suddenly understand everything.

  Welcome, James, long time no see. But we finally met again, why did you come? cuckoo~"

  The leader spoke, raised his head, and looked at Xiang Nan who was hiding in the crowd.

  Xiang Nan looked at him, and it was Franz Oberhaus, also known as Ernest Brophy, the leader of the Spectre Party, also known as NO.1.

   He is James Bond's stepbrother. After Bond's parents died that year, Franz's father adopted him and brought him long-lost family affection.

  But Franz felt jealous because of this, thinking that James had stolen his father's love. Therefore, he intentionally faked the accident, killed his father, and got away with feigning death himself. Under the pseudonym Brophy, he founded the Spectre Party, which has been making troubles all these years.

   It can be seen that this person is not only a psychopath, but also a criminal genius with superior IQ.

  It is really not easy for a young man, who started from scratch, to create such a large transnational criminal organization, playing with MI6, CIA, Mossad, etc. under applause. Xiang Nan admired his wisdom very much.

  (end of this chapter)