Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3271: 3273【Poison Miasma】

 Chapter 32713273【Poison Miasma】

  At five o'clock in the morning, after the three of them woke up, washed and defecated, drank water and ate, they then continued to set off as the sky became daylight.

 The eagle owl Xiang Nan collected last night also flew back to Xiang Nan at this time.

"Go and explore the road ahead." Xiang Nan ordered, and then picked up the bricks paving the Shinto path from the ground, "Look for this kind of stone."

The Eagle Owl cooed and then rose into the sky. After a while, he came back holding the same Shinto brick.

“That’s right, that’s it. Lead the way.” Xiang Nan ordered.

 “Cuckoo~” the Eagle Owl called out twice and soared into the sky again.

The three Xiang Nan people also officially set off, following the Eagle Owl into the Worm Valley.

We saw that the Insect Valley was also densely covered with vines and poisonous insects, and it was extremely hot and muggy. It must have been at least over 30 degrees, and the body temperature was even higher.

Except for Xiang Nan, Hua Ling and the old foreigner were all covered in stinky sweat, and their clothes were sticky and wet, making them uncomfortable.

Because Xiang Nan inherited You Tanzhi's ice silkworm poison, once his internal energy began to circulate, his whole body felt cool. Even being exposed to the scorching sun in the desert was better than taking a leisurely stroll in the courtyard.

 The mere Worm Valley Rainforest is nothing to him.

Although the vegetation in the valley is dense, you can still see more and more traces left by humans as you go deeper, and some collapsed stone statues and stone figures are exposed from time to time.

These are the stone carvings on both sides of the shrine to the royal tomb. It can be seen that the tomb of King Xian, like other royal tombs, specially built a shrine in front of the tomb for future generations to go to the Minglou to worship.

After walking for about four hours, we finally found the ruins of a broken wall in front of us. This was the legendary first embankment wall.

Now there is only a rammed earth stone platform more than three meters thick and two meters high, which is also covered with a layer of weeds. Only some green stones have no plants growing on them. It looks more like a green mound, mixed with Among the jungle in the deep valley.

 Fortunately Xiang Nan has a sharp eye, otherwise he would have missed it.


After finding the first embankment wall, the three people continued to set off, and soon found the second and third embankment walls.

 And it can be seen that the further you go, the fewer mosquitoes and weeds there are. When we reached the third embankment wall, we saw that there was no grass inside.

“Put on your gas mask, there should be poisonous miasma in front of you.” Xiang Nan reminded.

Hua Ling and the old foreigner quickly nodded in agreement, took out their gas masks and put them on.

As the three of them continued to walk in, they saw that the terrain in front of them was getting wider and wider, taking on a trumpet shape, and there was already a looming light smoke and mist in front of them.

The deeper you go, the thicker the white mist becomes. Looking around, the valley ahead is completely shrouded in clouds and mist. It is completely silent inside, without any chirping of insects, birds, or movement of wind and grass.

The Eagle Owl seemed to know the power of this white mist and flew higher than before.

"Exercise Qinggong and follow me closely." Xiang Nan said, then took the hands of Hua Ling and the old foreigner, used Qinggong, and jumped into the poisonous miasma.

 They all practiced Qing Gong and their footwork was extremely nimble. Coupled with Xiang Nan's support, it was like a strong wind, and in less than a minute, the poisonous miasma was escaped.

Xiang Nan didn't think it was enough, so he ran another two hundred meters before tentatively taking off his gas mask and taking a breath of air. When they realized that nothing was wrong, they asked Hua Ling and the old foreigner to take off their masks.

 “Senior brother, you are so awesome.” Hua Ling said with admiration.

They both have practiced Qing Gong, but compared with Xiang Nan, their speed is like an old cow pulling a cart.

“Okay, in front of you should be the toad and gourd symbols recorded on the map of the mausoleum. Look carefully and don’t miss it.” Xiang Nan reminded.

Hua Ling and the old foreigner both nodded.

 At this time, the eagle owl flew back again.

 “Look for a gourd sign~” Xiang Nan gestured towards it. The Eagle Owl took off again, and flew back a moment later, waving its wings in the distance.

Xiang Nan nodded and continued to set off.

 After walking less than two hundred meters, we entered a piece of green grass.

“Brother, why do I feel that this grass is weird? It seems like something is staring at us?” the old foreigner said suddenly.

 He felt that the grass seemed alive, and they seemed to be stared at by the grass when they came in.

“Who is it, who touched me?” the flower spirit behind suddenly shouted.

“No one touched you, neither my senior brother nor I touched you,” the old foreigner said quickly.

“Oops, someone touched me again.” Hua Ling shouted again, but she was at the end of the team, and Xiang Nan and the old foreigner were walking in front, so there was absolutely no way they could run behind and touch her.

Thinking of this, Huarington was suddenly frightened, and quickly asked Xiang Nandao, "Brother, if something touched me, could it be a ghost?"

“Don’t think too much.” Xiang Nan curled his lips, “This is dancing grass, similar to mimosa. As long as it is disturbed, it will make poses, as if it is dancing.

 King Xian planted these grasses here to pretend to be gods and scare others. If you don’t believe it, just calm down and feel it, it’s as comfortable as a massage. "

As he spoke, he stopped, and the dancing grass immediately surrounded him and touched him all over. The strength is just right, neither light nor heavy.

 “Well, it’s comfortable~” Xiang Nan said with satisfaction.

 The old foreigner and Hua Ling saw Xiang Nan doing this and quickly gave it a try.

Sure enough, the dancing grass rubbed against their bodies, making them both feel very comfortable. It felt like a massage.

“Senior brother, you are absolutely right, it is indeed quite comfortable.” Hua Ling said with a smile.

“King Xian is really deceitful, deliberately making things like this to deceive people. Thanks to you, senior brother, for being so knowledgeable, I would have scared anyone else to death.” The old foreigner also said.

“Okay, let’s try and leave. We still have to do business.” Xiang Nan walked out of the dancing grass and said.

Hua Ling and the old foreigner nodded immediately.

"Before we leave, can you dig up a few trees and bring them back to the United States? It would be so comfortable to give them a massage every now and then." The old foreigner also said with a smile.

"You can't take it with you. Usually the dancing grass is about one foot high at most. This area has good geographical conditions, so the dancing grass grows extraordinarily large."

I guess once you leave this area, these grasses will not adapt. So don’t think about it and find the toad and gourd signs quickly. Xiang Nan explained.

Hua Ling and the old foreigner both nodded.


The three of them continued to set off and passed the dancing grass. Suddenly, they saw a large flaming gourd emerging from behind the grass.

The flaming red gourd is carved out of stone, more than one meter high, and its whole body is smooth and bright red like fire. If it had been erected here two thousand years ago, then with the passage of time, the sea might have turned into mulberry fields, but this stone gourd seems to have just been completed.

“What a beautiful gourd, but what does it mean to have it here?” Hua Ling stepped forward and asked doubtfully.

“We have found the gourd. If we find the toad again, we should be able to find the entrance to the underground palace.” Xiang Nan said, “Old foreigner, look for it immediately.”

“Yes, senior brother.” The old foreigner agreed, pushed aside the vines around him, looked around, and suddenly exclaimed, “Senior brother, I saw a toad.”

Xiang Nan and Hua Ling quickly looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a blue toad in the grass not far away.

 (End of this chapter)