Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 670: 671【Development fast track】

  Chapter 670 671【Development Fast Track】

  In 1997, the development of Yuquanying entered the fast lane.

  In the first place, a large number of Fujian businessmen came to invest here, making a large number of projects launched together. Standing on the roof and looking around, there are tower cranes everywhere. I don't know, I thought it was a first-tier coastal city.

  Secondly, Xiang Nan himself also invested more than 40 million yuan to establish Xingwang Farm, Fafu Feed Factory, and Greenhouse Vegetable Base.

  The farm is used to raise sheep. The mutton of Yanxia is well-known far and wide, especially Yanchi Tan sheep, the meat is delicate and tender, not fishy or smelly, it is the best mutton.

  The reason why Tan sheep is called Tan sheep is mainly because it is raised in the wild. The local area of ​​Yanchi is saline-alkali land, and there is saline-alkali water on the surface. The sheep drink this kind of water all year round, and the fishy smell will naturally be eliminated.

  However, there is no such condition for centralized breeding in the farm, and Xiang Nan did not expect to be able to raise Tan sheep. He knows that even ordinary mutton is actually quite valuable now.

   Mutton has been a relatively high-grade meat since ancient times. In ancient times, the highest standard for sacrificial offerings was Tailao, which was one pig, one cow, and one sheep; the lower-level Shaolao was one pig, one sheep. Song Renzong was hungry after writing memorials in the middle of the night, so he wanted to eat a bowl of delicious mutton soup. Later, I was afraid of spending money and being too extravagant, so I held back and didn't say anything.

  In the 1990s, with the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for mutton is also increasing day by day, and the market prospect is very promising. Moreover, the whole body of a sheep is a treasure.

Sheepskin can be used to make furs, leather shoes, leather bags, leather hats, leather gloves, leather seats, etc.; wool can be used for weaving, making blankets, sweaters, felt, etc.; sheep manure is very good after fermentation. of organic fertilizers. Strong fertilizer effect, strong fertility.

  So breeding sheep, I dare not say that it is a huge profit, but it is also very promising.


   Feed mills are mainly used to process corn, potatoes, straw, etc., turning them into feed, increasing their added value, and increasing farmers' income.

  With the development of the economy and the improvement of residents' living standards, the demand for meat is increasing day by day.

  In the early 1990s, China was still the top meat exporter in the world. By the 1920s, China had changed from an exporter to an importer.

  This shows that the domestic supply of meat products can no longer meet the consumption needs of Chinese people. So animal husbandry is really promising. Animal husbandry is inseparable from feed.

  Before, the grain produced by farmers could only be sold to the grain station, and the purchase price of the grain station was not high.

   Now it has a place to go. Xiangnan's Fafu Feed Factory has an annual production capacity of up to 150,000 tons, which requires 150 million catties of grain, which can solve the problem of unsalable grain for nearly 100,000 families.

  Besides, being able to raise 300,000 mutton sheep and supply more than 10 million catties of meat to the market can be said to be a matter of immeasurable merit.


  As for vegetable greenhouses, Xiang Nan thought of another way to increase farmers' income.

  People cannot live without vegetables. Vegetables are rich in nutrients and can supplement vitamins, carotene, protein, amino acids, minerals, and so on.

  But no one grew vegetables before Yuquanying.

  First, the wind and sand are too strong, and the vegetable seedlings will be killed as soon as they are exposed to the soil, which is a waste of effort;

  Second, there is an extreme lack of water. I have to use a flatbed truck to water the ground. The water demand of vegetables is several times that of wheat and corn, which cannot be supplied by manpower alone;

  Third, there is no place to sell large-scale planting. Yuquanying is nearly a hundred miles away from Yinchuan City. At that time, there was no road and the transportation was inconvenient. What's more, farmers don't have advanced means of transportation. They rely on animal-drawn carts to transport fresh vegetables to the city, and the fresh vegetables are all wilted.

  So even if they are planted, they are only planted in one or two parts of the land, or they grow pumpkins, cucumbers, eggplants, etc. in their own yards, and there are few large-scale plantings.

   But times have changed these days. Now that the road is connected, the traffic is very convenient. Fresh vegetables picked in the early morning can appear in vegetable markets and major supermarkets in the morning, which can be said to be very fast.

   Moreover, Yuquanying newly opened a three-level water pumping station, which can irrigate tens of thousands of acres of land, and water is no longer a problem. And after building the greenhouse, wind and sand is no longer a problem.

  In fact, a large number of fruit trees are planted in these Gobi deserts, which are very effective in wind and sand protection. A few years ago, there were sandstorms every now and then. In the past two years, it has been almost invisible. Even if there is, the power is much smaller.

  Growing vegetables in greenhouses can grow off-season vegetables, so that people can eat fresh vegetables in the cold winter. This is also very beneficial to enrich the food basket of the people.


  In 1997, 356 companies were newly registered in Yuquanying, and 120 of them had a registered capital of more than 500,000 yuan.

  All kinds of enterprises have sprung up from the ground, making Yuquanying more and more prosperous and prosperous. Even fast food restaurants, coffee shops, and game halls, which are only found in the city, have appeared in Yuquanying.

   It can be said that in terms of prosperity, it even surpassed Ning'an County.

  In July 1997, the construction of Minning Village officially started.

  It is a project aided by southern Fujian, and will have a series of supporting facilities, such as hospitals, schools, banks, post offices, etc.

   After it is completed, it will become the administrative center, management center, and residential center of Yuquanying Development Zone, which is enough to accommodate thousands of immigrants.

   And so many projects have brought a lot of job opportunities for young people.

  Xiang Nan provided Ernst Young Shou and Ernst Young Kang with 500,000 yuan of funds, and asked them to recruit a construction team to take over the project.

  An Yongshou and An Yongkang did not perform well in the past two years, and they dared to get involved in Splash's garment factory, so they were severely punished by Xiang Nan. Not only did they cut off their financial resources, they were even not allowed to visit the door for a time.

   Losing Xiang Nan's asylum, An Yongshou and An Yongkang immediately became confused, and suffered a lot of beatings from the society, which also made them realize the reality and learn to be good.

  After these two years of precipitation, the two of them finally looked alike.

  An Yongshou and his wife opened a clothing store in the county, and An Yongkang and his wife opened a restaurant in the county. Although they didn't make a lot of money, it was not a problem to support themselves.

  Xiang Nan saw that the two of them knew they could live in peace, so he funded them to set up a construction company to undertake projects in Yuquanying.


"Now the Yuquan camp is engaged in civil engineering construction, there is no shortage of work, you lead people to do it well, don't be lazy, don't play tricks, and there are plenty of money to make." Xiang Nan instructed, "If you want to be the same as before, you must know how to eat, drink and have fun. .At that time, even if I am a real brother, I will not help you any more."

   "We know, big brother." An Yongshou and An Yongkang both nodded.

  After being beaten by the society, the two of them also understood that without Xiang Nan's support, they would be nothing. So you must be obedient, and you must hold on tight.

  With a rich elder brother like Xiang Nan, as long as they are honest, they are not afraid of running out of money. So both of them learned well, and immediately led the engineering team to undertake the project in Yuquan Camp.

  Because Xiang Nan is here, no one will sell their face, so the company's business is still good, earning a small one million in the first year.

  (end of this chapter)