Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 678: 680 [Overall Relocation]

  Chapter 678 680 [Overall Relocation]

  At the moment, Zhang Shucheng and Ma Defu sorted out everyone's debts and found that they really owed a lot of money.

   Some of the money is easy to repay, such as project funds, medical expenses, bank loans, etc., there are contracts and invoices, and they are clear and clear.

   But some money is troublesome. For example, signing bills for restaurants, smoking hotels, and even massage and pedicure bills. A lot of it is personal consumption, which is also recorded in the account of the town government.

  The sum of the money is less than 10 million. If you pay it back, the town will suffer too much; if you don't pay it back, the people will suffer. Zhang Shucheng and Ma Defu can only be tight first.

  Haiji County and Ning'an County ran at both ends to clarify the jurisdiction and ask for the allocation of funds.

  Also, sell off the property in the town. Office buildings, family buildings, equity interests in town enterprises, etc., and even the leather sofas in the office were all moved out and sold.

  After three months of unremitting efforts, most creditors have settled. Even those who have not repaid this year have set up a repayment plan, which finally gives people hope.

   But those foolish debts have not yet been repaid. Personal enjoyment, the town pays the bill, which is unreasonable.

   Besides, there are many unreasonable receipts. It is a bit outrageous to want to pay tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of debts based on only a few words on a white note.

   But they did not pay back, and those creditors were not happy.

  These are the debts owed by the town back then. It would be too unkind to wipe off tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of debts by one person.

  Xiang Nan gave Zhang Shucheng and Ma Defu an idea, asking them to invite lawyers, on the one hand to popularize the law to these creditors, and on the other hand to help them fight public interest lawsuits.

  Finally, it is up to the law to decide whether the money should be repaid and who should repay it, so as to avoid arguing with each other for a lifetime.

  Zhang Shucheng believes that this idea is very good.

   It is not only in line with Eva's philosophy of governing the country, but also satisfying both parties.

  The county also supports this suggestion, and specially sends the law to the countryside, to the town, to the fields for public hearings, so that the public can observe it on the spot, and let them know that the law is fair and no one will take sides.

   In this way, it will be above board, open and transparent, and the result will naturally satisfy both parties.

   The thorny trouble was solved just like that. With no debts and a light body, Minning Town can go into battle lightly and continue to seek development.

  The major creditors have also recovered their arrears, and the company can continue to maintain. The people also regained their confidence, especially after learning so much legal knowledge. For them, it is a good thing, killing three birds with one stone.


  In February, the overall relocation of Xihaigu poverty-stricken mountainous areas was officially promoted.

  This time, the relocation is no longer one or two households, like ants moving, but the whole village is moved from the valley to the plain.

   Originally speaking logically, there was nothing in the ravine. There is no running water, no asphalt roads, no big enterprises, no big hospitals, no good schools... The infrastructure is so backward that it cannot be compared with the prosperous and prosperous Minning Town.

  In Minning Township, in 2003, the per capita disposable income had reached 8,400 yuan. This number even exceeds that of Yinchuan City. This shows how prosperous Minning Town has become after years of investment and development.

  However, it is still not easy to get the villagers to move out of the mountain.

   Once here, the homeland is hard to leave, and the fox dies on the first hill. The older a person is, the more he misses his hometown and the harder it is to leave.

  The mountain villages are not only economically backward, but also backward in concept. The feudal ideology is still strong, and the old people still have the final say on major events in the village, and no one dares to disobey them. Even if the younger generation wanted to go out to find a new life, the older generation would not dare to do so without nodding their heads.

  Secondly, people are actually afraid of change. As the old saying goes, if you are poor, you will change; if you change, you will be successful; It can be seen that most people will change only when they have nowhere to go. Few plan ahead and prepare for danger in times of peace, but many dig wells when they are thirsty and sharpen their guns before the battle.

  Minning Town is very good, but immigrants also have concerns. What to eat and drink there, can you really find a job, is there really a good life? Everyone can't help but mutter. Just like the whole country knows that Yanjing and Hujiang are good, but how many people dare to abandon their homes and businesses to venture there?

   Therefore, the overall relocation work has been postponed for more than three months, but there is still not much improvement.

  Many villagers love their homes and think that the gold and silver nests are not as good as their own dog kennels, so they dare not move.

  The relocation work was at a standstill for a while, and many working groups went to it without any results, and came back disheartened after losing the battle.

  Seeing that no one is willing to take up this job, at this time, Ma Defu and Zhang Shucheng, as leaders, can only take the initiative to shoulder this burden.

  Before they left, Xiang Nan handed over a manuscript he had written to Ma Defu. This manuscript is actually what Defu said in the play.

  People have two roots, one in the hands of the old ancestors, and the other in the hands of the descendants. Wherever the younger generations go, the roots are there. Therefore, moving away from the mountain village is not cutting off the roots, but moving the roots.

   Move the roots from the poor valley with poor land, lack of water and few roads to Minning town with fertile land and abundant water and electricity. The deeper the roots will be, the more prosperous they will grow.

   After reading this article, Ma Defu and Zhang Shucheng were very moved. They thought it was very contagious and convincing, and believed that it would be able to convince the old people in the village.

   "Thank you, Comrade An, you really helped us a lot." Zhang Shucheng held Xiang Nan's hand gratefully.

  Since the immigration of Diaozhuang in Yuquanying until now, Xiang Nan has been providing them with support. Solicit investment, engage in planting, do publicity...

   Minning Town’s achievements today are inseparable from his dedication.

"Secretary Zhang, you don't have to be polite. In fact, the article is secondary. The most important thing is to communicate with your heart." Xiang Nan smiled, "To let the villagers, we are sincerely doing their best. Heart to heart, heart to heart. As the old saying goes, sincerity and sincerity make gold and stone, I think they will definitely agree."

  Ma Defu and Zhang Shucheng strongly agree.

  They went to relocate the whole village this time, and they were also rushing to present the facts and reason.

   "By the way, Secretary Zhang, you should be more careful when you come and go in the past few months." Xiang Nan said again, "I think your complexion is a bit bad."

   "Why, Yongfuer, do you still believe this?" Zhang Shucheng asked with a smile when he heard this.

"Some things, you can't believe them all, but you can't believe them. In short, you have to be careful. Especially when driving, you must pay attention to safety." Xiang Nan reminded, "There are too many big cars on the roads in Minning Town, carrying heavy loads. It’s big, and it drives fast, and accidents may happen if you’re not careful.”

  Zhang Shucheng was taken aback, then nodded, "Okay, I will be careful."

   "That's good." Xiang Nan nodded.

  (end of this chapter)