Saving Unpermitted

Chapter 120: a bouquet of roses

Xia Liang and Zhu Yanchen formally "parted". +++All Tanmei Novels:

This statement is not accurate. Before Zhu Yanchen disappeared, the two made public the news of their breakup. Since Zhu Yanchen came back from the dead, they have not made any remarks involving the past.

Later, Miss Xia's identity as the "old man Dong" was exposed (exposed) and she was officially promoted to the marshal of the coalition government, and the sense of distance between the two became more apparent. They never act together in private, and there is no overstepping in their words and deeds. At first glance, they are normal to the extreme superiors and subordinates (guanguan).

Some people are quite dissatisfied with this development.

Knowing that Xia Liang is Zhu Yanchen's subordinate for many years, the tabloid reporters have thought about it and imagined many (暧ai) ambiguous stories. In the beginning, the writers only dared to suggest. The coalition government ignored it, and some people's courage gradually grew-one was the most legendary (colorful) leader since the establishment of the coalition government, and the other was a marshal who was transferred to a star. The topics of the two were bright interests.

Fuse. Soo is a conference on medical-related issues.

Zhu Yanchen himself did not attend, but Xia Liang was present as one of the marshals. After repelling the corrosive nature, mankind entered a period of rapid development, and the atmosphere at the press conference was quite relaxed, until a bold reporter asked Xia Liang a question.

"Do you and Mr. Zhu plan to get married within this year?"

The smile on Xia Liang's face froze. Before she could speak, another question came over.

"You have been with Mr. Zhu in secret for so long. Is the position of this marshal a deal that Mr. Zhu promised you? The current status of the Xia family..."

The reporter who asked the question later didn't even have the courage to finish asking his own question-Xia Liang stopped smiling, his face was terribly ugly.

She is still beautiful. Tear off that layer of gentle and pleasant disguise, her beauty was somewhat aggressive, from rose petals to rose thorns. It's just that Xia Liang has always been very good at dealing with the media, but he will not get angry in front of the public. At most, he no longer hides his sexuality.

Fortunately, she didn't become arrogant because of this, and she was even better at dealing with Yi Ning. Even if someone asked some impolite questions before, Xia Liang would cleverly round the stage and control the topic in his own hands.

...This is the first time she has (exposed) this expression.

"The woman behind a successful man? Really choose the topic." Her face twisted, (exposing) an uncomfortable sneer. "The word accompany is a bit interesting. I pretended to be an old man to make Mr. Zhu less lonely? What do you think the battlefield is?"

"I didn't mean to offend you, you are willing to share the ups and downs with Mr. Zhu, we are very..."

"Together with joys and sorrows?" Xia Liang continued to sneer, "Why did Zhu Yanchen hide it in the beginning? It's very simple, he has no choice. The same is true for me, I can only find a partner to use it."

After all, the smile on her lips grew stronger.

"As for why I have no choice, it is because some people firmly believe that I am destined to be a pastime-either for the masses or for Zhu Yanchen."

"It's not enough to deny it, it's too ugly." Someone whispered underneath, "Who doesn't know, Zhu Yanchen beats the head of the He (chengcheng) people. She is also steady. The situation in the city is a bit."

"Yeah, it's like a lot of credit now. With so many people in the Xia family, Xia Yufeng's credit is not small. As a result, Xia Yufeng took some money, but she climbed to the position of marshal after the war... (Guanguan) Department, who believes it?"

"Marshal Yi rushed to the front anyhow, and sacrificed so much. She stayed in the base camp peacefully, nothing happened..."

Xia Liang seemed to have heard what they said, and there was a little disdain in his sneer. She did not explain, did not argue, did not even show anger.

"The theme of this conference is the improvement of medical policies, not basic tactical teaching, nor private life exhibitions." Her voice increased a little, "You can stop. For you, I have only one thing to say-many years ago, you What is your comment on Zhu Yanchen, I hope you will keep it in your heart."

This sentence is light and cold, with a sense of pressure that has never been felt before. Everyone was silent unconsciously, so she could bring the topic back.

Many years later, when the coalition government ushered in the youngest female head, some people indeed recalled this moment of evil. However, that's a story.

At the end of the meeting, Xia Liang took thunderous measures to directly pressure several large organizations that had the most rumors, and even publicly announced their sexual orientation. Since then, only one or two of the emotional gossip about the leader or the marshal on the market can be seen in irregular tabloids.

"Now the magazines are full of scandals between Marshal Xia and Dr. Ai." Uncle Pan said while wiping the bottle. "Marshal Xia has been so tortured, your family is liberated."

"No one dared to look for things in front of A Yan. Behind the article is a large group that makes money. They played well with one hand. A Yan was not well known as a teacher, and became so angry. That is, they killed themselves and hit Xia Liang's gun. In the mouth."

Shu Jun flipped through the newspaper freely: "Actually, I said that I don't care about the messy lace news, but he always minded it."

"Tsk tusk tusk, young man." Uncle Pan tilted his eyes and Shujun, "I just like it tightly, so I will mind."

"That's Xia Liang. Whenever she has time, she will definitely stay in Ai's Hospital. Ai Xiaoxiao can complain to Mr. Tang three or four times a week... Oh, Dr. Ai has complained less recently."

Shu Jun put down the newspaper, his tone was painful.

"In short, Xia Liang is totally impossible. It's better to say that Ayan and his desk are more (暧ai) ambiguous. I said a hundred million times and didn't take it to heart, he just couldn't listen-don't look at his tactics. It's horrible. In this regard, it's more reasonable than anyone else."

Uncle Pan raised his eyebrows: "Why, worry that without Marshal Xia, more people will be thinking about your family?"

Shu Jun laughed: "Let's be worried, if he wants to betray me, he won't wait for now. Xia Liang has his own ideas, and he is not obligated to be a shield for us, but—"


"It's always a pity not to take the opportunity to molest and molesting Ayan. Uncle Pan, are you familiar with the flower shop? Help me order roses and send them to the command center.

"Easy to say, easy to say."

"Oh, yes, besides..."

one day later.

When Zhu Yanchen saw the message from the guard, his face (color) turned blue. The assistant thought something major had happened, so he passed by with a horror, and almost didn't control his expression--

There were countless invitations outside the meeting, and many bold suitors even sent gifts to the command center. Since Marshal Xia generously announced (sexual xing), people in other groups have no scruples-young and handsome leaders are the best marriage goals. The Xia family doesn’t want this piece of fat (肉rou), some people want to make a move. .

In the fastest period of human development since the end of the world, Zhu Yanchen is just in his early thirties and has a great time. Seeing his vigorous and resolute style, he will definitely find a partner who maximizes his own interests.

As for the confession of the leader of the chengcheng people, they have long been forgotten by everyone.

The assistant flipped through the long list of items: "Hey, isn't this name the leader of the South Side New Chamber of Commerce? It doesn't matter if the girl gives gifts, he, a single man, also gives this gift?! Marshal Xia came out of the closet. It really gave them a lot of inspiration..."

Zhu Yanchen glanced at the assistant quietly, his expression a bit complicated.

"Sir, there have been more and more gifts recently. I promise that they will all go back the same way. They just won't give up. If you don't deal with it earlier, the situation will only get worse." The assistant changed the subject sincerely, "I know you are right. There is no interest in falling in love, but to be honest, you'd better find a lover, even if it’s a fake, and cut off their thoughts--"

"Help me order a new set of conference uniforms." Zhu Yanchen said categorically. "It's all redesigned, without gloves."

"Yes, but..."

"Traditional systems can be reformed, and traditional uniforms can naturally be changed." Zhu Yanchen said every word, slowly taking off his gloves. "Isn't there a big meeting next Wednesday? Finished before then."


The assistant saw the ring finger of the young leader's left hand at a glance. On the fair skin, the ring showed a warm blackness. Looking at the traces, this ring was undoubtedly worn for a long time.

"I'm married. My lover doesn't want to get involved with politics, so I don't plan to disclose his identity."

In front of people, Zhu Yanchen's dress has always been extremely regular, and even the assistant did not see him take off his gloves. When the shocking news was exploded, the assistant even squashed: "But but, in this way, Kenken must have many people who want to determine the identity of your wife. Even if we can suppress it, it will be quite troublesome. Madam, a lady, you may not be able to guard against those villains. Or, or you still wronged her, and hired another girl to pretend to be..."

"Do not."


"At the beginning, I could not find myself, and naturally I could not find him. I would not find others to pretend to be my lover, absolutely not. As for the gifts, the old rules are all returned as they are."

After that, Zhu Yanchen let out a sigh of relief, and his tone was lighter.

"Also, correct a little. My'madam' is a male (sexual)."


The assistant stayed there for a few minutes to make sure the boss was not joking. Seeing the black ring, and thinking of the confession of the leader of the chengcheng people, he suddenly had a bad instinct.

Forget it, I must think more. How could it be "that one"? The leader of the He (chengcheng) people was placed in an underground secret room, and he had been sleeping (sleeping Shui) for a long time. I have seen the image in the secret room-Shu Jun doesn't have any ring in his hand.

Who the **** is it?

That’s it for women (sexual xing). The men (sexual xing) Zhu Yanchen had come into contact with, he remembered all of them, and I didn’t see who Zhu Yanchen had a special attitude towards. On the other hand, I wish Mr. Zhu's current work (strong qiang) degree and range of activities. If he wants to lead a normal family life, that man must be able to fly.

After all, the two couldn't meet at all.

Thinking of this level, the assistant's shock began to turn into sympathy. An image of a gentle, thin, introverted young man appeared in his head.

Forget it, people are willing to sacrifice for feelings, and they shouldn't think about things anymore. The assistant settled, looking at the gift list.

"Uh, sir. There are bouquets of roses here, no signatures and no messages, and they cannot be sent back. Do you think you want to deal with them, or...?"

"No information?" Zhu Yanchen frowned.

"There is no information. The guard has scanned it, and it is a bunch of roses, which are treated at a high price to prevent withering. Oh yes, there is a platycodon inside. It may be the flower shop accidentally—"

Zhu Yanchen smiled.

The second half of the assistant choked in his mouth. He had never seen Zhu Yanchen (Lu) make such an expression. This new leader has a keen hand and is extremely strict with his cronies. He is truly an iron-blooded leader. For a long time, Zhu Yanchen didn't even bother to smirk at the scene.

... let alone such a gentle smile.

"Help me get two vases. The rose is placed in the lounge, and the platycodon is taken out separately and placed on my desk." Zhu Yanchen's tone softened a bit, "Don't forget to change the uniform."

"Yes, sir." The assistant's answer was rather crisp this time.

A week later, the news that the leader was married caused an uproar. Zhu Yanchen hid the person very well, and countless people tried to dig out the identity of that mysterious lover, and eventually all came back.

The digger closest to the truth only digs out two things——

First, the bellflower on the summit table seems to have been given by that person.

Second, they love each other very much.