Saving Unpermitted

Chapter 17: Bad reputation

The atmosphere between the two can be regarded as a little relaxed. +++Cartino novel website Now that the matter is over, Zhu Yanchen no longer has any worries and changes his shirt in front of Shu Jun.

Shu Jun: "Uh."

Seeing Shu Jun's face (showing) difficult (color), thinking that the other party would mind these abnormal scars, Zhu Yanchen quickly got dressed: "Sorry, pay attention next time."

"No, no," Shu Jun hurriedly waved his hand when the other party apologized politely. "Looking at you, I'm pretty...very hungry."

Zhu Yanchen: "..."

Shu Jun: "..."

The good atmosphere that had just been brewing seemed to be destroyed by his own hands.

I don't know why, Zhu Yanchen looked more delicious than those mutant beasts. However, the thought of cannibalism was too terrifying, Shu Jun's reason had already screamed and refused, this appetite was still well controlled.

But to let Shu Jun choose, he still wanted to avoid such a terrible little struggle fundamentally.

Zhu Yanchen added a coat to himself without changing his face (color): "So quickly solve the matter of eroding the swamp."

Seeing that the attention of both of them had gathered together, the small eclipse swamp began to play dead again. Zhu Yanchen thought for a while: "When I count to three, if it doesn't agree at that time, you will crush your brain."

His tone was quite determined, and the eclipse shivered.

"But..." But without his brain, the Swamp Erosion couldn't spray water to concentrate, and the sword of Shu Jun's plan could not be made.

"I can study its remnants and try artificial concentration." Zhu Yanchen patted the eroded marsh lightly, and his white gloves slid across the dark marsh. His movements were slow and dangerous, like a python slipping over fallen leaves. "The process is more cumbersome, and it can still be done."

The eclipse swamp stopped shivering, it collapsed on the ground, fearful.

Seeing that the swamp no longer moves, Zhu Yanchen's fingers twitched: "Unfortunately, when we go deeper, you will have to chop (sha) the large swamp. If this thing has a brain, maybe it can absorb more intelligence and make some interesting changes. ."

Marshal Zhu's tone is as cold as before, and his expression is not like joking.

Although it was also a pity, Shu Jun was persuaded: "Okay."


"Okay!" Eclipse Marsh cried rough, for fear that they would not be able to hear them clearly. "Good! Good!"

"..." Is your attitude too good? How can this thing be bullying and fearful of hardship. Even if you are afraid of hardship, you are the alpha in the swamp, right?

Zhu Yanchen snorted, not surprised by the result: "You will communicate the rest by yourself."

Marshal Zhu’s child fate must be terribly bad, Shu Jun slandered while eroding the swamp. The process of directing the shaping is boring and boring. Shu Jun squeezed the marsh while observing Zhu Yanchen, who bowed his head and was busy.

This person's death date is accurate, but Zhu Yanchen's is more like waiting for an ordinary vacation than welcoming (death si) death. I don't know why, Shu Jun felt a little uncomfortable seeing the other side like this.

He felt uncomfortable and couldn't stop his mouth: "Sir, what are your plans for the future?"

Zhu Yanchen didn't look up: "Come to the end of the waste village. After that, wait until your sword is ready. I will leave you 24 hours, you can..."

Shu Jun smiled, and a dull thumping sound rang out.

It took less than an hour from the successful negotiation with the erosion marsh. Hearing the sound of the weapon, Zhu Yanchen raised his eyes in surprise.

Put the pitch black sword (inserted in the cha). Beside him, the whole body is pitch black, reflecting the dim light, and its shape is quite similar to the one Shu Jun once used. It's just that an egg-sized gray "jewel" is braced on this sword hilt, and meridian-like tissues are attached to it. Zhu Yanchen tilted his head—on the other side opposite to the "jewel" brain, opening his mouth and twisting dissatisfiedly. Seeing Zhu Yanchen look over, it quietly snorted.

...There is a subtle nausea.

"Not bad." Shu Jun drew his sword out, borrowed the wind, and waved it easily.

"No need to adjust?"

"No." Shu Jun happily (touching Mo) with the sword, "My sword is the most familiar thing in my life. I close my eyes and know what the details look like."

Really, I have never seen your sword mouth before. Zhu Yanchen wiped his face slowly.

"This mouth is not my aesthetic, but it insists on keeping it." Seeing the subtle expression in his eyes, Shu Jun explained hurriedly. "The brain (exposed) is outside to make it easier to control it. In fact, I think it's a bit..."

"It just works." Zhu Yanchen interrupted Shu Jun in time and changed the subject. "Does it have a name?"

He remembered that Shu Jun's original sword was called "Qianjun". It was a good name, but it was damaged in the eroded marsh.

"Well, I was thinking about it. It's not a problem to eat the marsh." Shu Jun has already begun to twist the rope with the cloth to make the sword belt. "This thing bounces back and forth, and it's terribly annoying..."

"Or just call it'Zhou'."

Zhu Yanchen: "..." The mood is too far apart.

When he got the sword, Shu Jun's face (color) became brighter: "Walk around, I'll take you to try the sword and get something to eat by the way. If you move fast enough, you can solve the situation in the waste village today. You stay 24 hours? When the matter is resolved, you have to promise me the matter."


"You'd better spend the extra time (sleeping in Shui)."

"No, in time--"

"I need time to run in with the sword, I definitely won't (sleep Shui). If we both stay awake for a long time, the next rotation will only be more difficult."

Then Shu Jun cleared his throat and his tone became more sincere: "Don't worry, I won't eat you while you (sleeping Shui). If you are really worried, you can tie the handcuffs to your wrists and lock the hole with my other hand. , I just can't reach you..."

Seeing that this person started to be arrogant again, Zhu Yanchen had a headache and had to surrender: "If there is time left."

The ending of the waste village is simple and simple, but difficult and difficult. In the face of this group of people who do not want to stay in the city, Zhu Yanchen originally opened his eyes and closed his eyes, and fulfilled their wish before death. How can I think that instead of living in a quiet life, they wandered around, even stealing This is a matter of eroding qualitative nutrients and marsh.

Zhu Yanchen can't ignore these people.

These people have relatives and friends in the city. If they die in confusion and anger (die si), they are destined to become the seeds of chaos. The survivors have been hard enough to afford more internal consumption.

For this situation, Zhu Yanchen originally had his own fixed plan. It may take longer, but it will always work. However, Shu Jun is undoubtedly a good leader. Since he is so confident, he may not have any new ideas.

As long as Shu Jun doesn't bounce into the marsh, it will be fine.

...For the first time in so many years, he faintly gave birth to some emotions close to expectations.

"Extend your hand and wear it." Zhu Yanchen took out the wristband for data monitoring.

[Integration: 25%; Resonance skill level: 7; Vital signs are stable. 】

At the same time, inside the city.

The young woman sat at the research table, ignoring the wall clock that was about to point to the wee hours.

There are not too few people in the huge room. The air is full of the smell of low-quality tobacco and alcohol. This is not a regular hospital. No one takes care of cleaning. Bloody bandages and gauze can be seen everywhere, adding a smell to the pungent air.

In the early morning, there were few guests, and the men were clamoring behind the research desk.

"It's been two days since I saw it, Zhu Yanchen is so cool."

"No, how long can such a delicate young master live outside? God is all toward Marshal Yi Ning. Marshal Yi, it's so good. How do you say that, Prince General..."

"Hush, hush. You can't talk nonsense about this."

"How can't you tell? Zhu Yanchen is 28, it's not too small. Apart from the tactical (强qiang) point, what else can I say? Everyone can't see it, I don't know what I'm in (gan gan)... Speaking of this, have you heard that there is an old man named Dong under Master Zhu. Those beautiful tactics were done with the help of old man Dong. I don’t know where the old marshal got the gun. The purpose is to save the Zhu family. Some face..."

The woman frowned slightly, and the pliers in her hand fell on the table, making a cry. The men stopped talking briefly and looked at her with a little fear.

Confirming that the woman hadn't looked back, they continued buzzing: "The family of Zhu is really not as good as the generation. I think back then, Zhu Rong pulled the player system up... When the old marshal arrived, the old marshal optimized the entire system again. As a result, Master Zhu? People do not (show up), there is no contribution from the system, and I don’t know if the tactics were done by me, and I don’t even look like the old marshal."

"Do you think that Marshal Yi Ning is the kind of old marshal? You see, advocating system progress and perfection, focusing on the development of the city, which is not the style of wishing the family? The old marshal can never be a woman, Mrs. Marshal And the marshal's age is so different again—"

At this point, several men laughed. As a result, they didn't finish laughing, wiped the **** scalpel over the cigarette butt, and literally put out the cigarette.

"Ai, Sister Ai..."

The woman stood up. She is average in height, but thin and very tall. The face is pretty and pretty, and there is a layer of impatient emotion between the eyebrows, looking a little arrogant.

She propped up the hair band and tied a (gan gan) training ponytail: "It's okay (gan gan) to roll as soon as possible, don't talk nonsense with me. If you know something, you will sweep the floor, remember to shut your mouth when sweeping. "

Seeing that the owner of the medical hall was on fire, the men whizzed away and ran away.

Ai Xiaoxiao sneered and shut the door of the hospital.

The doomsday has brought about a knowledge gap. Even if human beings have been recuperating for hundreds of years, experts in cutting-edge fields are still in short supply. Medical personnel are even more highly paid. Except for a few freaks, few people come out alone to open medical clinics.

Ai Xiaoxiao is a "freak".

As for why this woman did not do a comfortable public office, she ran out of her own (gan gan), everyone knew well-compared with the doctors in regular hospitals, Ai Xiaoxiao was good at terminal treatment and repair surgery. Good hand.

This is a blank area of ​​current demand.

Medical resources are scarce, and the public will not give patients a large amount of purification medicine before they die, just to reduce the pain. Almost all doctors with superb surgical skills are allocated to the army, and the rest will only perform some life-related operations. It is impossible to have free time for plastic surgery for erosion patients, just to make their bodies look more regular.

No one can do it, no matter how much money you spend. In this regard, the medical organization of the coalition government is fairly fair.

But Ai Xiaoxiao is unfair. As long as the money is in place, she can get everything and do everything.

Since she was looking for materials to make medicines and performing operations on her own, she was also qualified to practice medicine, so she was wandering in the gray (colored) area. Her charges for common diseases are not high, and ordinary people will look to her if they have headaches, which reduces the burden on nearby hospitals.

In addition, there was no evil (sexual xing) incident in the Ai's Medical Center. As time passed, the people above gradually ignored her. Since there are gaps in the policy, it is difficult to block all roads.

However, Miss Ai earns a lot of money, and she is very willful. The door is closed when you say it is closed, and guests who say bad words will not accept it, and they are very casual.

No, she drove away a group of guests.

Ai Xiaoxiao locked the door, turned the key indifferently with his fingers, and walked inside.

The mutant beast has already sent the chip to her room, and its body is lying on her table. This kind of creature has been alive for a long time, and after modification, it is a complete messenger of sex.

After all, there are not many messengers who can pass through the erosion zone these days and are hard to notice, and they have limited options.

Ai Xiaoxiao skillfully connected the chip to the computer, twisted out a coffee lollipop, and bit it in his mouth. The room was dark, and the beating data reflected in her eyes.

"After more than ten years of hard work, my life is about to be delivered. In the end, no one will buy your bill." She tittered. "Sad, Marshal Zhu, what on earth do you want."

But these data are indeed extremely valuable. Zhu Yanchen is an excellent researcher himself, and his explanation of his situation is quite detailed.

If the old marshal knew the true condition of his son, he would be furious.

Thinking of this level, she felt funny again. As a result, she hadn't laughed, and the doorbell of the hospital was madly pressed.

"Who is it?" She pushed aside the stool irritably, and decided to drive away the guest.

"Me." An old man's voice came in. "I wish the old man Dong under Marshal, I want to discuss something."