Saving Unpermitted

Chapter 3: Four eyes facing each other

Shu Jun woke up for the second time, only having a hungry stomach. +++ Catino novel website The sky in the erosion zone is always overcast, the fog on the ground has not cleared, and the surrounding is as quiet as an old cemetery.

He yawned, his lips were prickling, and the smell of blood filled his mouth.

Shu Jun frowned and touched (touched Mo) the wound with his fingers. Another problem came out (exposed)-his canine teeth became a bit sharp, if he really bit the mutant beast last night, he might be able to bite it through its throat.

Yesterday's mood was mostly helpless, and now Shu Jun was really angry. There are more and more anomalies in front of them, but there has been no feedback from the outside world for nearly 24 hours. "Erosion" should not have such a low-level problem.

The protective equipment is broken (dry gan), and the physical and energy data are unknown. The air quality here is fair, but it is still in the category of erosion zone. He doesn't know the consequences of dying in the game again, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

Shu Jun crawled out of the cave and began to move in the direction of the npc stronghold.

The current situation was stable and his physical strength recovered a little, he began to try to activate his skills. The calm air waved, and the familiar wind rushed into his ears. Since there is no problem with the ability and the stronghold is not far away, even if you encounter an elite monster, there is always the ability to escape.

A good holiday is ahead, and Shu Jun hastened his pace.

According to estimates last night, it only takes five or six hours to reach that stronghold. The situation was smoother than he thought. There were no more dangerous monsters on the road. He hadn't walked out of the stone forest, and there were voices not far away.

Two NPC patrols are patrolling nearby.

Shu Jun raised his hands in surprise and greeted them loudly: "I am Shu Jun, the captain of the Blackbirds, numbered s-001. Please take me to your base. Two people, if it is convenient, can you borrow the communicator? I……"

He didn't finish his words, a bullet passed by, and a burning sensation on the auricle. The gunshots continued. As an experienced soldier, Shu Jun subconsciously (fuck cao) indulged in the wind, and the sudden rising wind pushed him away quickly.

To slow down this movement for half a second, the bullet rain that followed would definitely sieve him.

The fingers of his right hand twitched instinctively twice, and Shu Jun gritted his teeth-the weight that should accompany him is not in his hand. Without a giant sword, without a mechanical armor, broken clothing can only cover shame, and can't play a defensive role.

But even if his image is embarrassing, the NPC should always recognize him as a person. This kind of offensive (strong qiang) degree is totally unreasonable. Shu Jun only used his limbs like a real beast, hiding himself behind the rocks. "Erosion" (强qiang) has been adjusted many times, and there will be extremely severe punishments for attacking NPCs, and it is not time to take risks.

"Hey!" Shu Jun raised his voice, "Stop the offense, I need to contact the game manager, emergency code 4072..."

However, the patrolmen did not intend to let him finish.

The other side didn't know what weapon was taken out, and the stone was directly shattered. Shu Jun planned to move a little further, but found that he could not move.

There was a faint light shining under his feet, he recognized this thing. It was a top hunter for capturing large elite monsters. The price was staggering. The Blackbirds are the second largest team in Erosion, and the number of top hunters in the warehouse does not exceed three.

The ghost knows why this thing is on the npc.

Faced with this stuff, his equipment can still fight. Regrettably, Shu Jun is now nearly naked with his bare hands. The claws on the fingertips can tear the fibers, but the hunting is tightly entangled, and his struggle is a bit of a drop in the bucket.

The electric current flickered along, and Shu Jun arched his back, kept his consciousness under the continuous electric shock (strong qiang), and kept tearing the piece.

"You are a serious violation of the "Holographic Game Management Regulations", um—"

Seeing that he was torn too fiercely, the restraint device tightened his limbs, and his mouth was gagged. Shu Jun became a fluttering fish, and could only point his fingers at the two NPCs.

"pollution index?"

"It's the same as before, maybe the machine is broken."

The NPCs ignored him and squeezed out words from behind the gas mask.

"Take it back first, there has never been such a thing here."

Judging from the result, Shu Jun entered the stronghold earlier than expected. It's just that instead of stepping into the gate with his own feet, he was picked into a metal cage and transported in by a cart.

The metal cage fence is thicker than his wrist.

This is no longer a problem that can be solved by complaints. When you successfully exit from the game, you have to find a lawyer-the cell is as narrow as a cargo box, not as good as the cave where Shu Jun's limbs are locked tightly by chains. The posture is quite uncomfortable.

The group of NPCs didn't even bother to add decent clothes to him.

Shu Jun looked around, the ground was wet, and there was no dust that could be scraped up. Thickened glass was used for the observation window of the cell, and two fully armed guards stood on the other side.

The pale light poured down from the top of his head, and through the standing water on the ground, Shu Jun saw his current state for the first time.

The game role (color) is 100% in line with reality, and his facial features have not changed. This body has been properly exercised, and there is no strange bulging of blood vessels or excessive bulging of muscles.

For the time being, the sharp teeth and nails will not be mentioned, but the hair and eyes will change the most.

Shu Jun originally had normal black hair and black eyes, but now his hair and iris have all turned into ashes-like gray, and his round pupils are vertical slits. Shu Jun had never seen anyone with a similar appearance, but he seemed to be at least a person, not a strange mutant beast, and the attitude of the npc was really suspicious.

Have to find a way to escape.

It's a lot like a cage for dangerous monsters in a game. Yanchen is a meticulous theoretical school. After being edified for a long time, Shu Jun also knows about these messy equipment. This kind of cage is usually equipped with a physiological sign monitor, and it will not be effective to pretend to be dead or sick. He was in bad condition, and the longer he procrastinated, the more unfavorable the situation would be.

Shu Jun scanned the surrounding cameras and suddenly got an idea. The gust of wind hovered and roughly twisted the camera off the bracket. The glass of the cell was slammed, and there were sharp sirens.

The defense mechanism is activated immediately.

It started with anesthesia bombs, but they were crooked by the wind and failed to strike Shujun. Then came the real gun and live ammunition, Shu Jun pulled the chain on his wrist, barely blocked the vital part, and had several blood holes in his arms and shoulders.

The blood dripped and turned into pitch black as soon as it touched the ground.

Right now Shu Jun can't look at the ground, and there are more and more anomalies in front of him—is there such a (strong qiang) before his ability?

The dilapidated camera was thrown around by the wind, like a large bullet, which almost hit Shu Jun himself several times. They slammed the observation window, leaving cracks on the (强qiang) glass. The chain anchor let out a harsh moan, and the chain chain was torn off by Shu Jun.

Without doing it endlessly, Shu Jun knew his physical strength, and he didn't have the energy to do it again.

He took a breath, and pulled out the chain with all his strength, facing the cracked glass heart. Shards of glass splashed around with the crackling sound, Shu Jun gathered the wind on the soles of his feet and ejected himself out of the cell.

The guards tried to stop, one was stunned by his elbow, the other was kicked sturdily, and the two fell to the ground and stopped moving.

The whole process does not exceed half a minute.

Going to his prohibition against attacking NPCs, I had compromised before, and it was useless.

Without stopping, Shu Jun quickly stripped off the clothing of one of the guards, picked up the trophy and ran. People arrived before the wind, and the nearby monitoring and lighting were all destroyed by the storm.

Shu Jun (touching Mo) black (touching Mo) went into the utility room, changed his clothes three times and five times, and **** the bleeding wounds to prevent the dripping blood from exposing (exposure). NPC's standard clothing is not close-fitting, the shoulders are a bit tight, and the waist is a bit loose, but fortunately, there is no problem.

In "Erosion", the player's residence is on the edge of the contaminated area. The structure of the strongholds is similar, and finding an escape route is not difficult. But before escaping, he had to get some supplies and try to contact the outside world again by the way.

Since this is the cell level, there must be a lounge for guards to change shifts nearby.

There is no time to give him a sigh of relief. Now that the alert has not reached the highest level, it is the prime time for action. Shu Jun (强qiang) beats spirits and walks quickly along the corridor.

The lounge is empty.

Shu Jun swept the useful gadgets into his pocket, and then turned on the contact light screen on the table. In response to unexpected situations, "Erosion" issued emergency contact codes to players. As long as they report that string of numbers to the npc, an out-of-game customer service will intervene. It is a pity that from the recent situation, the npc channel is considered abolished.

40721, a string of simple numbers flashes in the input box. Time went forward without delay, and no customer service appeared.

Shu Jun quickly entered the team channel and no one was online. Open the friend contact bar, the entire list is also dim.

No, there are still personal names lit. The system shows that the opponent is online, waiting for the interface to mark the map and location of the opponent, and the geometric patterns used for decoration change around.

...Smoke is nearby.

Strangely, Shu Jun raised his eyebrows. Smoke and dust traveled to the inner city area out of the reach of combatants and never appeared at border strongholds. Due to the distance from each other, the game has never given an exact positioning. Shu Junzhi acquiesce that he or she is a life player.

How can life players go to such a place?

But since the smoke and dust are nearby, it's okay to see you first-the current situation is really abnormal, and a friend around you can always be safe. My account is abnormal, and Yanchen may be able to contact the outside world normally.

The game is not a reality, but there is no gap between the game role (color) and the real image. This first meeting was really embarrassing enough, Shu Jun laughed bitterly.

According to the location, the point belonging to "smoke" is moving to a certain room on the top floor. Shu Jun dexterously drilled out of the window and climbed to the top floor by wind.

"You better go back first." An anxious voice rushed into his ear first.

"No need."

"That thing came out, and its pollution index has not yet been determined. Everything is different, this stronghold is likely to be blocked. You have just arrived here and the special car has not left yet. It is better to leave."

"I said, no need."

The voice at the back was cold and sounded familiar. Shu Jun grabbed the edge of the window, the curtains tightly covered the indoor scene, and the sound inside was not very clear.

The location of the smoke and dust is just a few steps away.

…Looking at this posture, is Yanchen an assistant to a big man?

Positioned and stopped by the window, only a few steps away from Shu Jun. In order to hear more clearly, Shu Jun held his breath and climbed onto the window sill. His mutated nails made the job a lot easier.

"In short, find it first. I stay here, and your nervousness can be more sufficient." The cold voice continued, "I brought a lot of special equipment, the entire base, so that you can't catch only the mutant. ."

The voice was getting closer, and Shu Jun suddenly had a bad feeling.


The people in the room opened the curtains, and the two of them faced each other, their eyes slammed.

The anxious persuader was standing at the door, and there were only people in front of the window. It was obviously not the life player who Shu Jun conjectured. The npc in the uniform of the marshal looked straight at him, with a daze on his pale face.

Zhu Yanchen: "..."

Shu Jun: "...?"

Is the bug of "Erosion" getting worse?