Saving Unpermitted

Chapter 89: Outlier

The picture is infested by corrosion and becomes more and more distorted. +++ Popular Tanmei novel: The electromagnetic sound of sizzling lala is mixed with the muffled sound of ruins dumping, all the lights are off, and the air is frighteningly muddy. Those mutated synthetic people did not go mad, and returned to calm after eating.

A weird and desperate army.

Only the biggest monster is madly destroying. It is like the only creature with emotions, now desperately venting. These images were distributed to all senior researchers, and the conclusions came quickly--

"That larger monster must have a high resonance rate with the eclipse, so it can be briefly manipulated and turned into a giant monster."

"The rest of the synthetic humans failed to integrate the corrosive substances well, and received unknown treatment. They are currently in an unstable state of mutation. They will soon die, or lose their minds, and become true mutant beasts."

"This is good news. There are not many synths with top destructive power. Such an offensive, our wall can definitely resist..."


Zhu Sheng pinched his eyebrows and sighed softly.

After all, those reports are just the results obtained from the pictures, and the accuracy is still in doubt. Based on the information in the screen, Zhu Sheng has a general guess--

The leader of the synthesizer has similar interests with the old four, and reached an agreement not long ago, and secretly hoarded supplies.

Next, they prepared underground strongholds in advance in the settlement. While the celebration was held, all members gathered, they informed the synthesizer player system of the truth, and urgently moved the synthesizer underground.

The reason why synthetic humans lurked before could only be because they had hope-little loss of personnel, and human collaborators. Synthetic people don't want to die with humans too much, but also want to make a living.

So they are very cautious and slowly accumulate strength. When human beings suddenly lose this purifying power and have to change their heads, the social system will inevitably change, at least for a while. Synthetic people can take advantage of the most vulnerable time in the city to attack, severely injure humans, and take the opportunity to plunder supplies and demand compensation.

...It seems that the Synthetic people have a good leader.

The other party acted cautiously and did not have the momentum to break the can, Zhu Sheng guessed this route. Closing the city in advance for defense is to prevent possible attacks from the synthetic man. However, as soon as the settlement happened, his rhythm was completely disrupted-

Blackbird and Underground Water are undoubtedly the two strongest teams in the synthetic man. Now they have been hit hard by the swamp, and have come out to attack humans. The biggest monster-the leader, 80% fell into a state of half despair.

The strongest force cannot be recovered before the war begins. This is a catastrophe that can shake people's hearts.

Synthesizers are completely out of stock, one missing is one missing, and cannot be made up. Synthetic people’s situation is inherently difficult, and when such things happen, people's hearts will turn into a mess. Despair will spread rapidly, and there will be no companions to save, and there will inevitably be a scene of melee fighting with each other.

When things have reached this point, regardless of whether they incite the people in the settlements or not, the results will not be much worse-once these synthetic people lose control, they will definitely sacrifice the residents of the settlements immediately.

This variable is too big, and city y is not ready yet.

How could it be so coincidental? Zhu Sheng sat on the stool and froze for a few seconds-how could it be such a coincidence?

How could such a large swamp suddenly appear and attack the settlement where the main force of the Synthetic is located? The synthetic leader is able to manipulate the eroding quality, why didn't he notice it earlier?

Think about it carefully, this big swamp is extremely strange. Although coincidence can explain, but if it is not God’s will...

What else is there.

Zhu Sheng hid himself into the dark, thinking quickly.

There is something hidden behind the synthetic man, trying to promote the conflict between the adult and the synthetic man as soon as possible. Thinking about it this way, the leader on the synthesizer side may be aware of it, and the other side may have this consideration as well.

But what power can it have? He couldn't think of it.

...Forget it, no matter what is hidden in the shadows, the current chess path they can take is very limited-the top priority is to resist the synthetic man who may fall into madness.

at all costs.

"The city is completely closed, and people who return to the city are no longer accepted." Zhu Huakou said, "A purification machine will be added during the city week, and all citizens will withdraw into the city center, ready to raise the second wall of the city center at any time. We must Be prepared to be surrounded for a long time."

The assistant standing beside Zhu Sheng was surprised.

"They are similar to mutant beasts, they need to eat to survive. It is difficult to get treatment in this state, and it will not last long." Zhu Sheng's tone was flat. "Go ahead, arrange a meeting, and then I will talk about the specific arrangements."

City y must be held, and we must do our best to reduce losses. If city y falls, the surrounding cities will not survive long.

Underground stronghold.

Thirty thousand people were transferred and only a few thousand remained. Although the tens of thousands of people in the settlements were a little struggling, considering that they were only temporarily sheltering, everyone could bear it-every room was full of people, and even the corridors were squatting. pile. People have set aside several large rooms for the elderly and children. Although there are a lot of mixed body odors in the air, they are generally tolerable.

It's good to eat, the light is good, and there is no pitting infiltration. For most people in the settlement, this is enough.

The more capable players were assigned the "suppression" semi-finished products and squatted at various important vents and water inlets to assist in purification. This work is hardly tiring, it's just that the machinery is boring and makes people panicked.

Perhaps considering this, all light screens in the stronghold are on. The eclipse blocked all remote signals, and only the local signal source survived. The picture Zhu Sheng saw was cast exactly on the people in the underground stronghold.

"This is my face!" Yujin took a can of meat in one hand and pointed at the man who was kneeling. "Because the team is not kind, so it makes me kneel? How could someone be able to coerce and lure me, um um um—"

Halfway through his shouting, he was muffled by a compressed cookie. Hu Yan looked at Yujin with cold eyes, and pointed to the shaky "synthetic man" in the picture: "That still uses my face. The captain asked me to give you some mental compensation, and I have nothing left. You Don't canned it? Don't give it back to me."

"I have used it all with my face, how can there be any reason not to give something?" Yu Jin grabbed the bright yellow hair and held the can tightly in his arms.


"But the effect is horrible." Yujin hid the can and sighed. "Our faces are all exposed. It's okay for some older people. Young people think it's a show. I'll have to grind my mouth again later."

"Stay steady." Hu Yan crossed his arms. "Squad said, if you do this, City Y will definitely be completely closed and you will be overwhelmed. When the camera breaks down, no one will come to investigate. At most one day, etc. After the team has been cleaned up, everyone can go to the ground."

"To put it lightly, your team has also picked up a lot of houses, and there are still some people in the stronghold."

"After that, we will use meat to compensate." Hu Yanyang Yangyang held the "suppression" semi-finished product in his hand, "Why don't we go out hunting at that time, and clean up some mutant animal meat. It tastes good."

"Get more bird-shaped mutant beasts, the meat is tender." Yu Jin blinked.

"...Does not accept orders." After speaking, Hu Yan himself chuckled.

People were huddled underground. Young people gather in front of the light screen to take in air-conditioning, and middle-aged people form a group to chat. Several old men with spine deformities built up a few supply boxes and sat on top of them and played cards. The air is not fresh, the light bulbs flicker dimly, but the surroundings are full of smoke and fire.

The chaos of the celebration has passed for a long time, and the mentality of the players has been adjusted more or less. Now being wrapped up in the long-lost popularity, they unconsciously join the conversation.

"Although I still can't forgive some people." Hu Yan gnawed the protein energy bar in his hand. "But how should I say, I like this feeling."

It's like they never made a difference.

"Who isn't." Yujin opened the canned meat and handed it to the pregnant woman closest to him. "Now I just have one idea-don't lose the chain, and these messy things will end soon. I can't wait for Zhu Shuai to be the leader, sincerely."

The two top candidates reacted very differently to these images.

Yi Ning's face was pale, and the blood marks appeared on the palm of her life. He just finished the psychological construction against Shu Jun and Zhu Sheng, and everything went off track.

Is the settlement still saved? Yi Ning thought in a daze, what kind of people would they send to fight such a monster?

This is no longer a war, this is a total natural disaster. Yi Ning subconsciously wanted to speak and ask the person who often discussed issues with him. Then he remembered that Luo Duan was no longer there.

Yes, Luo Duan is also a synthetic man.

He was dimly aware of something, but couldn't catch the hint of inspiration. A trace of panic burrowed into his mind, and then all his attention was drawn away-his hometown was about to be destroyed, his most cherished people were about to die, and he probably couldn't do anything.

Now, do you want to join forces with Zhusheng?

Even if we work together, can we save those who are about to fall into desperation?

Yi Ning hobbled back in the chair and looked at the bright ceiling of the office. His eyes were sore and swollen, and quickly became wet.

...Was he wrong from the beginning?

No, you can't let such cowardly thoughts appear. In short, you have to find a researcher first and listen to how the expert analyzes. Yining wiped his face a few times, turned on the light screen, and an idea hit his heart for no reason.

It would be great if Zhu Yanchen was still alive.

If it's the tactical genius with a steady style, maybe he can think of a way to save most people.

It's kind of funny, he thought. In order to get the position of the head, he guided the people to know the real "Zhu Yanchen". Now that the plan has reached the final step, he is the one who wants this opponent to come back most.

However, Marshal Zhu’s body was not so serious--

"Never mind your dad, his heart is like a piece of frozen meat. You do it like this...Oh, you are going to scare the Yi family boy to death!" Tang Heyu looked at the information that Yi Ning had passed to the Tang family, and sent out noodles. Like a breathing sound.

"To fool sigma, you must first fool humans."

Zhu Yanchen held the energy bar in his mouth, and his voice was vague. As he spoke, the energy bar was bitten and tilted-Marshal Zhu's hands were covered with oil on the mechanical parts, and his face was completely wiped, and he really had no hands to grab food.

"Old Tang, don't read it, this needs to be adjusted."

"I want to rest!" Tang Heyu glared at him, "I admit that your physical strength is not good enough, don't embarrass the old man, let me take a good look... Oh, this person is really lifelike. Ability cannot be underestimated..."

The old man clearly wanted to watch the excitement, Zhu Yanchen rubbed the sweat on his chin and let him go.

"Oh, oh, oh, Shu Jun is out! Hey, this is too bloody...Chenchen, even if you like men, it must be a person first...this thing is him? Oh my God..."

"It's him." Zhu Yanchen stopped working and leaned over to look. "He has more control over his abilities."

"What's the matter, you are still happy? The young man nowadays, I can't understand it anyway. If you let your father know..."

At this point, the old man suddenly lost his voice and his expression became heavy. He sighed lowly and continued to look at the light screen.

"I will let him know."

Zhu Yanchen stared at the monster roaring on the screen, his eyes soft.

"……Almost over."