Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 461: The most crowded dinner in the world


Maybe a bit.

But this time I can't feel it.


That's a must.

As the highest glory of the scientific community, this is also the greatest praise for a scholar in the academic world and the world.

What the Nobel Prize can bring, even far beyond the nine million krona bonus of its own.

In this regard alone, even the Fields Prize is inferior.

In a thunderous applause, Lu Zhou walked steadily onto the podium.

During a brief confrontation with the jury, Academician Kras smiled at him. Academician Oloff nodded to him. Ms. Linser was expressionless, and Academician Brzezin... may seem a little unhappy?

Obviously, even now, there are still many differences within the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

But in any case, it has become a foregone conclusion at this moment.

Under the watchful eye of a pair of eyes, under the gaze of the media news people from all over the world, Lu Zhou took the award certificate and the medal with the golden light from the hands of King Carl XVI Gustav.

The right hand of Lu Zhou shook, and Carl XVI Gustav smiled and said.

"Congratulations, young scholar, I have awarded so many years of awards, you are the youngest one."

Lu Zhou nodded politely and smiled and said: "Thank you, I can guarantee that I will be younger and younger in the future."

Carl XVI smiled and said: "Haha, I hope, I wish our science is always young!"

The audience stood up and paid tribute.

The applause resounded through the Stockholm Concert Hall.

And it lasts for a long time...


After the award ceremony.

By convention, all winners and guests invited to the ceremony will move to the Blue Hall in Stockholm City Hall to attend the famous Nobel dinner.

Looking at the brick-and-red building next to the lake, Lu Zhou, who was walking up the ladder, suddenly said: "In fact, I wanted to ask when I came here last time."

Academician Stafford and Yan Yue said: "What do you want to ask? Maybe I can answer for you."

Lu Zhou looked around and said casually: "Why is it called Blue Hall here? I don't feel anywhere here to look blue."

Upon hearing this question, Academician Staffor smiled and said with a funny tone: "Many people have asked me this question. It is said that the designer of the City Hall originally intended to paint this blue, in order to set off the Lake Mälaren. After the completion of the lake view, everyone found that the red brick looks more solemn."

Lu Zhou said: "That is, the Blue Hall is still not finished yet?"

Academician Staffor said with a smile: "From a design perspective, this is theoretically the case."

Regardless of whether it is "completed," the Nobel Prize has been held here for more than a century. For this ritual that can be called an ancient in the academic world, not only people in the academic world are full of interest, but people outside the academic world will be the same.

Every year, thousands of people write to the Nobel Prize Foundation to apply for a party, even if the probability of being drawn is no different from the first prize in the lottery.

At the reception of the organizer, Lu Zhou looked around at the blue hall.

I saw the crowds between the rows of long tables, which was even more crowded than the scene of the report.

If you want to say something different from the Crawford Awards ceremony, I am afraid it is crowded.

One thousand and three hundred people ate at the same time. When all the guests were seated, each person almost shoulders shoulders. Legend has it that the per capita dining space is only 40 cm wide, but Lu Zhou feels that the real situation may be more serious than imagined.

Soon, the first dish came up, a bottle of unlabeled red wine.

After the cork was opened, the dense air bubbles were stretched like a string of thin wires, extending from the bottom of the bottle to the mouth of the bottle, and it seemed to last forever. In addition to the elegant floral and fruity aromas, the scent of the wine also carries a scent of baked oak barrels.

For Lu Zhou and himself to pour a cup in the goblet, Academician Staffor said with a smile, "Funi, French special grade small farmer champagne, sweet, sweet is its characteristics. In order to meet more than a thousand people The supply, the Nobel Foundation specifically signed a manor."

Looking at the clear liquor, Lu Zhou smiled: "You can really enjoy it."

“It’s not just enjoyment, it’s also a tribute,” said Academician Staffor, raising his glass with a smile. “Cheers.”

Lu Zhou and he touched the next cup: "Cheers!"

As the Academician Stafford described, the liquor in the throat is exceptionally sweet, and it is endless.

Perhaps this is the taste of victory?


The atmosphere in the Blue Room is in full swing, and there is not much to let outside the Blue Room.

Although the days in Northern Europe are already dark early, it is far from going to bedtime.

Many local citizens of Stockholm City will subconsciously walk to the shores of Lake Mälaren while walking, and look up at the red brick building.

There are also local overseas Chinese and international students.

If you want to say who is more happy than Lu Zhou and his family, then it is undoubtedly the local Chinese community.

Excluding those extreme people, for most people living in a foreign country, no one is more able to empathize with the achievements of their compatriots.

As early as October, when the Nobel Prize in Chemistry announced the list of chemistry awards, the entire overseas Chinese in Stockholm held a celebration.

It seems that the grand occasion at the time was just a preview of today.

Because the people gathered here today are much larger than the size of that day.

They held red lanterns in their hands and stood outside the Stockholm City Hall, standing along the black side of the street and standing along the black side of the street.

Because of curiosity, many local citizens have joined in.

Looking far away, it is like a tour, a trip, and a festival.

This scene naturally escapes the eyes of journalists.

Pointing the camera at the crowd gathered outside the Stockholm City Hall, the ctv reporter Miss Sister faced the camera and said in a warm voice.

"Nobel Prize-winning night, outside the Stockholm City Hall, gathered a lot of local people, Chinese overseas Chinese, and Chinese students. Their hands, holding red lanterns, they hope to teach Chinese scholars in such a special way. Lu Zhou sent the warmest and most sincere blessings."

"Let's interview them and see what they think at the moment!"

Said, she caught a passer-by who looked younger and Chinese, and asked with a good voice.

"Hello, sir, are you an international student?"

The little guy in the down jacket nodded: "Yes."

“On December 10th of last year, is this all so lively?”

The younger brother of the international student: "Look at the situation. At this time of the year, the Stockholm City Hall is very lively outside, but this year is particularly lively."

The reporter smiled and asked: "Is there any feeling for you that Professor Lu Zhou won the Nobel Prize?"

The little brother smiled heartily: "Well, my biggest feeling is that after seeing Professor Lu, I finally understood my distance from the Nobel Prize."

The reporter had a sly and polite smile on his face.

Nonsense, what do you want to say?

Habitually peeled a bit.

The little brother coughed softly and finished the look on his face and continued.

"Of course, apart from these, the biggest touch to me is that I have seen the progress and development of the Chinese academic community from him."

"The talents of the new era are growing up, and perhaps there are still some shortcomings. But in time, I believe that not only Professor Lu, there will be more scholars from the Chinese mainland to embark on this international stage and send out our voice. !"