Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 549: Mysterious "900 District"

The night is shrouded, and the bar is not far from the expert village of Tianwan Nuclear Power Station. The swaying lights are mixed with metal music and beer foam.

As the largest technical and economic cooperation project between China and Russia to date, the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant, in addition to its own engineers, is still home to many nuclear power experts from Russia.

At this time, these foreign employees will come here to relax.

In contrast, the Chinese people rarely visit this place.

Sitting on the side of the bar, Georgie drank slightly, swaying his glasses and chatting with his colleagues.

"What do you say the Chinese people are doing?"

Since the troops went to this area and blocked the preparatory site of the third phase of the project, the area separated from them by a few kilometers was like disappearing from the map, and the ongoing three-phase project was also in a state of stagnation.

This series of actions is hard to attract people's attention.

What are the Chinese people doing inside?

This problem plagued all the foreigners working here, and it became a very topical thing.

However, Chinese engineers working here seem to be reluctant to talk about this issue.

As for the ordinary employees, although they are full of interest in the things that happened, they probably don’t know much about them.

Sitting next to Georgy, Magsheim said in an uncertain tone: "I heard that it is nuclear fusion."

“Nuclear fusion?!” Georgy widened his eyes and poured a spicy cocktail again. He smiled and said, “Are you kidding? That is the site of the third phase project, they used it for controlled fusion. experiment?"

With a glass of wine, Magsheim’s expression was awkward.

"It seems like this. I have seen their newspapers some time ago... They may have gone farther in nuclear fusion technology than we thought, and maybe it will take a long time to use it to generate electricity."

If the demonstration reactor is successful, the third phase project probably does not need to be built.

Don't say that it is a second-generation nuclear fission unit, even if it is a three-generation nuclear fission, they will not need it.

And by that time, they should go home.

To be honest, working here for so long, Magsheim still likes it here.

It was at this time that an Asian-faced man sat next to them and spoke in a proficient Russian language.

"You are Russian?"

Magsheim raised his eyebrows and was interested: "I have lived here for so many years, and I was the first to see a fluent Chinese in Russian."

"Yes? It seems that we have a fate," the man smiled slightly and looked at the bartender. "Three cups of white Russia, two cups for these two friends."

Said, the man looked back at Magsheim, smiling and showing his mouth full of white teeth.

"We are friends from now on, right?"

Magsheim looked at him with a strange look.

I always feel that he gives a feeling of something wrong, but can't say where it is wrong.

It seems that I saw the doubts on his face, and the man continued.

"Please don't feel surprised. In fact, I am a reporter. I just want to interview you about some things."

"In addition to trade secrets," Georgie made a cellar and grinned. "I can talk to you about this wine."

The Asian man asked: "I heard that this army has recently stationed an army?"

Georgy touched the scum on his chin: "It seems to be half a month ago."

The man raised his eyebrows with interest and continued to ask: "Is it half a month know what they are doing?"

Georgie smiled and said: "Haha, this question is very good. We all want to know what they are doing there, or do you go to them and ask me to tell me?"

"Then I change the subject." It seems that I expected this result. The man did not feel any dismay. He smiled and continued. "Have you heard the sound of the plane recently?"

"Airplane? What do you ask about this stuff?" Georgie squinted slightly, frowning and said, "I don't seem to notice it..."

However, at this time, two men dressed in casual clothes came out of the crowd and stood next to the man who claimed to be a reporter.

Feeling the pressure from the side, the man who claimed to be a reporter changed his face slightly, was preparing to get up and escape, but saw his own retreat has been sealed, so he calmly put his body weight back into the fart. On the bench.

"I am a reporter for the Daily Mail. Here is my press card." Skilledly took out the press card in the pocket, and the man handed it over to the man in casual clothes.

However, the man in casual clothes did not look at it and said with a blank expression: "The interview is not accepted here. Please take a trip with us."

The reporter’s face changed and immediately protested: “Hey, you have no right to do this.”

However, the two men did not talk nonsense with him, skillfully found and confiscated his recording equipment and the camera hidden in the neckline, and then took him away without any explanation.

The music of heavy metals continues to be placed, and the smell of alcohol is anesthetizing people's nerves.

As if no one noticed this, nothing happened as if nothing had happened.

Looking at the direction in which the person was taken away, Magsheim and Georgy looked at each other and tacitly stopped the previous topic, drinking and no longer talking.


"Secret nuclear test? Mysterious 900 District

On the Luzhou table, the latest issue of the Daily Mail.

The 900 area seems to be the name of the foreign media for this area, because this generation was blocked in September, and they did not know the specific date, so they wrote 00.

Since the launch of the nuclear fusion demonstration reactor project, this small town has gathered a large number of reporters.

Some of them are true reporters, and some are disguised by overseas intelligence personnel. Lu Zhou is also occasionally heard from Wang Peng. Recently, Guoan has caught many spies here.

At present, the country's work on confidentiality is still good. Although there have been people around the probe to explore the brain, there have been no "noisy people" to touch the vicinity of this zone, interfering with the experiment.

However, it is also the mystery of this kind of message vacuum that creates a space for foreign media to use their imagination.

Under the deliberate rendering of Western media, the star-2 demonstration reactor project has been described as the "Huaguo version of the Manhattan Project".

To be honest, Lu Zhou is actually very disappointed.

The reason why he collects these newspapers for himself is mainly to understand the latest developments in the field of controllable fusion in the world. As a result, most of the movements he sees are made by himself.

Put down the newspaper in his hand, sitting in the back of the desk, Lu Zhou, said: "I intend to go back to Jinling, there is a key study waiting for me."

Wang Peng: "Is it urgent?"

Lu Zhou thought about it: "The sooner the better, the better you can start today."

Wang Peng immediately revealed his expression of concern and said: "Well, I will arrange it for you immediately."

Lu Zhou nodded.

"Well, I will give it to you."

Wang Peng is still quite relieved to do things, at least on the trip, he has never let him down.

After handing over the ticket to him, Lu Zhou did not pay attention to this matter and continued to handle the work at hand.

It took about an hour or so, and his cell phone suddenly rang.

“The vehicle is ready for you, and you can leave now. You don’t need to go back home to pack your luggage first? If you need it, I will drive you to the past.”

So fast?

Lu Zhou’s expression was a little surprised, but it was not in the heart.

"No, I have nothing to carry with my luggage here, and I will go back a few days. You will be waiting for me at the base."

Said, Lu Zhou hung up the phone, stuffed the phone back into his pocket, and then picked up a few copies of the recently read print files from the table and put them in the carry-on computer bag.

When he went outside the base, Lu Zhou thought that Wang Peng had prepared the latest train ticket for himself.

As a result, I didn't expect that when he passed through the construction site and came outside the base, he looked up and saw a military green light helicopter was firmly parked in the open space. The propeller on the top screamed.

After looking at the helicopter, he looked at Wang Peng, who was greeting him. Lu Zhou stood there with a computer bag and looked dumbless.

"This is the fastest means of transportation," Wang Peng, who was walking next to Lu Zhou, whose hair was blown up, smiled embarrassedly: "Yes, that... you are not airsick?"

Lu Zhou: "..."