Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 739: Pull back a game?

The press conference held by nasa, like the bomb thrown into the lake, has aroused strong repercussions internationally.

A bfr super rocket with a capacity of 550 tons in low earth orbit!

Ares plans to start within a month and send the life support unit to Mars!

You are not our opponent at all!

From the speech of Director Carson, three pieces of information were revealed, no matter which one made the North American media fall into a collective high tide.

Many media, such as the New York Times, have been swearing at Nasa's inaction on the political front, but now they have turned their guns and sang for Ares and Spae-x. Praise.

Space is the future of the earth and the pride of the Americans.

They once defeated the aggressive Soviet Union on the moon. Now the rise of the Chinese nation is challenging their hegemony step by step. Any American who is proud of that era will not turn a blind eye to it.

Cursing Nasa's inaction is not because of hate, but because of anger! Give the advantage of half a century to the people!

Nasa, which has not made any progress, has finally hardened. The Americans who are concerned about the progress of Ares will naturally curse them and offer flowers and applause to them.

Chinese people boarded the moon?

Separated from our unique glory?

Sorry, that’s what we played in the 1960s, and now our goal is to be farther Mars!

It's the place where you can't even go to the detector!

After the news conference of Nasa, the new generation of high-tech aerospace companies such as spae-x and blue origin also held a press conference to show their unique skills in the aerospace field.

For example, Musk's bfr super rocket, the bfs manned spacecraft being tested. Another example is the blue-born be-4 rocket engine and a powerful escape system.

In addition, many medical companies have also come out to join in the fun, such as Johnson & Johnson, they announced that a special project called "frozen slow release agent" is underway to prevent cell liquid from freezing under low temperature conditions. Cell membrane.

The project was supported by the US Department of Health and NASA as a sub-project of the frozen dormant cabin project developed by NASA and spaeworks.

The market value of countless aerospace concepts has been rising all the time, and the whole of North America seems to have fallen into a carnival. Countless people can't help but dream back to the night sixty years ago.

That year, Yuri Gagarin entered the space on the East No. 1. After seven years, they left the Soviets far behind and set foot on the moon...

Just as the North American media reported on the Ares plan and cheered for Nasa's move, the British media bbc also reported on NASA's press conference.

Compared with the enthusiasm of the North American media, the British media bbc report is relatively objective, or it is a lively perspective.

After all, this space race is a contest between the United States and China, and it has nothing to do with the United Kingdom, and even if they have the idea of ​​participating in it, the conditions are not allowed.

In contrast to the enthusiasm of the North American media, after the end of the nasa press conference, the Chinese media was silent at the moment.

The documents received by the official media were to publicize the manned moon landing and carry forward the spirit of hard work. However, no one expected that this thing happened at this festival.

Is this really telling the truth? Or did you not see it?

If it is reported truthfully, it is undoubtedly a shadow of the national cohesion that has just risen because of the success of the manned moon landing. However, if you don't see it, it seems to be a bit too small.

Or, add a line of fast scrolling at the bottom of "Today's question"?

In any case, this is not the decision of major TV stations and newspapers.

Sure enough, please ask the higher level!

The mainstream media’s mouthfuls are not to be said. The new media naturally seized this opportunity and stood on the cusp of the propaganda front.

The United States will implement the first phase of the Ares program next month, and the news that the life support unit will be sent to Mars will immediately set off an uproar on the domestic Internet.

Until yesterday, many people still indulged in the gentle township where the manned moon was victorious, but now they are awakened by a bell.

The manned man on the moon has just succeeded, and the opposite side has begun to prepare to land on Mars.

After hearing this news, many people are not in the heart.

It is not an easy task to defeat the old aerospace powers.

Some people are saddened by the fact that some people are happy. Previously, because of the success of the auspicious flight in manned space flight and manned landing on the moon, the lead party who was run by the landless land, this moment was high.

Manned on the moon and forced a fart!

Laozi’s father is going to be on Mars.

In this pessimistic mood, a more terrible emotion than pessimism is spreading...

[Oh... Americans are already ready to land on Mars, we are just on the moon. I originally thought that we had caught up with the footsteps of the United States, but I didn't expect it to be so far. 】

[Sometimes those who rushed to catch up with the United States? Don't you call it? (Laughter) (Laughter)

[I have said that because of the well-known reasons, landing on the moon is not a difficult thing. The reason why foreign countries do not go to the moon is because their goal is to land on Mars. Therefore, there is nothing to be proud of the auspicious board on the moon. Let's go far, wash and sleep. (yawning) (yawning)

[I know the id upstairs, the last time you said is not landing in the sun? (funny) (funny)

[Hey, envy... I signed up for the volunteers of the Ares program. It is said that it is a global recruitment, I don’t know if I can choose. 】

[Those who blew the land? Don't you continue to blow? (Laughter) (Laughter)

The hot discussion is not just on the bib. As the related topics reach the top, the hot topic quickly spreads to other platforms.

For example, an anonymous netizen immediately sent an article after the news came out. From the academic environment to the technical level, he deeply analyzed the reason why China lost the space race...

[Bfr Super Rocket's successful flight test, smashed a large number of people's space dreams. The 42 raptor engines have a vacuum thrust of 138 megatons and can be reused more than a thousand times. Both in thrust and near-Earth orbital delivery capacity, they are more than an order of magnitude higher than the auspicious. 】

[Reality is the loudest slap in the face. The Americans have told us in practice that the way of chemical advancement has never withdrawn from the stage of history, and the future is impossible. The liquid oxygen methane engine with full-flow staged combustion cycle is still the preferred propulsion solution for interplanetary travel, and the program is now mature and will be used to colonize Mars. 】

[In fact, we can think about a very simple question. If the electric advancement is good enough, why do Americans still stick to the technical route of chemical advancement? Not that they can't do it, they don't think it's necessary. 】

[...because of the arrogance of some people, because of the selfishness of a vested interests, the long 5 rockets have not yet been born and they have been on the drawings. The so-called victory of the auspicious, while magnifying our complacency, will also The future of the Chinese aerospace industry is locked in the narrow system of the Earth. 】

[Know, the idea of ​​overtaking in a corner is good, but technology is incomprehensible...]

After the article was published, it quickly won tens of thousands of praises, and was reprinted into the bib and self-media.

Although this article looks at the bias in the eyes of the industry, but because of its inflammatory text and subjective value orientation, in this pessimistic atmosphere, quickly caused a considerable number of people to resonate.

We are losing this competition.

We are losing our future by abandoning chemical advancement.

Although the US rocket is only launched next month, many people have already lost their hearts...