SCP Life Diary of a D-class Personnel

Chapter 134: parents-in-law

Rhine is thirty-three this year, and he is not too young. The average adult man has already married and started a business by this time—most of the unmarried are poor fellows who have no money, no car, no housekeeper, and not very handsome.

However, if we look at Comrade Rhine, it is obvious that this guy does not belong to the latter group. He is an outstanding site director of the foundation and has also won the "Foundation Star". There is nowhere to spend the money, let alone buying a car Yes, it is more than enough for him to buy an airplane and a luxury villa with a sea view.

And his appearance is also very good. If he hadn't been exhausted physically and mentally due to work and lost his hair like crazy, he would still have the charm of an adult man even though he was neatly dressed.

For example, Milan, as the representative of the little fans, she walks around Rhine all day... Although every time she sees Rhine's hair falling out all the way, she feels complicated.

So what caused Rhine to be single until now? — This is related to his bitter story. Although he prevented the escape of the SCPs in the entire containment site by himself in the "big destruction" incident and got the Foundation Star, he also killed dozens of his colleagues And his fiancée Naisha, and the watch that Naisha gave him as a birthday present at the end of his life has been worn until now.

Of course, most of you must have already guessed what is going on.

Rhine didn't blame himself, he knew he made the right choice, but he felt sorry and painful for other people to die because of him, he had a chance to save everyone, but that may lead to the destruction of the earth - the disappearance of human beings.. he ended up cutting everyone's lives with his own hands.

Imagine the feeling, everyone you know, friend or foe, enemy or family, their life is in your hands, and you have to choose between them and the whole world , you saw him crying for help through the camera, but when they saw you, their eyes were full of hope. Which would you choose between them and the world? Anyway, Rhine cruelly cut off everyone's hope. Rhine still clearly remembers their last eyes that gradually changed from shock to despair, and the face seemed to be filled with confusion: "Why?"

...So in a long life, Rhine finally realized one thing:

"Baldheads can be strong, but not all baldheads are that strong—so I choose to live on."


"Wow, Rhine, your hair is falling out so badly."

"...I...have a reason."

The hair fell all the way, and Orianna picked up several hairs after Rhine.

"What's the reason?" Orianna asked curiously.

Rhine frowned, he thought for a while, and then said solemnly: "This is an accident caused by a scientific experiment! The specific situation is a state secret, and it is not suitable for disclosure."

Orianna almost believed it after hearing it... But since Rhine's hair fell out so badly, why does she still have so much hair now?

"Quickly tell the truth! What's going on? If one day you suddenly become bald, what would you tell my sister to do!" Orianna asked persistently.

"MD..." Rhine's face gradually became stinky: "Is it okay to be hit by a brick from you?"

"Ah?" Orianna was taken aback for a moment, then embarrassedly scratched her lowered head and giggled a few times: "Hey hey..."

The two were walking in the corridor of the hospital at this time. Rhine, who was wearing a doctor's white robe, was very conspicuous, and it was easy to be mistaken for a doctor here.

Orianna's parents are currently both admitted to the hospital, and the economy is difficult to sustain. If it weren't for Rhine who sent them huge amounts of money every month as "Nessa", it would have been impossible to survive. Will drink so much wine in such a bad mood.

What can be learned so far is that Orianna's mother is fine, but her father is suffering from heart failure and heart failure throughout the process.

Pushing open the door of the ward, Orianna led Rhine in. The old couple lying on the bed couldn't see well, and they hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they mistook Rhine for the doctor.

Orianna's parents are only in their 60s this year, and they haven't reached the age when they have to walk with crutches and go to the toilet, but they are lying on the bed with sad faces, especially Orianna's father, who has heart failure In the late stage, he didn't even know how long he had to live.

Therefore, after seeing Rhine, he couldn't help but get nervous.

"Dad, Mom!" Orianna walked over.

"Olianna..." Mother nodded with a smile, and then looked at the silent father, who stared at Rhine with bloodshot eyes without saying a word, and his chest heaved.

"Doctor...I..." Father just opened his mouth, before the weak voice came out of his mouth, Rhine spoke first.

"...father-in-law, mother-in-law."


Both parents were shocked. They squinted their eyes again and carefully looked at the man in front of them. He had brown hair, a slender figure, and neat clothes, except that his face lost some of the vigor it once had, and more of the vicissitudes and fatigue of a middle-aged man. Besides, he hardly changed at all.

"Little Rhine?" The mother tentatively called out to her son-in-law.

"Long time no see." Rhine nodded politely and walked over.

Seeing that the person who came was really his son-in-law, both mother and father looked surprised, and after a while they showed joy again.

"Rhein, why are you here? Why didn't you tell us when you came?" The worry on his father's old face was much less. He felt that he would not live long, and that he could see his child before he died. Very satisfied: "Is Naisha back too?"

"..." Rhine shook his head silently, watching his father's old head lowered in a loss - not only the father, but also the mother, and even Orianna heaved a long sigh.

They hadn't seen their eldest daughter for more than ten years, but they didn't want to delay their daughter's work, and they didn't even write a letter or mail about her illness and admission to the hospital.

"Then...then why are you here, little Rhine?" The father was depressed, and the mother at the side greeted Rhine when she saw this.

Rhine walked over and watched her mother sit by the bed.

"Actually, I'm not on vacation... Naisha and I are very busy now, and we are in contact with various state secrets all day long. I am here only because of a mission. Naisha is still working at the base " Rhine half explained and half fooled, and then held his mother's old hand reassuringly: "Nissa will be back."

When he said this, his eyes blinked.

" is Naisha doing? She has been in poor health since she was a child..." The mother's eyes were a little red.

"Don't worry, Nessa is doing well. Although she is busy with work every day, she thinks it's all worth it, and she just misses you." Rhine comforted him, and whenever he said such words, he felt like It's a crazy self-harming neuropathy, holding a knife in his hand and repeatedly thrusting at the acupuncture point on his heart. The white knife goes comes out with no red at all, and it still emits black air-this is not pleasant at all.

Orianna turned her head dissatisfied: "If you miss home, come back and have a look."

"Olianna! Your sister is at work! Don't delay her!" Mother frowned and looked at Orianna. Seeing the tears flickering in her mother's eyes, Orianna couldn't say anything more.

The scene was very silent for a while, until the father's deep sigh came from one side—

"Rhein." Father called out to Rhein weakly.

"father in law."

"Don't call me that, how long has it been?" Father gave Rhine a fierce look, even though he was old, his eyes were still sharp.

Seeing this, Rhine smiled knowingly: "Father."

"You're smart, boy." His father's expression gradually softened, and then he reached out and patted the mattress beside him, signaling Rhine to sit over.

When Rhine came over, his father sat up with difficulty and patted Rhine's back. He was indeed very weak. Rhine remembered that ten years ago, although his father-in-law was already in his fifties, his strength was no more than that of his twenties. Young people want to be small.

"You kid didn't bully my daughter, did you?" the father said jokingly, but looked at Rhine very seriously.

"How could I bully Naisha?" Rhine smiled and waved his hands.

"That's are much more cheerful now, boy. I was not at ease when I handed over my daughter to you. At that time, you were still a kid, and you were depressed all day long. It's like everyone owes you 250,000 to 80,000..." After looking at Rhine, the father smiled with satisfaction: "But it looks good now."

But the father sighed again: "I only have two daughters, and I will give you one of these, and you have to take care of it for me..." Then he started nagging, repeatedly telling Rhine to be sure. To take good care of Naisha, it seems that people are really old, and they can talk endlessly, but considering that he is missing his daughter, this is human nature, Rhine listened to him very carefully~www suddenly, the corner of his eyes caught something, he frowned and then quickly turned his head to look out of the window of the ward, but he saw nothing, just now he had an inexplicable feeling of being watched, Working in the foundation all the year round, his feelings are right most of the time—this is one of the reasons why he can live so long.

Rhine subconsciously glanced at the bottom of his wrist, and he could feel that the imprint was slowly expanding outward at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

"...Remember to let Naisha eat on time, return work to work, spend enough money, and be careful to get tired until you get old and have problems like me... Rhine, you are here What are you looking at?" Father raised his head and looked at Rhine with a dignified expression, looking a little surprised.

"Ah... sorry, nothing happened." Rhine pretended to be looking at his watch: "I'm just sorry... I may not have much time, I still have work to do here."

"Huh? Leaving so soon?" Orianna's small mouth opened in surprise.

Rhine nodded. He originally planned to stay for a while longer, but the strange feeling just now made him instantly alert, like a frightened bird.

"...That's all, you can go if you want, and I won't say anything anymore... Take care of Naisha, or I won't let you go." Father waved his hand, Then he pointed at Rhine threateningly, and Rhine smiled easily.

"Father, mother, goodbye—pay attention to rest." After bowing respectfully, Rhine left, the imprint on his wrist began to feel faintly hot, something was about to happen.