Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 200: missing superhero

"Steve, cough cough..."


Covering his injured chest, Matt looked at the direction 'Steve' finally flew away.


Although it was not clear why the other party stopped attacking at the end, Matt's heart couldn't help showing a bit of unease from the cry 'Steve' made when he finally left.


"Can you tell me what all this is about?"


Dragging his thigh where he was shot, Jonathan came to Matt's side, looked down at the young man who still had a bit of greenness on his face, and asked.


"Mr. Superhero."




Jonathan's voice brought Matt's thoughts back to his eyes.


He covered his body and felt the dull pain in his chest. The severe pain did not even rule out the possibility of a broken rib.


Faced with Jonathan's question, Matt was silent for a long time before replying in a hoarse voice.


"I don't know exactly what happened. I only remember that Steve was injured a few days ago..."




"How's it going."


New York, hospital.


Amanda came to the corridor of the hospital, glanced at 'Andrew' who was standing beside her mother's bed in the ward, turned her head and asked Detectives Zhou and Detective Phil outside the door.


"everything is normal."


Hearing Amanda's question, Agent Phil shrugged.


"If I hadn't known the truth, I would have thought that what was in the ward was a mother and son with deep feelings."


When I think about it, the real situation.


"Andrew" has been replaced by the spirit, and then go to see the scene in the ward.


Detective Phil always has a strange sense of absurdity and horror in his heart.


"Where's Spike?"


Ignoring the complaints of Detective Phil beside him, Detective Zhou looked at Amanda who came to the hospital alone, and immediately asked.


"He said he didn't like the dead atmosphere of the hospital, so he would rather stay in the car."


After repeating Spike's answer, Amanda turned her head and glanced at the location of the ward again.


"So, boss, what's the bsi's arrangement for 'Andrew'?"


Noticing Amanda's actions, the opposite Detective Phil showed a somewhat curious expression on his face, lowered his voice and asked Amanda a question.


As a special department established by the Federation to deal with supernatural cases, bsi naturally has its own powers and responsibilities.


And 'Andrew' is the only supernatural being that BSI has come into contact with so far, except for Spike, who can communicate normally. Detective Phil is naturally curious about what kind of arrangement the BSI will have.


"Continue to observe."


However, in the face of Detective Phil's question, Amanda just shook her head, revealing a little bit of BSI's current attitude.




Hearing Amanda's reply, Agent Phil's face showed obvious puzzlement.


In his opinion, the existence of 'Andrew' is dangerous, but in a certain respect, it is also an opportunity.


If bsi can convince 'Andrew' to provide some kind of help and become a bsi consultant like Spike, then it will undoubtedly be a huge help for bsi's next supernatural case investigation.


"I know what you think. In fact, there is no such voice inside the bsi. However, the existence of 'Andrew' is too special, and the bsi cannot determine whether it is really 'harmless'."

"What's more, if something goes wrong with 'Andrew''s mother, we don't have any means to restrain 'Andrew'."


Most of bsi's understanding of the current situation of 'Andrew' comes from Spike's analysis and judgment.


Although from the current point of view, Spike's judgment is not wrong.


But bsi doesn't dare to base all this on speculation. Facing a supernatural existence like 'Andrew', bsi must be cautious enough.


After listening to Amanda's explanation, Detective Phil couldn't help but understand.


Indeed, just like what bsi was worried about, no matter how normal 'Andrew' looks, it is essentially the spirit that occupies the body of 'Andrew'. Under such circumstances, he, the detective who was only in charge of guarding, would occasionally feel uneasy when he thought about the truth, let alone act together.


After all, for such beings as spirits.


Even though the materials that bsi came into contact with were not perfect, the dangers of them were still clearly seen from the few archives.


Under such a premise, bsi really needs to be careful enough.


"I have confirmed with Spike that there should be no problems with 'Andrew' while his mother is still alive. As for the follow-up issues, those are all issues that should be considered by the bsi headquarters and the higher-ups. It's not up to us, the most important thing next is to find out the remaining two missing 'superheroes'."


'Andrew', who surrendered himself, was quite cooperative during the bsi's interrogation process.


Not only did he tell them about the existence of the water pool, but also in the follow-up interrogation, he revealed the other two companions who had entered the tunnel with him.


Steve and Matt.


After understanding the truth that 'Andrew' gained power, Amanda and the others naturally couldn't let the remaining two 'superheroes' continue to act.


However, through the information provided by 'Andrew', Amanda and Spike went to the address where the remaining two lived, but unexpectedly all rushed to nothing.


From the mouths of the two families, Amanda learned that Steve and Matt disappeared a few days ago.


They didn't go to school and they didn't go home.


And judging from the survey and recent news reports today, they also seem to have disappeared.


Because of the disappearance of superheroes, major newspapers in New York City also conducted investigations. All these signs prove that it is not unusual for Steve and Matt to disappear.


"Maybe it's because bsi's actions made them alert."


Hearing Amanda's words, Detective Zhou frowned and gave his guess.


It is not easy to find two supernatural power owners or spirits who are willing to hide in the vast crowd of New York City.


Amanda has already ruled it out through the New York police force, but she also knows that the possibility of such an approach being successful is very slim.


"Don't Spike have any way to find them, isn't he a psychic?"


Under such circumstances, Agent Phil immediately thought of Spike's identity as a psychic.


As a psychic looking for a lost spirit, he is not a professional counterpart.


"A psychic is not omnipotent, especially when the spirit occupies the body as a support."


"This is the answer given by Spike."


Paraphrased Spike's answer again.


Obviously, Amanda also thought about using the power of the psychic.
