Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 237: siren head

"Didn't I already say that the main task of the team is to investigate the case of Father Morin?"


Washington, bsi headquarters.


Amanda returned to the office and expressed her dissatisfaction with Detective Zhou.


"The bsi agent responsible for Texas is missing, including a special team that was established not long ago. The minister personally issued an order to hand over the case to us."


To this, Detective Zhou gave an answer that he couldn't refuse.


"Special team?"


Hearing that the special team was involved in the case, Amanda couldn't help frowning and continued.


"How many bsi agents are currently missing?"


Hearing Amanda's question, Angela in front of the computer immediately answered.


"More than twenty or so."


Two dozen well-trained bsi agents suddenly disappeared, and the headquarters of the difficulty would be so anxious.


Knowing the disappearance of bsi from Angela, the expression on Amanda's face was a little clear. This is more than 20 living agents.


"What was the case they were responsible for before they disappeared?"


Bowing her head and thinking for a while, Amanda immediately asked about the situation of these missing BSIs.


"It is a rumor about supernatural creatures in Texas. Some people claim to have seen mysterious unknown creatures in Texas. After discovering this information, BSI dispatched agents to investigate as usual."


After taking Amanda's inquiry, Agent Phil began to report the information he had obtained: "...From the report from Texas, there is no doubt that this is a genuine and supernatural creature. In a related case, a bsi agent named Jonathan was attacked by supernatural creatures during the investigation. He reported the result to bsi. The headquarters quickly responded and dispatched a special team to the operation. Headquarters lost contact with all of them..."


"This is a portrait copied by a professional portrait artist according to the description of the attacked detective."


In line with Detective Phil's description, Detective Zhou on the side handed a portrait to Amanda.


Reaching out to take the portrait, Amanda looked down at the portrait on the paper.


Through the artist's copying, what appears on the paper is a deformed and eccentric creature. It is scrawny and has disproportionately long limbs. The position of the head and neck is replaced by a slender pole with two sirens attached to it. . Even if it's just a copy draft on the drawing paper, it still gives people a creepy and deformed feeling.


"This is just an image sketched by the painter through the description of the agent. In fact, according to the description of the agent who was attacked, the actual size of the other party is larger than expected, and it is more than ten meters tall."


His eyes fell on the portrait of the mysterious creature in Amanda's hands, and Detective Zhou immediately added a sentence.


"I know this guy..."


Just as Detective Zhou was reporting, Spike, who was beside him, noticed the portrait in Amanda's hand and raised his eyebrows.




Hearing what Spike said, everyone in the office couldn't help but stop their voices and all looked at him.


Under everyone's gaze, Spike stretched out his hand to take the drawing paper in Amanda's hand, and took it to the left and right.

"Spike, don't you have anything to tell us?"


In the office, he quietly watched Spike admire the portrait on the paper for a while, and Amanda, who was beside him, couldn't help but ask.




Hearing Amanda's voice, Spike looked away from the paper.


"You didn't say you knew this guy."


Seeing Spike's reaction, Amanda's face suddenly showed a speechless expression.


"Oh, you said this..."


The latter made an afterthought expression, and then introduced the words just now: "Sirenhead, this guy's name."


"The siren head?"


Hearing Spike's answer, Agent Phil's eyes fell on the drawing paper in his hand, and he couldn't help but say, "This is quite in line with its shape."


"In fact, this is just the name given by modern people to this creature. The history of the siren head is far beyond imagination. I once saw an introduction to it in a crippled notebook. The owner of the note introduced himself in In a certain expedition, an ancient mural about the siren head was discovered, and the scene of it fighting with humans was seen from above. It was judged that the siren head was not a new species that emerged in modern times, but a new species from ancient times. life in this world has existed in the past.”


Facing the introduction given by Spike, Detective Zhou couldn't help frowning, looking at the siren on the image, and said with some disbelief: "If this guy called Siren Head is really what you said If it has existed since ancient times, how can the two sirens on its head be explained?"


Items such as sirens, no matter how much you count forward, have only existed in modern times, which contradicts Spike's statement that the siren head existed in ancient times.


"On this point the owner of the note has given the answer, she thinks what we are seeing may be the latest form, or a form that is somewhat outdated and will keep changing. Maybe our eyes are just Shows us the closest thing to what actually exists. This means that the "siren head" changes according to its own time to blend more easily, or what we see is not its true form, but the human brain can relate to it the closest thing."


In the face of Detective Zhou's doubts, Spike easily gave an explanation.


"You mean, it's like a siren, but it's not actually a siren, but our brain mistook it for a siren, so it became a siren?"


After listening to Spike's explanation, Agent Phil looked at the siren head on the paper, a little confused.


"It can be understood like this."


Although Detective Phil's words were a bit convoluted, Spike still understood what he meant.


Nodding his head, he continued with Amanda and the others' stunned expressions: "In fact, from the note owner's investigation of Siren Head, he concluded that Siren Head is actually a hostile species that once There are many creatures similar to Siren Head, but in today's world they are all extinct. Siren Head is the last surviving member of the species in which it belongs. This may be related to the characteristics of Siren Head. It is good at camouflage and concealment. Often transforming itself into forest trees and street lamps to imitate sounds and lure victims, it is in a way a relatively timid creature, especially compared to its own species."