Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 317: petrochemical

"How can this be!"

Seeing this, the face masked by the staff member showed a surprised expression.

According to the information they got, these 'earthbounders' who were in the same place had not eaten since the beginning of their restraint. Under normal circumstances, such a long hunger strike would not last long due to the physical condition of ordinary people. Even if he can persist, his physical strength is already weak at this moment, and it is impossible for him to be like the 'Earth Binder' in front of him.

"Quick, look at his feet, his feet are turning to stone!"

Facing the motionless 'Earth Binder' in front of him, the staff was a little difficult to handle.

But then, someone discovered the abnormality of the 'Earth Binder', and he pointed to the feet of the 'Earth Binder' with a shocked expression on his face.

With the shouting of the staff, the local TV station not far away also responded immediately.

The cameraman moved the camera to focus on the legs of the 'Earth Binder'.

In the footage, the original position of the legs of the 'Earth Binder' has shown a stone-like texture, and the soles of his feet are connected to the ground and cannot move.

The footage captured by the Kyoto TV station soon appeared on the TV channels in the Kyoto area through radio waves that day.

And through the spread of the Internet, the news of the petrification of the "Earth Binder" gradually spread to the whole of Japan.

The change of the 'Earth Binder' has added a terrifying color to the original rumors.

Many people who didn't pay much attention to the rumors of the "Earth Binder" became uneasy, and the rumors of the infection of the "Earth Binder" became more and more widespread in Japan.

Everything is going in a bad direction.


"... This may be a special disease. In fact, in the current history of human disease development, this type of disease is not absent. Currently, there is a kind of disease known as bone petrification, also known as Marbled bone disease is a rare disease in which the bones of the patient become weak and turn grayish-white like stone... and these 'groundbinders' appearing in Tokyo are likely to be infected with some kind of body that gradually petrifies of rare diseases, and for this reason, they gradually lost control of their bodies and were unable to move..."

On the TV show, experts are talking about speculation about the changes in the 'Earth Binder'.

Use professional terms as much as possible to convince the audience in front of the TV that everything that happened to the 'Earth Binder' is just the trouble of a rare disease.

"Of course it can't be as simple as a disease."

Inside the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department, Sakai turned off the program in front of him, with a mocking smile on his face.

Sakai is no stranger to these operations in front of him.

In fact, when he was dealing with Keiko and the red thread group in the time capsule before, he used news programs and the media to suppress the heat of the event.

And right now, these experts who appear in major news programs and talk big and special also have official figures behind them.

With the help of the official government and the media's publicity, the popularity of the 'Earth Binder' gradually dropped.

It's just that although the voices of the discussion of 'Earth Binder' on the Internet continue to decrease, Kyoto, the source of all events, has fallen into a huge panic as more and more 'Earth Binder' appear these days. .

From the discovery of the first 'Earth Binder' to now in just one week, the number of 'Earth Binder' has exceeded 100, and the location where they are bound has spread from the previous limited to Horikawa. , A few sporadic 'Earth Binder' figures began to appear near Kyoto.

In order to appease the panic-stricken people of Kyoto Prefecture, the Governor of Kyoto Prefecture dispatched staff from the Health Bureau to deal with it immediately, but the results were of little effect.

Just like the video taken by the Metropolitan Police Department before, these 'ground-bounders' who were forcibly taken away will go back uncontrollably after leaving the **** for a period of time, and any obstruction will even bind them to the bed. , can't prevent it from returning to its original place.

Therefore, after several consecutive attempts, even the Kyoto Prefecture had to give up the treatment of these 'Earth Binders'.

With the abandonment of the local government, the vast majority of people who still held hope for the 'Earth Binder' also began to despair. Most of them are the families of these 'Earth Binder'. After a series of blows, There are quite a few 'Earth Binder' family members who have given up their relatives who have become 'Earth Binder', and only a few still hold on to hope that they can recover.

The bad situation doesn't stop there.

From the information obtained by Sakai, since the TV station captured the picture of the "Earth Binder" petrified, the first group of "Earth Binder" who appeared in Horikawa also showed different petrification phenomena, and their bodies began to move towards Stone transformation, these 'earthbinders' can obviously perceive their own changes, but they can do nothing about it, they can only let it happen.

Reaching out and rubbing his aching head, Sakai looked down at the photo in his hand.

The figure in the photo is the 'earthbinder' who was trapped at the intersection with whom he first came into contact. Without any accident, his body also appeared petrified. From his legs to his arms, all of them have been turned into stones, and This petrification situation is spreading above his chest. According to the exact speculation, it won't take too long for the 'Earth Binder' to be completely turned into a stone.

And after turning into stone, what will happen to the 'Earth Binder'.

Sakai guessed that perhaps his final outcome would be to lose his life as still as he is now.

"What is the reason for the formation of 'Earth Binder'?"

This is a problem that has been plaguing Sakai since the appearance of the "Earth Binder"

For this reason, he went to the location of the 'Earth Binder' more than once to ask the parties and their families the reasons.

However, no matter how Sakai asked, these 'Earth Binders' were reluctant to reveal the reason behind it. From the expressions on their faces, it was clear that they had expected the reason for their appearance there, but they were unwilling to reveal the slightest , would rather be trapped in place and gradually petrify.

"Sakai police officer, I have found the pattern of these 'Earth Binders'!"

In the temporary office of the Metropolitan Police Department, Sakai was looking at the photo of the "Earth Binder" in front of him and thinking hard.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps came from outside the office, and then saw Yamamoto pushing open the door of the office and said excitedly to Sakai.
