Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 40: witcher

boom! boom! boom!


"What kind of monster is this!"

In the forest, the sheriff and others frantically pulled the trigger and aimed their guns at the little girl to shoot.

However, in the face of these cathartic bullets.

The figure of the little girl is like a ghost, constantly moving in the forest, dodging the attack of these bullets.

The flying bullets landed on the ground, among the tree trunks and bushes, stirring up a large number of bows, broken wood, and branches and leaves.

In the hail of bullets, the little girl's limbs were slightly lowered, and her entire body turned into a black afterimage.

Her green eyes, like a hungry wolf, were extremely fierce.

Looking up at her, several small town police officers instantly had the illusion that they were being targeted by a ferocious beast.

At this moment of trance, the action of a small town policeman who had originally fired a shot stagnated.

At this moment, the girl stretched out her sharp claws like a ferocious young wolf.


Accompanied by a scream.

Under the blow of the little girl, the town policeman flew out with a bang, crashing into the bushes and breaking a lot of vine branches.

An adult man weighing more than 200 pounds was blasted out by a girl less than a third of his size.

Even though they had noticed the girl's speciality after a series of shootings, the town police were deeply shocked by this scene.

At the same time, Amanda also understood in an instant.

Before, they found the reason why the old Johnson's shotgun was broken and the hound's body was twisted in the forest.

Relying on the pounce, the town policeman was knocked into the air, the little girl propped her limbs on the ground, and her petite body suddenly jumped up and landed on the trunk of the standing tree on one side, with her sharp fingers firmly stuck in the tree, the girl was green His eyes swept across the crowd in front of him, and finally landed on Amanda.


Baring his teeth, he let out a long howl.


The little girl turned into an afterimage again and rushed towards Amanda.

After the incident just now, the little girl has obviously defined Amanda as her enemy.

In the face of the enemy, she chose the most primitive method.

Destroy the opponent.

"Boss, be careful!"

Looking at the little girl who rushed towards Amanda, Robin exclaimed.

He pulled the trigger of the pistol, and the bullets shot at the little girl like raindrops.

However, facing these bullets, the little girl did not dodge at all.

A large number of bullets landed on the body, forming blood-colored holes, and the blood spilled from the body on the ground like no money. The little girl in the air let out a whimper like a young wolf, and the look in her eyes became more and more fierce. , the sharp claws of the fingers open to reflect the icy luster in the air, and the little girl's green pupils are completely filled with crazy bloodthirsty.

Seeing that, the little girl's sharp claws were about to land on Amanda's body.

If this claw is firmly grasped, with Amanda's fragile body, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

Well, right at this moment.


followed by a deafening sound of gunfire.

In mid-air, the little girl's body seemed to have been hit heavily, and flew out screaming.

"It turned out to be a wolf cub!"

The fire of the cigar loomed in the dark forest of Devil's River.

Geralt grabbed the hunting gun in one hand, looked around, and swept through the forest and finally landed on Amanda.

"Just relying on the toys in your hands, if you want to eliminate the werewolf, you are completely seeking death, even if you encounter a wolf cub."

"A werewolf?!"

Recovering from her brief absence, Amanda looked at the witcher who appeared in front of her, her eyes swept across the scar that pierced through Geralt's left eye.

In his mouth, he murmured subconsciously.

"You mean, that little girl is a werewolf?"

Werewolves are not creatures that only appear in mythical legends and fantasy movies.

That is the past.

In the hotel room, Zhao Yuan twitched the corners of his mouth and replied silently in his heart.

From now on, it is no longer a mere product of human fantasy, but a real mythical creature in real life.

"Otherwise, what do you think it is, an ordinary human child?"

"After the big purge, these strange creatures have also learned to hide, but no matter how hard you try to disguise, you can't cover up their evil aura and bloodthirsty instinct..."

He opened his mouth and let out a cold hum.

The witcher turned his head to look at the little girl who was lying on the ground struggling to get up, and asked in a low and hoarse voice, "Now, tell me, little wolf cub, where is your wolf mother?"


With difficulty supporting her body to get up, the little girl made paw prints on the ground with her fingers, accompanied by a painful howl, the **** holes left by the bullets on her body began to heal quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the bullets were smashed. The growing flesh was pushed out of the body and landed on the ground with a popping sound.

In the abdominal position, a distinctly different bullet was also pushed out.

Raised his head.

Little girl, no, little wolf girl Vivian bared her teeth and roared at the witcher.

From the witcher, she instinctively felt the threat.

However, the ferocity and ferocity from the werewolf's blood made her not only did not follow this instinct to retreat at the first time, but instead continued to assume an attacking stance, raising her hair and whistling.

With the roar, pieces of black fur began to appear on the face of the little wolf girl, and the original human shape began to change. She twisted her body, the bones of her hands and feet became slender and her legs were broken. The clothes on her body were violent because of her body shape Change and become more ragged and broken. UU reading


In just a few seconds, the little girl completely transformed into a werewolf.

She raised her head and roared.

"It turns out that werewolves really exist in this world."

In the Devil's River Forest, looking at the werewolf in front of her, Amanda's expression was a little lost.

Of course, she is not the only one who is absent-minded around.

She opened her mouth, revealing sharp teeth, and the beast-like pupils in the little wolf girl's green eyes flashed bloodthirsty colors.


He landed on all fours, his sharp claws made long marks on the ground, and his hind legs stomped heavily on the ground.

With the huge force shock, a huge pothole appeared at the feet of the little wolf girl.

And her body turned into an afterimage, rushing towards the witcher in front of her.

Watching the fierce attitude of the little wolf girl Vivian.

The witcher Geralt had no plans to back down. He stood motionless, the corners of his mouth curled up with a cigar in his hand, and the mysterious rune on the surface of the hunting gun in his hand flashed away.

Then, the next second.

The originally aggressive werewolf suddenly let out a painful howl and fell to the ground.

On her body, a complex rune mark flickered and formed on the part of her body that was previously hit by the hunting gun and then recovered with her powerful healing ability.

The rune radiated red light penetrating the fur, forming a charred black mark on Vivian's body as if the lines of magma had flowed through it.

The little wolf girl reached out to touch the rune on her body, and her claws immediately billowed out billowing white smoke as if burned by magma.

In the intense pain, the little wolf girl rolled her body, degenerating from the form of a werewolf to a little human girl again.
