Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 412: cell

"Okay, okay, nothing weird, just a bunch of crows."

Pulling everyone's attention back from the crow on the tree, the director of "Challenge the Night of Ghosts" began to introduce the challenge rules for the next three days to the challengers: "Next, there will be a lottery and grouping in the concentration camp. All equipment has been prepared, including maps and various rules. Please abide by these rules during the next challenge. If there is a phenomenon of non-compliance with the rules, then I am sorry, the production team has the right to cancel the destruction The eligibility of a rule participant to challenge, in a nutshell, is to be eliminated from the challenger."

Hearing the director's warning, the expressions on the faces of the challengers present became more serious.

After all, it was about the five million prize money, so they couldn't be more serious.

After warning the challenger, the director continued the introduction of the program: "In addition, in order to match the theme of this program, the program team has prepared special costumes for everyone in advance, and everyone will be in the next challenger. Prisoner's clothes are required."

As the director's voice fell, the staff on the side handed out the clothes prepared in advance to everyone.

"Then, I wish everyone good luck."

After saying the rules, the staff turned around and left without hesitation.

Everyone watched the backs of several people, and some of the challengers couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you going in with us?"

Originally, they thought that the staff of "Challenging Ghosts Night" would enter the base with their challengers to shoot, but the scene in front of them made many people's faces show unexpected expressions.


Facing the challenger's puzzlement, the staff who left did not answer.


In silence, the gate of the base was slowly closed, leaving only 14 challengers in the camp.

"Master, what should we do next?"

Inside the camp, with the departure of the "Night of the Ghosts" staff, the atmosphere of the challengers became silent with each other.

They looked at the figures around them, with a bit of tentativeness in their eyes and a clear vigilance.

The rules of the show have already stated that only the challenger who survives to the end can get a prize of 5 million baht, which means that everyone present is in a huge competition with each other, and they are all competitors, not collaborators.

Feeling the depressed atmosphere at the base, Ah Hao approached Lin Jiuying and asked in a low voice.

For the two masters and apprentices, the rules of "Challenging Ghosts Night" are not friendly, especially considering that this is a reality TV show in Thailand. The staff, including the challengers, speak in Thai, and it is even more unfriendly to them when they are in Thailand. The operations inside the camps caused great distress.

"The plan now is to take one step at a time."

Looking silently away from the crow on the tree, Lin Jiuying lowered her head and glanced at the prison uniform she was holding, and said with a frown.

At present, the situation in the No. 17 concentration camp is unknown, and there are so many challengers around. We can only take a look at it for the time being, and make some preparations by the way, so as not to be too late to react.

Just as the master and apprentice were talking, the other challengers in the base were not idle either. They took their prison uniforms and started to walk into the base.

The No. 17 concentration camp has obviously been abandoned for a long time. Although the program team has carried out a general cleaning here before filming, the surrounding environment can still be seen as a concentration camp in the past, especially the little bit on the ground. The dark marks left behind are likely to be formed after the bloodstains left by the prisoners who were killed in the past dried up.

"Be careful, please don't tamper with the things inside, and don't take anything that doesn't belong to you. There are also rooms with red signs, which are areas that are not allowed to enter..."

Although the staff left the scene, this does not mean that the situation in the base is not known to outsiders.

Through the cameras installed by the production team in the concentration camp, the movement tracks of the challengers in the base can be clearly seen.

The vast majority of challengers still act according to the rules that the director left behind.

Hearing the reminder broadcast in the base, Lin Jiuying frowned. Fortunately, Azan, a monk on the side, noticed the expression on his face, and then explained in a low voice.

"Red sign?"

Hearing Azan's translation, especially the red sign mentioned by the director on the broadcast, Lin Jiuying's eyes subconsciously glanced at the red sign pasted in front of the base's door.

"Next, please wait in the lounge."

At this moment, the broadcast in the base sounded again.

The director of "Challenge the Night of Ghosts" began to give the final instructions to everyone in the concentration camp.

"Please enter in order. The rest room you will live in next is the prison of special prisoners who used to live in concentration camps, and it is also the place where prisoners are executed. Even the beds and quilts are used by dead prisoners, so I hope to receive In the next challenge, everyone can respect their souls..."

During the broadcast, the director's words made the expressions on the faces of the challengers a little ugly.

At the same time, there was a lot of discussion on the program message boards.

Obviously, the program group's practice of arranging the challengers in the prison of death prisoners and handing over the living items used by the deceased to them is very controversial.

The director of the broadcast did not change because of the discussion on the Internet, but said goodbye to the challenger in the concentration camp.

"After entering, please don't contact me Until tomorrow, the show will be broadcast live online, so everyone take care, I wish you good luck and good night."

It is extremely ironic to bless the challenger who shares the quilt with the dead in the concentration camp.

As the voice fell, the director of "Challenging Ghosts Night" cut off the broadcast and stopped communicating with everyone in the base.

Since "Challenge the Night of Ghosts" is a documentary program focusing on reality TV, then their behind-the-scenes staff naturally want to appear in the program as little as possible.

According to the arrangement of the production team, Lin Jiuying entered her lounge.


Just as he stepped into it, Lin Jiuying immediately noticed the unusual cold aura in the lounge.

He opened his mouth to recite Fajue silently, and tapped lightly on his eyelids with his fingers.

In the next second, a faint blue light flashed in Lin Jiuying's eyes. In the originally empty lounge in front of him, a figure dressed in shabby and messy clothes suddenly appeared in front of him and approached him.